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Mae helped pack the books. She noted that Elyse had a lot more things than Nox. Still nothing compared to anyone in her household. But then she suppoed their lives had all been different. Elyse didn't seem the rogue hunter living out of the back seat of a car type hunter. Sure there was a box of weapons. Nox had a storage locker full of them. Everyone knew where it was, and the pass code to get in. If it was ever needed to protect Kallisti he had told them. Mae had never been inside, neither had anyone other than Bruno. Bruno knew a lot more about what Nox had lingering around the club that was deadly. Not to mention the block Nox patrolled. There was no way Elyse's father would catch Elyse unaware if she didn't leave that block, and there was little need for it. They had a convenience store, a diner, the club, and Nox's house all in one convenient little monitored perimeter. If Sage's drones didn't scare them off then Bruno or one of the other guys might show up to help out someone in the area.
She'd be much safer there than here. But she didn't make the comment. "This is all you have? Do you have more at your parents place -- or did you? Did you even have a place?" She only knew the stories of the American Atharim, Nox didn't know how it was here. Only where he grew up. A place Mae never wanted to go, and with people she never wanted to meet. She hadn't liked Jacob when he came to the club. He was a cold man, though even through the hatred she'd felt he felt love for Nox. It was strange to love and hate someone so much at the same time.
Mae had to shake herself out of the memories and steel herself as Anna showed up. "You can help with the books. The closet looks too small for two people to work."
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Elyse had pulled everything out of the closet. She had some more clothes in the dresser. "I have some dishes in the cupboards, food in the fridge. Both things we can use at the Hotel Durante. The TV is mine and I have some movies too." She laughed at Mae's comment about having a place. "Yes, I had more stuff at my parents house, and we did have a place. They were actually pretty well off. When I came here, I wanted to make my own way. I came with very little and haven't really had a chance to settle down yet, so I just haven't accumulated much. I hope soon I can find a more permanent place to make a home. Actually," she said thinking about it. "If things go down the way I think they will, I'll own a home and all their possessions in Helsingor, not that I'm planning on moving back there. I'm the sole beneficiary on their will, and I doubt Peter has decided to change it. He tends to get focused on one thing at a time, and I doubt he sees this ending in any other way than what he thinks."
Elyse had decided to use her father's name, deciding he no longer held the title of "father" to her. And he was in for a fight he did not expect. Elyse didn't know the extent of the security around her, but she was beginning to believe that Kallisti and/or Nox's place were the two safest places she could be.
Anna soon arrived and quickly began to help Mae with the books and Elyse had started throwing the clothing in boxes. There wasn't a need to be careful at this point. Just get it packed and out. She did the same with the dresser. "After you guys finish with that, one can grab the movies, and the other with the dishes. We'll see where to go after that...and thank you...both of you."
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12-13-2024, 11:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-13-2024, 11:35 PM by Anna.)
Anna dove right into the work, assisting Mae. Now that her and Elyse had bonded, she really felt like she should make an effort to get to know the woman more. Elyse liked her - a lot - judging from the fact that they were together. Anna doubted the "L Word" had been spoken yet, but that didn't really matter at this venture. It would develop how it would develop, and Anna was happy for her friend. This was not the time for getting to know Mae more though. Anna could feel that this time, time was of the essence, and she know Mae needed to be on stage tonight.
They got to the end of the books and Anna grabbed the tape to seal the box off. Anna let the power go, she didn't need it now. The concern was still there, but it was more manageable.She turned to Mae, "I'll start on the dishes if you'll take the movies?" she turned back to Elyse. "Hey, Elyse," Anna said, her concern in her voice. "It seems like we're in a time crunch, and I know don't need details, but are you in danger - like now?"
Elyse cringed just a little. "I'm sorry...I know you've been concerned all day and I've not told you anything." Elyse worked and talked at the same time."You know I grew up Atharim, right? Well, my father has found out what I am, has murdered my mother, and is coming for me. I'm not in immediate danger, and steps are being taken to protect me from him. I'm definitely scared, but not as scared as I was earlier."
