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Ayden luxuriated in Connor's embrace, it was everything she hoped it was and more. It was not often that Ayden let a man take control of the situation, to be treated like a queen. But Connor never asked, and Ayden for once in her life let the control go.
Ayden's body quivered with every touch. Completely naked he stared at her, Ayden couldn't help the rush of blood to her cheeks, she was not ashamed, but the look in his eyes made every part of her want him more. Ayden grabbed at his pants, and freed him from his bottoms, while he pulled his shirt over his head. Ayden sat up and kissed his chest. She took in everything about him as she ran her hands along his back.
Ayden grabbed the gift inside her and used the power to feel everything more intensely. It was not the first time she'd done this, the power was intoxicating, holding it on the very edge, just out of reach, just enough for the extra senses.
Each touch was enhanced, every kiss sent sparks running through her body. The clock ticked away and the passion grew stronger with each second and each touch. Until there was nothing but the ecstasy of pleasure between two people and time stood still.
Somewhere in the midst of their love making Ayden had led Connor to the bedroom, it was far more comfortable and much more personal. While Ayden had loved every moment Connor had indulged her body, it was her turn to show him. Ayden pushed Connor back on to the bed and followed him, kissing from his knees to his mouth before she found herself completely engrossed in showing him just how much she appreciated his efforts.
The power pulsed and vibrated with her, it called to be used. Her control was slipping as her body neared the edge of the precipice about to erupt from her body. They both rode the wave that took their bodies, Ayden fought for the control with the power and lost, every candle in the room lit with firey glory as Ayden's body pulsed with best moment she'd had yet.
When Ayden finally opened her eyes, panic set in, the gift slipped away. The world was normal and dull but looking into Connor's eyes she didn't care. She slipped down his body and pressed her body against his, hoping to the high heavens, he didn't ask the one thing she knew he would. Ayden ran her fingers down his chest and kissed his neck, praying he'd not notice, not yet.
Edited by Ayden, May 22 2014, 07:58 AM.
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His adoration of her had begun. Connor inhaled Ayden in. She lay naked before him, having been freed from any further barrier, any more layers that might hide who she was. His kisses and hands ranged, questing over every inch of her. He kissed her deeply on the lips, tongue tasting her salty and sweet, felt her hands in his hair, looked up and saw the ecstasy in the way her head lolled back, the movement of her body, the sounds escaping from her mouth.
Her body was an instrument that he learned to play, every reaction, every shift, every moan another lesson. And he relished her. Every barrier, every wall, every layer that hid who she was seemed to come down. Ayden was so beautiful to him. Exquisite. He wanted to know her completely.
Time stretched and slowed like congealed honey dripping from a spoon. They were in the bedroom now, her hovering over him, sleek as a cat, purring and nuzzling and kissing him, skin warm against his. Suddenly it was his turn. He felt his insides melt as he luxuriated in her attention, heart soaring in his appreciation for her desire to please him. It reaffirmed him, started to heal something torn in his heart, that thing that had been ripped out long ago. Women had come and gone, but he had kept his heart walled off, cradled it safely in fear, ready to cut things off at a moment’s notice. He had been terrified. But somehow, in just a short period of time, this woman, this Ayden, had slipped past all his defense. What had started off as mere flirtation and lust for him had become something more. He felt hands on his heart for the first time and though his instinct was to flinch, he didn't pull away. He let himself open to her.
Her hair was in his face now, their bodies one and he marveled at her perfection, the sacred geometry that had given birth to this creature of fire and passion. He rode the wave with her, cresting until that very moment and suddenly it seemed the very room cried out with her voice as all the candles burst into flame, bathing her in fiery light that made her hair and face glow. And everything from the last few years, every pain and every tension, every sorrow and agony that had piled up, that had weighed him down with each passing month, left his body, a cathartic release.
Breathing, he looked into her dark eyes and saw the raw naked fear as if she had been caught. She slid down his body, pressing herself to him, nuzzling his neck and kissing him, it seemed, almost pleadingly. She was scared. He knew what had happened. It was easy to piece together. The fire. Her question about the sickness. Her evasive answers about where she was from. His heart ached with a new kind of emotion, tenderness. This poor girl. He put his arms around her and held her to him, kissing her and holding close. Gradually, they both relaxed. This is was how it should be, her in his arms, protected and safe, their two bodies intertwined. He felt the familiar tiredness, but he didn't want to be done. He wouldn't let it be done. Not with her. He wanted to be with her, to be a part of her again.
