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Mae shook her head about the ice-cream "Lactous intolerant. And you are very welcome. It's what we do at Kallisti. And yes, I'll be staying. Nox may be family but he's your ex. And his life is a lot. I mean who just up and adopts a baby, and a handful of kids that tried to fucking eat you? The kids didn't, the monsters did but still. He's a lot. And I don't expect you to feel as comfortable as I do just staking claim to a room in his house without asking. We will have to make sure to follow the rules as much as possible. For the kids sake, but I don't imagine he has any strange ones. Mostly do your work before the fun, and eat your veggies even if it's after desert. I always liked that rule. And you don't have an ability that is controling so that one doesn't apply to you -- do not make someone in this house do something they don't want to do. That one can have some pretty stiff consequences. Specially for Ashton, since Nox' has been party to his brand of compulsion before. A little resentful towards him but then he's letting him stay with him, so I dunno. " Mae shrugged.
"And that's really only if you want me to. I can make sure you are settled and go home. I just didn't want you to be there with a bunch of virtual strangers in a house that looks more like a hotel."
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Elyse was glad, and following the rules wouldn’t be an issue. She didn’t want to cause Nox any more problems than she already had. She felt guilty for causing this problem for everyone. The past two months had been great. And she knew now how much she had really been accepted at Kallisti. Anna, her new friend m, cared so much she was currently worrying about her. Her ex, was going all assassin for her and his friend the hacker was keeping her father busy and pissed off. And most of all, her girlfriend made sure she was going to be safe.
Elyse sighed in relief. ”I would like that. It would help me feel a little more comfortable, she said, feeling a lot of her anxiety diminish. ”Aubrey and Galina won’t mind, right? I don’t want to cause any issues there.”
Elyse hadn’t met Mae’s lovers yet, and Elyse was okay with that. She hadn’t pushed to meet them, and she wouldn’t. Still she hoped one day to do so. Maybe she’d fit in with their group.
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Mae smiled. "They won't mind. You're family, even if you weren't sharing my bed, you're family. Anyone of us would do it for you. And Nox is least likely to get mad at me or Juls for pushing our way into his house. Not that he'd ever get mad. He keeps a tight reign on that these days."
But Mae did send her loves a text to their group message alerting them to her current situation. They replied with a big thumbs up and a smile and 'keep her safe'.
Mae grinned at Elyse, "And while you are there maybe you'll have some embarassing stories to tell about Nox that we've not heard. I'm sure the kids would love to have something to lord over him. But I will offer one warning. Young Liam has a big crush on Nox and doesn't know it but everyone else sees it, so keep it under wraps. And don't listen too hard to Ashton, unlike the rest of us he doesn't exactly have control over his voice. He doesn't mean any harm and he apologizes almost immediately."
While they finished their deserts Mae filled Elyse in on all the other things she'd picked up about their new house mates. It was sorta gossip but it was more to help Elyse feel more at ease taking a room in a house full of kids she didn't know. Mae barely knew them, and Nox didn't know them really either. Which made it all that stranger.
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Continued from Here
Anna put the rest of her coffee into a tumbler and sent Elyse a reply.
I can be there whenever. Let me know when and I’ll be on my way.
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Elyse smiled. She didn’t really have many embarrassing stories of Nox that she could recall anyways, and many of her stories weren’t really appropriate - especially for children, but she smiled all the same.
”Please tell Aubrey and Galina thanks for their understanding from me. This really means a lot to me.” they were strangers to her, yet they were caring enough to allow Elyse what she needed. She would have to think of a way to repay them, but she was pretty certain they would refuse even if she did come up with something.
Elyse’s wallet beeped, and she looked to see Anna replied. ”Anna says she can meet us anytime. You good with now, or should we wait until after your shift - maybe just necessities first?”
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12-10-2024, 11:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-10-2024, 11:03 AM by Legione Sumus.)
Mae grinned. "Now is good. I don't go on till later in the evening. I can be late." Mae took a few moments and sent Carmen a text stating she was helping Elyse move that there was Atharim on her and she was going to stay at Nox's. But that she'd be in on time to hit her show in the lounge and then for the big performance later. She also told Carmen that Nox and Sage were on the job and all would be safe. Not that Carmen needed the reassurance she was one tough broad. But more or less to say it was handled and the club didn't need to worry even if Nox wasn't in town.
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12-10-2024, 01:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-10-2024, 01:18 PM by Elyse.)
Elyse nodded, feeling grateful and a little overwhelmed at the number of people coming to bat for her right now. But she felt loved right now - in a way she hadn’t felt in a long time. If only she didn’t have to move again.
”Well then, let’s get to it!” Elyse said.
She took care of the check and sent Anna a message that they were heading there now before getting a cab. Her apartment was in the district, so it wasn’t far, but it was still cold enough that she didn’t want to walk.