"Fuck me!" the swear came out immediately. Anna knew it was bad, but not that bad.
Elyse must have been doing better, because she came back with an immediate quip. "Is that a request?" she asked and laughed.
Anna smiled at the quip. "Well, I'm here for you. Whatever you need. I got your back, sis!" She gave Elyse an encouraging smile. "Hand me some of those shirts, and I'll use them to pack the dishes."
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Mae listened and nodded as Elyse explained about her things. She only had one comment. "I'm pretty sure Sage wouldn't let Nox live like he was. He has a whole kitchen and we all can't wait to see what he can do. His make shift one at Kallisti made some pretty nice food. We can put your things in storage if you want. Nox has a unit, and we can rent one nearby, that way you don't have to keep packing up like this each time until you find a permanent home." Mae said.
Anna blipped back into the ethos of her mind and Mae was glad Anna had found her gift but it was still jarring to have someone pop in and out of her head. Elyse relayed the important information and Mae added "Nox has it covered, and Bruno and the rest of the guys will take shifts at Nox's so she's safe until Nox can take care of the danger." Nox would never ask anyone to kill another person -- he'd do that himself. Which was scary enough as it was to know that she knew someone who could take a life so easily. But then again, it wasn't easy for him, he was haunted by every kill, and he hid it from everyone. Very few people felt or saw what he felt inside. Mae wished somedays she didn't know.
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12-14-2024, 05:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-14-2024, 05:58 PM by Elyse.)
Elyse nodded. A storage unit might be a good idea. She could easily get one tomorrow, which reminded her to send Carmen a message. She pulled out her wallet.
Carmen, I’m sure you’ve been told of my situation. I have a lot to take care of and so would like to take a personal day tomorrow. I’m sorry for the short notice. Please let me know if this is an issue.
Elyse was about to go back to packing when a knock came at her door. She kept herself from jumping even though she was on edge. It wouldn’t make sense for someone to be here to take her out. Her dad was nowhere nearby, still she approached cautiously and looked through the peephole before opening the door. She recognized the two men outside. Part of Bruno’s staff at Kallisti. She opened the door.
”Bruno sent us here to help out. We got a truck downstairs. Looks like you’re mostly packed - we’ll start taking stuff down. This box ready?” He stood beside the box of books and the other went to a sealed box of clothes.
”Ummm…yeah,” she said a smile coming to her face. This was true family. ”Both of those. Thank you guys.”
They returned the smile. ”We got your back, little wolf.”
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Anna heard what Mae said, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what she meant. Like many at Kallisti, Anna knew Nox had been Atharim, and maybe still was? Anna didn’t know for sure, but she knew he took his duty really seriously. And Elyse’s father, well if he was willing to kill his own daughter, the rest of them weren’t far behind. Anna knew she couldn’t do what Nox was going to do. It wasn’t in her wheelhouse. She had an admiration of him, and a fear too. She thought of Cade and what Cade would think if she found out.
Thoughts of Cade brought Anna back to reality, and a knock at the door took away her distraction from the moment. Elyse let in two bouncers who proceeded to take care of taking boxes down to a vehicle. It was an amazing thing. The entire Kallisti family was backing up their sister in time of need. Anna was glad to be part of it. Anna finished the dishes and moved to tape the box up. She found herself next to Mae, a woman she hadn’t really talked to much.
”Thanks,” Anna said to her genuinely. ”Shes calmed down a lot since earlier today. She’s a great person, and meeting her today has encouraged me to get to know the rest of you better. Sorry if I’ve been distant. I’m gonna do better.”
Anna stood to place the box next to the door, but one of the men came back up and grabbed it from her hands to take it down. They had an efficient operation going on here.
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The boys showed up. They weren't on tonight so they would be free. She smiled at them and gave them a flirtatious wave. They rolled their eyes per the usual.
Anna came over for a side chat and she smiled. "Sometimes it takes finding the right person to feel at home with us. We are tight, it's not your fault. But we would always have your back."
