Cade sighed. He spoke like monsters were real, and it was a normal way to talk. He seemed off but Cade didn't know him so he figured it was the way he was. Who knew what a life off the grid was like, he sure didn't.
Cade had a lot of questions he didn't even know where to start. "You don't know anything about our mother's health history then?"
Nox shook his head. "Was perfectly fine up until the mauling."
"By a... what did you call it... a hell hound? What's that mean?" Cade sounded a bit dazed, if a hell hound sounded like what it was then why the fuck?
Nox leaned forward shifting the baby's and bottle to the side and Cade noticed for the first time that the hand holding the bottle wasn't exactly real. It was physically there, but it was a prosthetic. "How did you lose the hand?" he blurted out without a thought. And the cork was unbottled and other questions flooded out. "Who's Aurora? And a monster? What happened to your dad, was he killed by some innane creature too? How did you know I met the girls here? Did they tell you? And how do you know so much about me? You haven't even asked anything." That was a crux, he hadn't asked him about himself, hadn't mentioned anything about him specifically was he that out of sorts that he couldn't even be poliet?
Cade had a lot of questions he didn't even know where to start. "You don't know anything about our mother's health history then?"
Nox shook his head. "Was perfectly fine up until the mauling."
"By a... what did you call it... a hell hound? What's that mean?" Cade sounded a bit dazed, if a hell hound sounded like what it was then why the fuck?
Nox leaned forward shifting the baby's and bottle to the side and Cade noticed for the first time that the hand holding the bottle wasn't exactly real. It was physically there, but it was a prosthetic. "How did you lose the hand?" he blurted out without a thought. And the cork was unbottled and other questions flooded out. "Who's Aurora? And a monster? What happened to your dad, was he killed by some innane creature too? How did you know I met the girls here? Did they tell you? And how do you know so much about me? You haven't even asked anything." That was a crux, he hadn't asked him about himself, hadn't mentioned anything about him specifically was he that out of sorts that he couldn't even be poliet?