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The girl entered the room, surveying the everything in minute detail. He saw the look she made wade as she glanced at the candles, a mixture of aspiration and pain. Damn Cookie.
Her eyes settled on him as the question rushed forth. Bowing slightly: My name be Manix Lir, I am the Captain of the "Storm Cloud", once my Fishing vessel now used or research and knowledge. I come from a small island West of here, north of the UK, where my family has been fishermen for more generations than I can count.
He gestures to the table. I know you are starved lass, the healing I did uses as much of ur strength as mine. So eat and I will try to answer ye questions. I don't stand on Grace or etiquette, and as much food as ye can eat, anything can be made is a available to ya. Just yell out "Cookie" and he will provide ye with whatever ye desire
. Seeing Cookie poke his head out at hearing his name, Manix gave him a a stern look, Cookie knew he was in for a tongue lashing over the candles. Cookie has amazing hearing.
As she sat down to eat, it was good to see not try to be formal, and just eat as much as she could hold. First off, tho not ur first question, the other man in the sewer is dead, by ur hand, not mine. As for what i did to you , I healed ye gunshot wound. I'm choosing to trust you, don't know why, maybe cause other than me crew i know no one else here.
Taking a Deep Breath he continued: I don't how or why I can do what I can do, but this same thing kill my sister. I'm convinced i can find the resources and knowledge I need here in Moscow. You, my lil Lass are a hunter, and I think you hunt my kind. If that be ye job, then i'll except a promise from ye, to leave me be and I will never hurt ya. Hunt me and will turn you into dust.
AS that simple statement came to a ends the a blue and white aura surround his face, stormy sea's.Manix never saw the aura and didn't control it nor knew about it. His crew would see it and stay clear.
Letting her soak in those thought he had come to a point he didn't want to admit to. While I was in ye body, healing, I found something in ur brain, a black mass of what I could only feel as hate and contempt. I made a quick decision and burned it out, then sealing the area so it would not spread. I feel I may have over stepped, but the pure feeling of hate was sickening, no lass should live with that.
He felt remorse, he hoped he did right, but only time would tell. So now missy, who are you and do i have ye promise so you can walk away or do you think we can find mutual ways to help each other?
Leaning back he sipped his Brandy. Taking out a cigar, carefully lighting it, he would dip in in a small shot glass of cognac before drawing in the relaxing smoke. He waited.
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Aria at what was on the table. There was no need for anything special. Food was food, and she was starving. It didn't even bother her that he had started talking quickly and it took a while to understand him with his heavy accent.
Manix Lir... she filed the name away to check on later to see if he was in the database and register it to check to make sure it never hit it to begin with. He gave her an ultimatum as if she would hurt someone who saved her. Michael Vellas was the last godling to save her life in a less way and she would keep him safe to the best of her ability. She would keep Dane safe even though she knew that it was probably not the best association.
Aria was glad that Manix had told her that she'd killed her father. It didn't save her from the grief of losing Lucas. Even the small thought of him made her heart pound with the loss the emptiness she felt and her exaggerated emotions were killing her. She was sure of it - he'd done something. And he told her exactly what he'd done. Aria tried not to let the anger that welled up inside of her out but she could feel her hand tightening on her fork. She could feel the cold metal biting into her palm, the scars of the hilt of her sword started to ache with the pressure. He had messed around in her brain...
"What gives you the right to muck around with my emotions?'
Aria smirked at the comment and remembered what she was. She frowned. It wasn't uncommon for her to make someone feel what she wanted. It was starting to become a survival instinct. She waved her anger off and shook her head. "Don't answer that."
Aria had to know if what he'd done was the cause of her emptiness, or where all the people here like him. "Is your crew like you? Do they wield the power of the gods."
She added quickly. "And just to reassure you, it is not my goal to hunt men or women like you. But you are right we do hunt you. My best friend is one of you and I would do anything to keep him safe,"
she confided.
