04-25-2022, 11:19 PM
A white blur moved in the darkness. It was tall, looming. It moved on two legs, Mara thought, but the eyes of her pets were distant. The pet prowled the ground after the brightness. It didn’t notice the soft padding. Nothing knew what stalked them until it was too late. Mara’s attention was held. A rapt curiosity as she stared into the distance. She concentrated on the darkness, and in a moment, the blink of another set of eyes awakened in her mind. They glimpsed the white figure from another angle. The two pets then sensed each other and instinctively adjusted their prowling. They stayed in the shadows, a blackness leering out of blackness. The second pet told Mara the white blur was a person, and she was hooked.
She brushed herself off and imagined the warmth of her pets as if they were snuggled up against her. When next she opened her eyes, she found herself standing in front of a cave pool. Two of her pets nudged up against her bare ankles along the hem of her dress, a silky silver the color of the moon. The water bobbed and swat at the surface. Bubbles erupted in a frenzy. Mara’s brows rose high as she peered into its depths. The white figure was a blur once again. The curiosity of before narrowed to frustration as she waggled a finger at the two pets.
Promptly they both jumped into the water. Their black fuzzy fur mushed to nothing. They darted like an arrow to the bottom, but despite her concentration, Mara could discern nothing of what they saw. Suddenly, a face broke the surface, gasping for air. Mara’s pets followed, though they returned from the darkness undisturbed as before. Wildness filled his eyes until he realized he wasn’t alone. You weren’t alone before, either, she thought. Her head tilted sideways, curious as her pets before. They always prowled their prey through the dreams, waiting until the best moment to ambush them, and always in greatest number. To that end, more pets arrived on Mara’s periphery, though they stayed out of sight.
For now.
She brushed herself off and imagined the warmth of her pets as if they were snuggled up against her. When next she opened her eyes, she found herself standing in front of a cave pool. Two of her pets nudged up against her bare ankles along the hem of her dress, a silky silver the color of the moon. The water bobbed and swat at the surface. Bubbles erupted in a frenzy. Mara’s brows rose high as she peered into its depths. The white figure was a blur once again. The curiosity of before narrowed to frustration as she waggled a finger at the two pets.
Promptly they both jumped into the water. Their black fuzzy fur mushed to nothing. They darted like an arrow to the bottom, but despite her concentration, Mara could discern nothing of what they saw. Suddenly, a face broke the surface, gasping for air. Mara’s pets followed, though they returned from the darkness undisturbed as before. Wildness filled his eyes until he realized he wasn’t alone. You weren’t alone before, either, she thought. Her head tilted sideways, curious as her pets before. They always prowled their prey through the dreams, waiting until the best moment to ambush them, and always in greatest number. To that end, more pets arrived on Mara’s periphery, though they stayed out of sight.
For now.
"Come, mistress"