His hand ran over her perfectly smooth skin, from neck all the way down until his hand caressed her perfectly shaped rump. A wicked thought occurred to him and he grinned. Plattt! Her head jerked up from his chest, eyes wide with surprise, and he smiled at her. "Just as I thought,"
he said to her through his evil grin. He was close to being ready. He rolled her over on her back, looking down into her eyes. He wasn't going anywhere.
[[modded with permission]]
Edited by Connor Kent, May 25 2014, 02:27 PM.
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Acceptance was not the reaction Ayden had expected. The playful slap of her rear proved to her either was too engrossed in what they did to notice, or he didn't care. Either way Connor took her mind from her fears as he climbed back on top of her ready and willing to go again. She smiled at him and wrapped him in a tight embrace and kissed his neck.
Ayden reached for the power only to blow the candles out. She didn't need a fire starting while they were in bed. She let go unwillingly, but she took the comfort he offered her and found peace and exhilaration in him, and only him.
The power of their first few hours was dwarfed by this newest tryst. Ayden gave herself to him, trust and emotions, there was no fear of rejection. That moment had passed. She knew he saw. He told her he didn't care with ever move he made, ever caress and touch of his lips on her body. Ayden's body quaked with each passing second until it burst. Her heart raced, sweat slicked her skin. It had better than the first, and it had not been power induced. Ayden had never trusted anyone like she did Connor at this very moment.
She gazed up at him with more adoration than anyone ever in her life. If this is how he made her feel in just a few hours, what would more do? Ayden let the question go, it didn't matter, he was here now, and now is what mattered. Tomorrow might never come.
Ayden smiled at up at him. "That wasn't your first time.
Ayden didn't mean his first time with a woman, his first time seeing the power. Ayden rolled him over and draped an arm across his chest and used the other to prop her head up so she could kiss his neck and chest as she talked. "Where you there when your son's spark manifested?"
Ayden ran her fingers over his body, she new it was distracting as she continued to smile down at him. Serious talk, with serious play.
Edited by Ayden, May 22 2014, 09:53 AM.
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Connor's heart was close to bursting with relief and release and emotion, out of breath and covered in sweat. He looked down at her, hair now a rumpled disarray on the pillow, and she was breathing heavily too, eyes gazing into his with such intensity, such...he didn't know. But at that moment, he knew he was looking into her soul and he somehow knew that the tiny thread that had begun only a short time ago had become something more. There was something here. He knew it could go many ways. Life was like that. She had her secrets, secrets that he didn't begrudge at all. He would give her her space.
But she had given something to him tonight, balm to his soul. And he had left her with something too. He wasn't sure what it was. He hoped...he hoped it was the knowledge that she could trust him. He had given her his essence, had held nothing back with her. This was no drunken hook-up, no desperate and fleeting attempt to scratch an "itch", no settling because he didn't want to be alone anymore. This was deeper than any of that. But he would give her space. He was content to let it play out as it would, now. There was fear, of course. Years of being emotionally guarded when it came to women were not easily cast aside without trepidation. But for the first time in he didn't know how long, he had opened himself to the possibility of getting hurt. Looking into her eyes, seeing the way she looked at was worth the risk.
She smiled up at him and said, That wasn't your first time.
He couldn't help but laugh a little. First time? Did that feel like it was my first time?, he was going to say, but her tone said this wasn't a joke. That, and after she rolled him over and draped an arm over his chest, she began nuzzling his neck and chest, kissing him while her other hand playfully teased the rest of his body. She better be careful, or she's gonna see round 3. Not immediately- he wasn't superman- but still. It had been a long time and he still felt that magnetic pull to her, that he wanted to live inside her.
But at the same time, he was content to leave things for now. More content than he had been in years. He felt at peace with her. For a lot of reasons, he realized. For one thing, there was the fire. She was a magic user, like the others. Knowing that somehow felt....right. It fit into this new world that he found himself in. He could traverse this universe with her and not be an interloper.