Elyse reached out her wolf senses and soon found Stinging Nose. He had been out hunting with the wolves and she felt now was a good time to check in. But Sting wasn’t alone. A whole pack was with him and this felt different than a random hunting party he had joined. When she reached out in greeting, she sent him the question that was in her mind.
He sent an image of the pack the hunters and everyone else - females, pups, and elderly. At their head, leading them was Stinging Nose. This wasn’t a random pack. It was HIS pack. Elyse felt a little sad that Sting wouldn’t be coming with her, but joy that he had earned this.
The image morphed. He was hunting with his pack and another showed Elyse with her family at Kallisti. Nox, Anna, Mae, Bruno, Juls, and others ran with her. The message was clear. I found my pack and you found yours.
But Sting had sensed the sadness in her and questioned why. Elyse informed him of what was going on with her father, and although the wolf could be confused about the ways of the two legs, the idea of a father hunting his pup wasn’t one that sat well with him.
Sting sent Elyse the most graphic image she had ever received from a wolf. Her father being thrown to the ground by a pack of wolves as Sting tore his throat out. If her father entered Sting’s territory - he would find no mercy. Elyse sent a message of danger. Her father was a hunter and wouldn’t hesitate to hurt wolves. The image from Sting was repeated.
Elyse gasped at this before wishing Sting a good hunt and turned towards Mae. ”Just talked to my former wolf companion. He’s found his own pack, and congratulates me on finding mine,” she said quietly so the driver wouldn’t hear and took Mae’s hand. ”he knows about my father too. Let’s just say if he encroaches on their territory it will be a bad day for him.”
((OoC - it will take Anna a little bit to arrive - I’ll add her in after we get to the apartment))
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Mae didn't fully understand what her relationship with wolves was. Just like she didn't fully understand Nox's connection to the thing he called the horde or Jul and the other girls connections to their power. But it didn't really matter, she understood enough of the emotions they brought to get a feeling that it was both sad and happy for Elyse moving on. "I'm glad you are both happy and anyone who knows you would feel the same way. If I could do anything about it I would. But the only thing I can do is take care of you. So let's get your stuff, and you situated at Nox's place, and then we'll see where everything else stands."
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Elyse nodded, ”One thing at a time.” Elyse knew that is what she needed to do right now. Looking at everything was overwhelming her, but if she did just one thing at a time, she’d be okay.
Elyse took Mae’s hand, interlacing their fingers, and rested her head on Mae’s shoulder. Elyse took more deep breaths, trying to calm her troublesome emotions even more. She felt the need to apologize. She knew that this must be hard for Mae. She was emotionally unstable. She, however, held the apology back. She knew Mae would shrug it off and tell her it wasn’t necessary. Ultimately, Elyse knew Mae knew what she was doing and likely had safeguards just like she did with the wolves.
Elyse watched the lights pass by as the cab drove to her place and stopped. Elyse sat still for a moment, relaxing on Mae’s shoulder before she got out of the cab. She waited for Mae to join her and took her hand again, leading her to the apartment, which she unlocked.
There wasn’t much there. Elyse had always lived very minimally. She didn’t need a lot. The furniture wasn’t hers, and she had a few personal possessions (mostly books). There was one heavy crate that contained her weapons, locked with biometrics, and of course, her clothing.
”I told you - not much - the joys of moving a lot, she said with a chuckle full of mirth.
Elyse went first to her closet and began to move the clothing. It would be the biggest part of what she needed to get. She was really tired of moving. She wanted a home. After she had broken up with Nox, she realized how alone she had felt. She had begun to go to Kallisti and Mae invited her in. Elyse stopped momentarily, and she truly felt loved in that moment. Mae had mad a call, and in that call, people she had only knew for a couple of months had jumped to her side to protect her. No questions asked. It was their job, but she was truly one of them. She began to pack again, and this time when the tears fell, they weren’t of sadness.
Elyse turned to Mae, ”I’ll start with the clothes - you maybe want to start with with books. I have some boxes under the bed from my last move.”
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Anna thanked the driver and paid for the ride with a decent tip. He had gotten her there fast. She took another sip of her coffee and the tipsy-ness she had felt early was dissipating. But now she was here. Anna took out her wallet and messaged Elyse.
Here. What apt number?
Elyse responded quickly. Four. Door is unlocked. Come on in.
Anna moved into the building and found apartment four. She knew Elyse was on edge. Hell, Anna was too. Her concern still burned within her. She embraced the power again, its light a sort of barrier against the concern within her. It still struck her as strange that it was so readily available now. Anna knocked three times before opening the door and stepping in. Elyse was there, and so was Mae. Anna hadn’t spent a lot of time with Mae, but she knew the woman. Elyse and Mae were lovers, so Anna wasn’t surprised that she was here now.
”Hi Mae,” she said giving the woman a brief smile. Until she had gotten there, Anna had wanted answers, but the women were busy packing. If Elyse needed to move fast, her questions could wait. ”Where can I best help”