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Cain had a point. He wasn't to be trusted. He didn't even trust himself, yet he felt angry when his moral compass was called into question. They were not privy to what he thought or what decisions he'd made. His compass always pointed in one direction - himself. He knew he was an egotistical bastard and he knew exactly why he was the way he was it had little to do with upbringing and more to do with the fact that he didn't care what other people thought.
Nox shook off the anger and continued the rest of the way out of the tunnels into the blinding light of the market area. The noise was still low enough that it didn't pierce through their conversation, but it covered enough that they could still talk freely. Nox headed for a nearby bar, there were always places open. He didn't intend to get drunk but at least it would lessen the fact that he'd threatened a man and let Dane kill another. He sighed inwardly - he hated killing but his life was on the line.
Cain asked about registering with the Ascendancy. "Registering with the CCD or any organization that you can wield the power of the gods is signing your life away. It is proof to the Atharim that you are what they suspect of you. The Atharim have eyes and ears everywhere. In every country, in every city and in every major organization across the globe. The Old world Atharim are connected, the new world not so much. If you want to stay hidden for as long as possible you go to the States and find a quiet place to die alone."
Nox shook his head. "But no I will not be registering. The Ascendancy already knows who I am, who I work for and he knows how to contact me. Ascendancy cannot protect you from the Atharim unless he hides you in his hidden bunkered facility he took Aria. And then you are essentially a prisoner. I've chosen my side, but I know nothing other than being Atharim, so I will keep being Atharim until they start hunting me down for either being a god, or because I've let too many gods live."
Nox was tired of talking thankfully the sounds and smells of a pub came into range and Nox turned them in that direction. He opened the door and waited to see who joined him.
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Dane shook his head. "No I won't register. I don't need protection." And he looked Cain over. "Maybe you should."
Nox led the way to some random pub. The drinks were sure to be better than in Mexico. The worst of Moscow was always going to be superior to the best of any other country. But Dane wasn't in the mood for liquor. A nice cup of milk maybe. Or tea.
But did he want to carry on with Nox and Cain? Without the hunt, they were dreadfully boring. But where else was he going to go?
He returned the sunglasses (and gun) to Nox before following him inside. "I presume these are not needed any more. But I just don't want to carry them any longer."
He ordered milk once they were seated. And fried calamari to go with them.
But the filthy homeless man in their company drew much attention. Cain probably hasn't showered in months. Dane almost left simply on that accord. But he was thirsty.
He amended the order to make his food to go.
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((I was assuming that in a fancy, rich city like Moscow there'd be charities or nonprofits where Cain could get some fresh clothes and a shower now and then, so he's certainly shabby but he's not putting off fumes or anything.))
Cain walked into the pub with the other two men. Better the devil he knew and all that, and as time went on he was becoming more convinced (or perhaps better at convincing himself) that Nox didn't mean him any harm, at least not yet. He'd been considering the proposal as they walked. So Dane thought that he should register himself, but that was after Nox already said that it was a death sentence. Well, he knew which opinion he was going to trust. The redhead strongly doubted that Dane would lose any sleep if Cain ended up dead from his advice. Once that the crazy bloke stopped seeming so scary (a phenomena that correlated directly with how aggressive he was at the moment) Cain could appreciate the man's honesty. No posh-sounding Londoner had ever cared about him; the magician was just more forthright about it than most.
As they sat at the table, the redhead was awkwardly aware of the covert (ish) glances in his direction. He didn't belong in a place like this, but he didn't care enough to let it bother him, other than a familiar burn of his pride. He couldn't afford the cheap pint that he ordered, but he assumed that the other men knew it as well. Judging by the fact that Dane changed his order to go, perhaps he was unwilling to get stiffed with the bill.
As he waited, Cain mused aloud. "I know it's foolish, but I don't want to leave the city. I worked so hard and sacrificed so much to get here... It just feels like do or die, I've got to try to make it here, or else I'm just going to be running and hiding for the rest of my life."
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Nox took the landwarriors and his gun back from Dane. It felt good to have the second gun back in it's holster - it was a weird feeling when only one was occupied. He imagined Aria felt the same with the sword and her daggers - tho the smaller blades were lost to the flames as she'd not taken them with her. He sighed at the thought all his possessions were gone. His sister was gone. Everything he'd built in Moscow - gone all because Bas decided he should take shelter in their home. Granted it was his building but still...
Nox pushed the shit memories away when Dane ordered milk. He gave the man a strange look. Who orders milk in a bar? Nox only shook his head and ordered a beer - bottle unopened. Nox listened as Cain declared his decision to stay in Moscow. Nox grinned at him. "Moscow has it's upsides. Considering Dane and I just came back, something has to be said for it's charms."