Her words, then, surprised him by touching on that very subject, as they were incongruous with her playful actions. Between kisses, she asked "Where you there when your son's spark manifested?"
He was caught off guard. Part of him hesitated to speak more about that....but this was not the same time as before. They had shared something deep and real, and now could come more intimacy. And he trusted her as he hadn't trusted anyone in a long time. He decided to be completely open about it. Sharing it would be hard, but if this was what he hoped it could be, it was good to start now.
"No, I wasn't there. Hayden- my son- was away at school in Albuquerque. He had been rock-climbing with some friends and fell. It should have killed him but it didn't. He was fine."
He stopped, remember the burst of relief he had felt at knowing his son was ok. Ironic. "A few days later he came down with the sickness. We were there, his mom and I. She was adamant that we not take him to the hospital, that there was a danger to him. At the time I only half believed her."
He closed his eyes, remembering, "He held on for a few weeks. We were by his side that whole time."
He pressed his lips together, forcing himself to remember the truth. "It was good we were there. He was safe with us, sheltered. It was the last, best thing we could do, in the end. Before he died."
His throat still tightened at the memory. But he was grateful for it, that Hayden died knowing he was loved, and not scared and alone.
He lifted her head up and looked her in the eye, serious. "I will keep your secret. But you have to be careful."
He stroked her hair, her cheek tenderly, protectively. "There are people who would kill you for what you can do. They think they are protecting the world."
Anger briefly came to the surface at the thought. "They put them down like dogs."
He remembered her evasiveness. "Maybe you already know that. I know you don't want to talk about where you a from. I'm ok with that. I only want you to tell me when you feel comfortable.'
He stopped. He meant it. Then he went on, back to the subject. "So maybe you already know about them and are running from them. If that's the case, well...that's ok. I want to be with you."
At that point he stopped himself. He knew the rules. He didn't want to scare her off. But he wanted to be honest. It was such a gamble. He thought he knew this woman well enough, now....but to let her know the feelings and life that she had resurrected after they had been dead for so long, that he ached to be with her....he was afraid he'd scare her off. "I want to be with you....if you want that. If not, I understand."
He laughed good-naturedly and put on a face. "I'm a big boy. I won't die."
His laughter died. He stroked her face, watching her eyes, now dark with mystery. He looked, fearing how she would respond.
Edited by Connor Kent, May 22 2014, 12:35 PM.
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Ayden listened to Connor speak through the sadness and heart break of losing his son. She was glad he didn't say his wife, which she could only hope meant they were no longer an item, she didn't want to be that person. He even took the time to reassure her and then warn her? Which was concerning.
People hunting those like her, she knew other people had survived the sickness, but she'd never met one, much less someone who actually knew someone who had been sick like she had. Here in the CCD things were different she knew, in the States it wasn't so bad, but still the sickness meant death if you didn't learn to control it.
Ayden kissed Connor softly and wanted to relive more, but they'd both probably had enough for one session. She looked forward to more. She ran he hands over his body, she couldn't get enough of him. To her own surprise she confided in him. "I was in the army my first time it happened. It was triggered by anxiety. I was about to be spotted in a training op, and they saw right through me, like I wasn't even there. I was sick for three days in the infirmary."
Ayden laid back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. " Your son. He could have learned, he could have survived. Sometimes the realization that they'd done something is all it takes. And then after you try to do it, and succeed, the sickness never affects you again. It's a strange and wondrous thing, this gift."
Ayden reached for the power just at the edge of her being, and wove a small ball of fire and air above her hands, she cradled it like a egg about to break. "This use to be hard, now, "
Ayden let the ball wink out of existence, "Now I can do it with out thinking about it. I'm sorry for your loss. It can't have been easy."
Ayden smiled, she wanted to be with him too, but her job took her elsewhere. She wanted to stay here, wanted to let this moment last forever, but she knew things could change for her at the drop of a hat. but for the third time since their morning began Ayden heard the disposable phone go off in the other room. She sighed, "I really should get that."
Ayden sat up slowly hating leaving the bed, but it was her contact about this job.
She answered the phone in quiet voice and spoke as little as possible. A meeting was set and too soon. Her morning had come to an end.
Edited by Ayden, May 22 2014, 01:27 PM.