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Manix watched her face and the mixture of emotions that fluttered across as he told the story, then she gave Manix a command, something crashed in the kitchen, cookie had heard that too. Standing, his face a a blank stone, he talked in a near Whisper but the power of the sea behind it. No power was needed.
Lassy this is my home and my home is my Ship. I am in Command here period. You will show proper respect, you will not off-hand issue an order, I hope that is clear. I am not some bilge rat, I'm Captain Manix Lir and I will answer!
Sitting back down, once again relaxed, he was still calm, it was not anger that motivated his actions, just a lifetime on the Sea's. He had started at the bottom and worked his way up. Being the son of a wealthy fisherman made life at sea harder not easier.
I had no right to "muck" around in ye head, as ya put it. I be sorry if I have taken something from ya. Not all my actions are under me full control.
Standing up he bowed to her: I feel I owe you a debt, I am at ur service, and I offer friendship, if ye think ya can handle one like me.
As far as I know, no other person in my Crew is like me. Curious tho, why do ya keep calling me "God-ling"?
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Aria hadn't issued any command and the fact that this man thought it was one made her wonder how much contact he had with the human race. She knew she was cold and hard and always had been but this was different. Aria wanted to get up and walk away from him - never to see him but he had things to answer first.
And he answered the one question she didn't care about the answer. He'd fucked with her head and now he apologizes. And when he confirmed that no one but him was a godling Aria held back the panic that had started to rise. He had no clue what he'd taken from her. The weight of the world was gone...
It was strange sitting her not knowing for sure what was going on. It was all new and every emotion she felt hurt inside. It was her own, left alone in her own mind. She missed Lucas. She needed Nox.
Aria took her wallet from her pocket and then looked at him. "I will answer."
She didn't care if it was rude, she had her own problems right now. Aria texted Nox. Call me.
Aria put the device back in her pocket and stared at the Captain. "You are a reborn god. The power you have is that of the gods of old. You are yet a baby compared to the gods of old thus a godling."
That was all she was going to say on that. Aria stood up. "I don't know if I should thank you for what you removed or to hate you for ripping the part of me that made sense to me from my mind. But thank you for saving my life. "
Aria took a slip of paper from her pocket and wrote down her name and number. She pushed up the sleeve of her left arm and spoke calmly. "If anyone like me chases you, call me. I can give you information to protect yourself from us."
Aria looked around and then back at Manix. "I'd like to go home now."
And then the memory hit her - she had no home to go home to - fucking Atharim! Rage and anger boiled up inside her and it was a glorious feeling. Like she was remembering some ancient feeling inside her - something she could no longer feel. But it was her rage, her anger... the taste of blood on her tongue, the cold dead eyes of the reporter flashed through her mind and Aria pushed it away or tried to as she collapsed in the chair she'd vacated previously. Her heart was racing, her breath heavy - this sucks!
Edited by Aria, May 11 2016, 08:19 AM.
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Manix ignored her tone, he knew he had been over harsh, but one apology in a day was enough. She started explaining "God-ling", and he became lost in thought: Power of the God's, how can that be? Why would this power kill my sister?
He barely noticed her send the text, he briefly wonder if she thought that he was ignorant of such electronics?
He absent minded reach for the card and heard her say "home": then collapse. COOKIE
, he yelled. Cookie came to steady the girl, Manix did not move, he has a gut feeling she need space from him, for now.
Changing his tone to something more soothing: M'lady, where ever ur home may be, I beg ye to remain here, as me guest. You need time to heal and regain ur strength. My staff will be at ye service and I shall leave you in peace until such time as ye send for me.
Taking a deep breath: Listen, truth be told, ye may be able to help me find the source of his power and the cause of so many deaths.
He thought carefully for a moment and then added: I have already found several clues and would be willing to share information in exchange for ye help in gathering more intel.
Giving her a moment to think on that he added: So I ask ye, please remain in my home, indefinitely if need be, inform my staff of any visitors that you want admitted into ur presence. You will have no restriction's to me house, me house be ur's.
after a brief pause: I can often be found in the study, if im at me home, tho often i'm away. So
what say ye?
