Everyone's life gets hectic once in a while. If you know you're going to be away for a bit, or just haven't got the time to write at the moment, let your fellow writers know here. ^__^
(this is just for general; it's probably a good idea to also PM anybody you're in an actual thread/plot with!)
Suppose I'll kick off the infamous absence thread.
8/12-8/16 I have a week of off-site training with my work. All day sorts of stuff sure to zap the ole' brain pan good and empty.
As a heads up, i'll be logging in daily and continue to respond to posts, but my presence perhaps may not be as continuous in the chatroom as usual in the evenings. I know, you grieve at the thought. :-)
I'll be a bit absent this week, as I have company over. Will try to get on regularly to check up on things. First of September I start the big drive back to Edmonton, and internet won't be installed in the new place till the 12th (hopefully), so will be a bit absent for a few days on that end too.
I am really busy so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to do. Done on the 6th of September and I'll be back in full.
I'm on holiday September 10th-17th (roughly)
Does anyone know if Krasivolka or Alric are away?
Alric's been around, but Krasivolkya's been missing for a while darlin'.
Alric is around. *pokes a post outta him*
KV has been kind of busy and said it's okay to keep posting without her. She'll catch up.
On another note, my grandma died. So I'll be traveling tomorrow (9/11) back home for the funeral and probably won't be online. Should be back to regular programming on 9/12.