08-06-2016, 01:21 PM
[[Just to clarify, Ori is not holding the power]]
Jaxen's companion quietened at her presence, and introduced himself instead. If he seemed tense at her intrusion, she did not chose to acknowledge it, instead making a lascivious study of a man who so blithely offered to be at her service. "I can barely understand a word you say,"
she said in Russian, uncaring as to whether or not he understood the mother tongue. Her smirk sharpened its edges, then abruptly softened with a hum of laughter. Whether he comprehended her words or not, she made no secret of the fact she was fucking with him.
"You've come to a burlesque house to theorise? Gentleman, you've missed the point."
Jaxen's blind eye did not go unchecked, but the brief irritation fizzled from her skin. She took it instead as an invitation to play.
Jaxen's companion quietened at her presence, and introduced himself instead. If he seemed tense at her intrusion, she did not chose to acknowledge it, instead making a lascivious study of a man who so blithely offered to be at her service. "I can barely understand a word you say,"
she said in Russian, uncaring as to whether or not he understood the mother tongue. Her smirk sharpened its edges, then abruptly softened with a hum of laughter. Whether he comprehended her words or not, she made no secret of the fact she was fucking with him.
"You've come to a burlesque house to theorise? Gentleman, you've missed the point."
Jaxen's blind eye did not go unchecked, but the brief irritation fizzled from her skin. She took it instead as an invitation to play.