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Aria had no home to go home to. Well that wasn't the truth, she could return to the apartment above the book store with Asha, but that didn't sound like a good idea right now, not when she wasn't sure what was even going on.
Aria sighed and nodded. "Fair enough."
She did owe him, but that was nothing mysterious about the source of his power. "There is not a source of how you got your powers. Nox says there is a dark light in his head that he controls."
Aria shrugged. "Your powers are genetic. It's why we kill all your kin when we find godlings."
Aria's wallet beeped and she pulled it from her pocket. 911? Nox's reply. She smiled as she typed; Nox would forever and always remain an American. No. An immediate response of an emoji thumbs up was the only thing he sent back.
Aria put the wallet away and looked back up to Manix. "What do you need help with since I don't seem to have anything else to do at this moment."
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((occ)) Mom has been sick and in/out of hospital. Colonoscopy today, will post soon
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Manix thought about what she said. I feel I may have misspoke, it is not the source of the power i truly seek, it is what could be called Patient 0. The first to learn of it, the first to use it, and of course, the first not to die from it. Even if I find the first, it does not mean that many didn't die before they had gotten control.
Manix poured him and her, 2 fingers, of the best Irish whiskey and slid it to her, she looked like she needed a drink. What I need help with is books and even ancient tomes, manuscripts and i don't care if it cave paintings. See I don't think this is a new occurrence. This has happened before, so long ago most have forgotten, but I have stumbled unto a trail, carved in Scrimshaw. That trail will soon dry out cause this is older than that, old Religious text would be good to research.
Manix looked into his glass, empty? If you decide to help me, then I'd suggest 2 things. 1: Equal Partners, we ask each other, not order. 2: I'd suggest you move into my home, the entire East wing will be urs and I can provide ye with staff, or funding to choose ur own.
He Held up is hand when he saw her jaw clench and the word "funding"
This venture will not be cheap, palms will need greased, clothing, food, staff, purchasing found items, ect. So u will have ye own account only accessible to you. I am not without means, This is ur money, do with it as you will. Any large purchases, we'll split.
pouring a 2nd glass, he casually said: Who's Nox?
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Delete me.
Edited by Nox, May 22 2016, 06:11 PM.
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Patient zero... There is no patient zero if the Atharim's beliefs are reality. Their beliefs contradict that belief of the catholic church to which Aria was also brought up in, so Aria didn't know which essence of time was correct, but it hardly mattered.
She wasn't exactly sure what help she'd be. She could easily provided Atharim knowledge probably older than he thought possible. There were things though that even she hadn't touched, and was sure only the Regus knew about. And there was only one way to get that information - become Regus.
But there were other things to consider. He really didn't know what danger he was in. And her loyalties were her own survival. He had to know. But she choose to answer his last question first. "Nox is my partner."
The world sent a weird feeling through her body. Nox was not just her partner in the Atharim, he was more than that. Life was easier with him, but not Lucas easy. Aria's emotions started to jumble to gether and she shook her head to shake the feelings out. Whatever Manix had done had taken her ability away... but why were her own messing with her so furiously. Aria sighed. "Nox is my best friend. A stubborn American who is now all alone in this world as I am. It is not safe for him to be at home base anymore than it is for me. He would need to be able to stay or I won't stay. But Nox is like you, he wields the power of the gods. "
Aria continued without really stopping to wait for an answer. "My loyalty is to me and mine - which includes Nox, and a few others who I've vowed to protect with my life. I work for an organization that can and will track me if necessary, they are where I can get you all sorts of information. We've been around for so long written records have been lost. But I also work for Ascendancy himself. He can and will call on me when my skills are needed."
Which at this particular moment Aria hoped wasn't anytime soon, she had no idea what was going on and disappointing Ascendancy didn't sound like a good idea - not with her's and Nox's life on the line. "I will protect mine - and if none of that bothers you then I can agree to the terms you've already suggested with the addition of Nox's presence when he returns."
Aria was sure he'd return - it was the only hope she had, he may not be able to kill her in the end, but he helped in the interim.