01-18-2025, 05:53 PM
Noémi smiled politely when Kristian welcomed her into his company, inwardly relieved. There was nothing he could do for her of course, and she courteously demurred answering that question. She would not wish to risk marking him as a target for Dmirtri’s jealousy by being overfamiliar either, especially not since he offered unknowing kindness. “Rafael left for air some time ago. I do not see him now, so I think he may have gone home. He did not seem well in himself. But I cannot leave quite yet.”
She didn’t say why, and she would not stop Kristian leaving in search of Jensen. Noémi held herself with grace, but the look she gave him was grateful. “I’m sorry you are suffering, Kristian. Do you get them often?”
She didn’t say why, and she would not stop Kristian leaving in search of Jensen. Noémi held herself with grace, but the look she gave him was grateful. “I’m sorry you are suffering, Kristian. Do you get them often?”