Mae smiled at Anna. "At the club, we always worry about what happens if someone comes for us. We have a plan, and while it's changed since Nox came into our lives it was always the same. We protect our own. We have a plan, we'll take care of her and you and everyone."
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Anna beamed at Mae. She knew Mae had some sort of emotional ability. You could read them or something like that. Anna didn’t really understand, but she knew that she didn’t have to tell Mae how much it meant to hear that.
”Well, I’m really glad I found my way to Kallisti then. I’ll do what I can to make sure I’m pulling my weight on that.
Anna got back to work, this time beginning to empty the fridge. They were almost done. Anna pulled out five bottles of water, and handed one to Elyse and Mae, and put the other two done for the guys when they got back up. Anna was amazed that Elyse didn’t seem to have that much. Elyse had always seemed very happy though. Anna guessed that was all that matter.
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12-15-2024, 02:09 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-15-2024, 02:09 AM by Elyse.)
Elyse smiled when Anna went to talk to Mae. It didn’t bother her that Anna had taken some time to have a side conversation. Elyse was quite happy. She had a feeling Anna was going to open up to the other staffers more now. She also didn’t feel like Anna would see her as such an outcast because she could access her powers now.
Elyse finished her task as Anna began to work on the fridge, handing out waters to her and Mae, and leaving a couple for the guys. Everything was almost packed up. Elyse just had one thing to check. She moved to her weapon crate and pressed her hand to the biometric reader. It beeped, accepting her hand, and unlocked.
She opened it revealing on top her Desert Eagle, chambered in .44 Magnum. It was rather large for a pistol, but it suited her. The silencer that helped earn Elyse her wolf nickname wasn’t attached. Elyse dropped the magazine, and pulled back the slide, emyotying the chamber. This allowed her to check that the gun was in working order and was unloaded for transport.
”Damn, isn’t that gun a little big for a girl,” the men had arrived again. The smirk told Elyse that they were joking and they clearly admired her weapon.
”Dont be jealous! Elyse grinned.
Underneath the gun was her cross bow. Her bolts were fine, but she could tell the site needed to be adjusted. She hadn’t used it in a long time. She put everything back in and locked the crate again.
”I think that’s everything packed. Let’s get everything out and get to my new home.”
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Sometimes Mae forgot that Elyse was just as dangerous as Nox was. She was sweet and innocent compared to him. But from what she knew they'd met on the job. That says alot about both of them, and she knew it was a rocky road to being friends again, but they were. And the fact that Elyse was going to stay with Nox, though he wasn't there right now was probably a good thing they were friends.
Mae took the water and they all helped finish up and get the truck loaded. Nox lived in the red light district, two doors down from the club. It was literal walking distance for them while they stayed there. Nox's permiter spanned a block or so around and he knew who cross the line, and had cameras everywhere. That's what being best friends with an elite hacker got you. And a house, and a computer, and a wallet. Sage had so many schemes going under Nox's name, Mae wasn't sure Nox even know the half of it. She'd only sussed out the situation because of the way the hacker always felt, he wasn't greedy like most men, but he was high on something all the time, but alert in his mind even if his body was not. He was an odd duck.
It wasn't long before they were unloading Elyse's things into Nox's foyer. "You can leave anything you don't want to carry up flights of stairs down here, we can get the storage unit tomorrow and take it then, no point lugging it up and then lugging it down. We can make sure to lock the doors tonight so that no one takes your stuff."
A voice echoed in the foyer "Welcome, Elyse, My name is Sky, Sage has informed me of your stay. You can leave your belongings in the elevator that you wish to store elsewhere later." The doors to the elevator dinged open and Mae just stared at the open doors and searching for the disembodied voice. "There are two vacant rooms on the third floor, feel free to choose whichever one you'd like. It will be a shared bathroom with Miss Mara. If there is anything you need please don't hesitate to ask."
Mae laughed. "Nox must hate your formality."
"He has not been here long enough to get to know me." Sky said in response.
Which surprised Mae, it felt odd talking to something that wasn't living.