Granted they probably came back for very different reasons. Nox had yet to see Aria. They'd barely shared a text or two since he'd returned. She was off busy trying to kill Ascendancy or was it the Regus now. He was losing track of which side she was on. He knew one thing was certain though - they were both on the same side - their own. Survival was the key.
When their drink orders arrived Nox couldn't help but grin at Dane's innocent drink among the beer. "I know you don't trust me, but you can crash with me for a while. When I hook back up with Aria and find out where we are staying you can likely join us. We will keep you safe. As safe as we can anyway."
Nox chuckled. "I'm sure we'll see Dane around if he's stalking Aria anytime soon."
Nox reached for his power and popped the top of his beer bottle into his hand hidden from casual observers. It felt good to feel the power again. Though the pain from the gun shot wound was still pulsing among the racing power. He would need to go the Infirmary soon to have it taken care of and make his report. Another part of the job he hated. "I need a way of contacting you Dane. I won't share it with Aria - but she can find you anywhere."
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((Thumbs up. Let's say Dane was being snobbish))
He sipped the milk, savoring the silky gloss across his lips as he did. So refreshing.
He shared Wallet info with Nox. So to contact him. But as far as Aria went, he blandly examined the description. "It's not so much stalking as it is 'keeping tabs'", he explained, for Cain's benefit.
His food arrived a few minutes after he finished the milk and he gathered himself. "Cain. Lovely to meet you," he grinned and politely bowed his head adieu.
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(( yeah that's a far stretch - Dane being snobbish ![[Image: 18.png]]( ))
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Before Cain could respond to Nox, Dane was cutting in, arguing the semantics of stalking vs keeping tabs. He imagined that a man like Dane would fall more towards the former, but this Aria woman sounded fierce, to say the least. Maybe she could make Dane look like a puppy. Then the man's food came, and he was wishing him well with all the pleasantness of a polite London society man. If the redhead hadn't actually heard the screams of the man Dane had tortured he might not believe it himself. What an... odd fellow. Plus he ordered a glass of milk in the pub. Even for a Londoner that was peculiar.
"Well he's certainly an experience." Cain still couldn't decide if he'd been a good experience or a bad one though. He was certainly charming in his own way, and he couldn't say that he'd object to meeting him again. Turning back to Nox though, Cain continued: "To be quite honest, I think I trust you more than I should, at least until you give me a reason not to." He gnawed a bit on his lower lip. "I'll come with you, at least until I get my bearings a little more." It burned at his pride to have to accept charity from a stranger, but he remembered when his grandmother had pulled him off the streets the first time, telling him that pride wouldn't fill his belly. It was the only thing he had anymore though, that and magic. Well, he's just have to find some way to pay Nox back in the future.
((Excellent thread folks. It's been a pleasure ![[Image: 7.png]]( Nox I'm sure that we'll have lots of RP opportunities from here. Dane let me know if Dane/Jax/whomever could use a half trained street rat to further some plot points haha))
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Nox nodded farewell to Dane - he expected to see him again. Whether it was because of Aria or because of some creature worthy of Dane's time he'd see the man again. Nox just hoped he didn't try to kill anyone topside.
Cain's comment after Dane's departure made him smile. "I'm sure we don't know the half of it."
And Nox knew quite a bit about Dane - things he didn't want to know - he'd be happier not knowing. Nox pushed the thoughts from his head and pulled out a second key card to the hotel. He always got a second - it was habit between him and Aurora and then him and Aria. Now he had a new roommate. "I got things to do that you can't come alone for the ride."
Nox handed Cain the key card and wrote the address down on a napkin. "I've nothing to steal, my sole possessions are in one single bag, my weapons are on me as is my tech. Feel free to borrow clothes, though I doubt they'd fit well. I will be back later today, I have a hunt to prepare for tomorrow."
And a date... Nox pushed the anxiety away.
(( I have an thread to do with Elyse. When that's complete you are welcome to join in the trip stuff afterwards if you don't have anyone else to write with... As a side note, I have a free character just sitting around doing nothing if you want Cain to wander around town. ))
Edited by Nox, Jul 28 2016, 04:29 PM.
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Cain pocketed the key and the napkin, nodding his understanding. Nox leaving him by himself was actually convenient, so he could run back Underground and grab his backpack where he'd stashed it. He hadn't grabbed it before because he hadn't wanted to show Dane and Nox where he'd been sleeping, just in case he wanted to return there sometime in the future. "Alright then mate. Good luck with your business then." Making sure that he split before the check came (always a good way to avoid being saddled with it), Cain left to go grab his things, shooting Nox one final nod as he walked out the door.
((Perfect timing. I'm going to be on transit all day tomorrow and I have to conserve my phone battery until at least the last leg, so I'll be radio silent anyway. I can figure out where I want to go next over the weekend.))