01-07-2025, 11:40 PM
Sterling let Gen lead. She was only 4, but she liked the Kata's -- most of the time. "Follow us. We'll go slow." She said it mostly for Gen's instruction, she had a tendancy to move too fast through the movements. "Remember, the point of the Kata is to focus on form. In the slow movements we build strength and repetition, so when we need to use the movements our bodies know exactly what to do."
The Kata's were a lot like dancing at least the way Nox taught them, which is what his mother taught him. Though she also taught him ballet, tap, jazz and so many any other dance moves. The difference between the dancing practice and the kata's was simple. The Kata's were not hiding the movements of the fight. You could tell exactly what punch you were throwing or what defense move you made, but with the dancing it was more fluid, more extra movements to connect each part. Sterling had watched Nox turn one of the dances into a fight, they were both beautiful, and both kinda scary.
"Follow Gen. I'll help you with form. Form is important." She helped Marta adjust her stance and her arms as they followed Gen through the first Kata. It was slow, and steady and it was hard work.
The Kata's were a lot like dancing at least the way Nox taught them, which is what his mother taught him. Though she also taught him ballet, tap, jazz and so many any other dance moves. The difference between the dancing practice and the kata's was simple. The Kata's were not hiding the movements of the fight. You could tell exactly what punch you were throwing or what defense move you made, but with the dancing it was more fluid, more extra movements to connect each part. Sterling had watched Nox turn one of the dances into a fight, they were both beautiful, and both kinda scary.
"Follow Gen. I'll help you with form. Form is important." She helped Marta adjust her stance and her arms as they followed Gen through the first Kata. It was slow, and steady and it was hard work.