01-24-2025, 01:00 PM
Tatyana watched even as her eyes began to glaze over as she began to submit. She could remain alert if she wished - not as alert as she was sober, but this is what she preferred. The numbness. She liked to bask in the feeling of nothingness and she would allow herself to succumb to it, but she waited. When Zeke pulled her gaze to meet his and uttered the word "deal" it stirred within her, and when she responded "Deal," it sealed it to her.
The word coursed through her, awakening something within her that she hadn't known had existed. It took the word and drew it into herself. Deep down she knew that life wouldn't be the same anymore, but she knew that this was meant to happen. Even if she didn't know that she had just made a deal to be subjugated, something within her did, and it rejoiced at this revelation. As she gazed at Zeke she saw the joyful expression of the coin on his face and she smiled.
The word was also a dismissal and permission from her new master that she could succumb. Tatyana melted to the floor, a move that only those who were high often could master. She lay there on her back, staring at the ceiling, the drug banishing all her emotions, and she embraced the sweet nothingness.
Tatyana wasn't aware how long she lay there before she finally got up and headed back to her spot to sleep. Sleep in this state came easily, but her sleep was bothered by dreams. In one, Sofia was there, holding the knife that she was framed for stealing, and at the end, she plunged it into Tatyana.
Tatyana awoke with a scream, not of fear, but of pain. Her bedding was soaked in sweat and pain wracked her body. Her stomach churned, the meager meal from the day before threatening to come back up at a moments notice. Tatyana found it hard to move. Her body spasmed, making it difficult to get up. She finally got herself to her hands and knees, and moved, quickly finding a trash can to throw up in. She could only remember feeling sick like this once - back when the Vasiliev's had thrown her to the streets. She ended up on her side next to the garbage can, her energy spent and unable to move more. Someone came - one of the workers, a refugee, one of the little girls, or Zeke - she had no idea who it was.
The word coursed through her, awakening something within her that she hadn't known had existed. It took the word and drew it into herself. Deep down she knew that life wouldn't be the same anymore, but she knew that this was meant to happen. Even if she didn't know that she had just made a deal to be subjugated, something within her did, and it rejoiced at this revelation. As she gazed at Zeke she saw the joyful expression of the coin on his face and she smiled.
The word was also a dismissal and permission from her new master that she could succumb. Tatyana melted to the floor, a move that only those who were high often could master. She lay there on her back, staring at the ceiling, the drug banishing all her emotions, and she embraced the sweet nothingness.
Tatyana wasn't aware how long she lay there before she finally got up and headed back to her spot to sleep. Sleep in this state came easily, but her sleep was bothered by dreams. In one, Sofia was there, holding the knife that she was framed for stealing, and at the end, she plunged it into Tatyana.
Tatyana awoke with a scream, not of fear, but of pain. Her bedding was soaked in sweat and pain wracked her body. Her stomach churned, the meager meal from the day before threatening to come back up at a moments notice. Tatyana found it hard to move. Her body spasmed, making it difficult to get up. She finally got herself to her hands and knees, and moved, quickly finding a trash can to throw up in. She could only remember feeling sick like this once - back when the Vasiliev's had thrown her to the streets. She ended up on her side next to the garbage can, her energy spent and unable to move more. Someone came - one of the workers, a refugee, one of the little girls, or Zeke - she had no idea who it was.