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Mia Wolf
Age: 19
Born: NY, NY, USA

Born Bianca White, or she would have been if her parents had survived the car crash that brought her into the world, instead she was adopted by a New York Business mogul who's dynasty fell when the Dayton Reactors blew. It wasn't a flaw in his company's software, but that's what got all the blame in the end.  Shaw Industries fell flat and Jeffery Shaw was being held accountable for the thousands of lives lost and the billions of dollars spent on cleaning up the melt down.

But that was after Bianca became Trinity Shaw.  And much later than she joined the military at the tender age of eighteen. It wasn't a surprise that Trinity went into the military having been sent to every Military School on the Eastern Seaboard.  To say she was a handful was playing nice.  It was almost poetic when when she joined the Navy.  And then when she went into Special Ops. Her father couldn't have been prouder. Her mother, Tina Shaw was always worrying and she had every worry confirmed three years after Trinity told her folks that she was going on a super secret I can't tell you anything more mission.

Trinity never returned. Not because she died, but because she was had enrolled in a super secret pilot program.  During the first three years, she could send messages back home.  And then suddenly they just stopped. Trinity vanished.  There were no paper trails, no death certificate.  Nothing, not even a body to bury when the Shaw's finally gave up the search for their darling daughter.

Trinity didn't just vanish, she became someone else. Someone she was trained to become.  Someone no one would suspect. 

There were many military candidates in the program. But only Trinity surpassed the credentials and the final tests -- one year deep cover.  So deep Trinity became Mia Wolf in everything not just the faked DNA, the finger prints, everything that had identified her as Trinity Shaw was now Mia Wolf.

Were there two of her in the system?  Only the deepest of delves could find the truth to the matter and digging that deep would flag every known agent to be deployed on the location registered. The secret was hidden inside other secrets -- lost to the world except for those who ran the program. And no one knew what program that even was.

Mia Wolf picked up a life. She traveled the world.  Mia saw the Eiffel Tower and the Leaning Tower of Pisa. She went on walk-a-bout in Australia. Mia lived a life that Trinity Shaw never dreamed of.  She found love in London, a bartender with a sorted family history.  Though he didn't love her back in the same way.

It was one night, they were curled up in bed after an afternoon spent there all day. The bar ran itself he said.  And Mia had no where else to be.  They watched as the Ascendancy shifted a building into something else on live television.  Something snapped in her.  Mia stood up leaving the love of her life on the bed calling after her.  "Mia.  Mia! What's wrong?  Mia"

She ignored him as she walked out of the room naked.  And out the door.  It wasn't until the police wrapped her up in a catatonic state and sent her to the hospital. Hours later she woke up from a sedative induced sleep.

The nurse asked. "Hun, can you tell me your name?"

"No, you may not." she said leaving the hospital much like she'd left his apartment this time barely covered with only the hospital gown for covering. 

Trinity walked the streets of London looking for something -- anything.  If she'd only stayed long enough to realize she'd made a full 360 back to where she'd fled, but in the window of Safe Harbour bar was the symbol she was looking for, a snake eating its own tale in the myriad of other etching on the side of the glass.  She walked in.

The bartender jumped over the bar and scooped her up in his arms. "Mia where have you been?"

Trinity put on a faked sweet smile.  "I need my clothes and a gun.  I have to go."  She tapped the tattoo on her left shoulder blade and pointed to a snake biting its own tail.  The same symbol that had been embedded in a the other etchings was buried with the artwork of her tattoo. "You can help me, right?"

The man frowned. "I don't have any guns.  Mia, what's going on?"

She looked at him "Don't worry about it. My clothes?"

"Upstairs in the dryer."

Trinity didn't wait as she fetched her clothes and walked out of the bar. Trinity didn't quite understand what was going on, but she had a sudden urge to be in Moscow where the Ascendancy was.

As she sat in the airport with newly acquired clothes, none of the frilly flowery stuff her other self had worn she understood why she was awakened from her state with such distain.  The three words had been spoken albeit on television by the very man with whom she now was seeking out.  But spoken none-the-less.  The gods had publicly awoken and were called to arms in a manner of speaking.  Her skills were necessary.

Assassinating the Ascendancy was much harder than she'd trained for.  She could never get close enough, the skies around the Kremlin were watched more than any other place Trinity had ever been. Enough that she gave up on the mission and started her journal.

Quote:Dear Mia, We find ourselves in London. A mission I cannot complete, failures shall not go unnoticed, but this particular one is off limits. Whatever the man meant to you, I'm sorry. But you should stay away from him, he's bad news.  Take it from me.

I have acquired us a place to stay, to watch. Wake me when things get strange, in an already strange world.

Remember, weakness and humility will reveal your true value.

Mia blinked her eyes and looked down at the note that followed.  Her fingers brushed the works and left a smear of blue ink across the page.  "But Hayden was such a nice guy."

The place was nice, right off of Red Square.  Mia could see the Kremlin and the giant statue she could only stare at.  Hadn't there been a building there in the pictures?

Mia stayed in Moscow, watched as she was told, though she didn't know what she watched for.  She took a job as a waitress just to kill the time.  She liked working with the people.


Mia Wolf - kind, loving, sweet
Trinity Shaw - cold, hard, calculating

Description: (pronouns: she/they)

Mia/Trinity have soft brown eyes and chestnut brown hair cut to just above the shoulders.  Mia dressed very much like a girl on a summer day with flowers and lighter colors.  Trinity dresses in dark militaristic style clothing that are more about function than fashion.  They have an elaborate tattoo on her left shoulder blade.  In the mix is a snake eating its own take, a yin yang symbol without the dots, a wolf, a joker playing cards, a pair of dice with snake eyes rolled all mixed in among the ivy leaves.  They are 5'2" and weighing about 110lbs wet.

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