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New Beginnings (Olkhon Island | Baikal Lake, Siberia)
It was a long hike, but one Tenzin enjoyed for its isolation and beauty. After a while her mind touched the resident pack, their sendings pushing her onwards. It felt like the ghostly echoes of them running alongside, though they were nowhere close. The kin’s heartfelt distress had touched them all, her confusion and mourning over the inexplicable loss of the male kin – the one the dream had forewarned her about. They felt her pain, and aided her search. Not dead, but somehow gone. It made little sense, but Tenzin was gripped by it. Perhaps even more so because loss was so close to her own heart these days.

Soon another responded to the call with youthful cries of come, come!, and Tenzin was able to understand that the woman stood her vigil at the water’s edge. She sent her name, Star Dancer, and received his in turn. The image made her lips flicker with a smile. She asked the pup to ensure her approach was known, and her intention too: to help, to support. His sendings were erratic, distracted and excited both, but he seemed pleased. By the time Tenzin reached the shingle of the cliff, she could see the figure down there, face out to the clear lake. Never called her Long Eye. Another creature tore along the shore too, bounding and nipping. Something not quite wolf, though clearly it shared some blood. Never accepted her, despite her silence, and Tenzin did too.

Long Eye would hear her approach. Tenzin was surefooted, but she made no effort to conceal her nimble steps. The woman wore unusual clothes, more rustic than Tenzin might have anticipated –  not like a city dweller. A blanket was clutched in her arms, and something in the sight curled up in her chest like a need to whine. There was no one else here, probably owing to the storm’s debris and the ongoing work to repair the village on the other side of the island. If the other kin had been caught out on the water during it, he might well have perished, but the wolves did not believe him dead. Clearly neither did she.

“Am Tenzin Dolma. Our kin calls Star Dancer.” She spoke as soon she came close enough for it to carry easily. The last time she met with half grown pups, their welcome had been exuberant, so she preempted the chance to get the words out. Her English was heavily accented, a work in progress. But it was unlikely Long Eye would understand her mother tongue, and neither could they share the wolfspeech. “Come to help.”
[Image: twolf.jpg]
If they stand behind you, protect them; if they stand beside you, respect them; if they stand against you, destroy them.

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RE: New Beginnings (Olkhon Island | Baikal Lake, Siberia) - by Tenzin - 08-02-2024, 09:13 PM

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