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She had listened quietly as he spoke, eyes taking it all in. What was going on behind those eyes was, for the first time since they met, inscrutable. And when he finished with his admission, she said nothing. He waited for an answer, for a sign, for something to indicate he hadn't imagined things.
Ayden leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. It was a sweet and tender kiss. It did not promise passion. It was not potential. It was not prelude. It was an expression of how she felt, pure and simple, a reaction to him.
She was a puzzle, this woman. On the one hand, open, direct and easy-going. But at the same time, mysterious, guarded. Almost as if the person she was kept shifting, as if she was still trying to figure out who she was. She could be direct and challenging, as aggressive as anyone, seemingly fearless. And yet she showed fear, she hid. The way her face looked as she tried to evade his question about where she was from. The panic and fear on her face, and the desperate attempt to distract him when she had made the fire. She was layered. And layer by layer, it seemed, he had tried to penetrate her
Her hands ran over his body. The action made him begin to think maybe to go again. But she had a different kind of intimacy in mind. Her voice was quiet, as if revealing a carefully guarded secret. "I was in the army my first time it happened. It was triggered by anxiety. I was about to be spotted in a training op, and they saw right through me, like I wasn't even there. I was sick for three days in the infirmary."
The look on her face said that she was as surprised to be telling him this. The fact was, so was he. He felt a sense of relief. She hadn't said she wanted to be with him. But she had stayed. And she had opened up to him. Not everything. He didn't expect that. But at least it seemed he had gotten through to her.
She lay back on the bed, their sides touching. It was quiet for a moment. He looked over at her, watched her face. It looked sorrowful. Then, in a sad voice, she said "Your son. He could have learned, he could have survived."
The words cut him deeply. He knew she didn't mean to- just stating a fact. But it brought back all the hurt at the unfairness of it all. Why Hayden hadn't learned when Ayden made it sound easy. He lay still, letting his feelings work through him, his heart still tender and scabbed, sensitive. He felt a tightness in his throat, tears hot and stinging behind his eyes.
Everything had been stirred up. The room was quiet. Neither of them spoke. In the other room a phone went off and Ayden went to answer it. He was glad of the call, glad to be alone. He rolled on his side and curled up, tears welling up until a few dripped from his eyes. Hayden, my son... His breath came in shudders, and he wept again for the first time in months.
He heard the door open and the bed shifted. She had come back.
Edited by Connor Kent, May 22 2014, 04:02 PM.
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Ayden came back into the room, it was disheartening seeing him lying on her bed in that fashion, crying and sad and Ayden didn't know what to do. Tender was not her strong suit. She sat on the bed next to Connor. Ayden's thought struggled to know what to do, how to react. She didn't understand, she hadn't had this sort of relationship in a good many years.
Ayden laid down next to him, put an arm around his waist and pulled herself close to him. She couldn't say anything, she didn't know what to say. But she wanted him to know she was there, she was sorry. Ayden whispered in his ear, "I'm sorry."
There wasn't anything more she could do, knew to do. Ayden just wrapped herself around him and hoped he would take comfort in knowing she was there. The thought alone was worrisome, but Ayden pushed the paranoia away, it was difficult. Like pushing a dump truck full of lead, but she pushed it away. She promised she'd it would be different. At least until he found out what she did, who she was. What she was had already been covered, Ayden could only hope for a similar acceptance down the line, but now, now was not that time. She didn't even want to go there. She knew she had to leave soon, but he would take priority. How quickly her priorities had changed. How fast life could change - in a blink of the eye.
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He just lay there, curled up, weeping softly, the only sound coming from his throat a voiceless cry, his breath ragged and hot. His mind felt swallowed up in a storm of swirling emotion that whipped his entire self into an spiritual whirlpool. And he was drowning.
He felt movement on the bed, the warmth of Ayden's arm around his waist, the press of her against his back and legs, the feel of her soft cheek against his neck, could hear her tender whisper, "I'm sorry."
She pulled him tighter and it warmed him. Suddenly, everything he was feeling gushed to the surface and he turned around in her embrace and pulled her to him, head on her breast, eyes shut, and just quietly wept. His breath came ragged and he squeezed her tight, so tight, so very very tight, just held on to her. She was his shelter, at this moment, his refuge. He clung to her, hungrily drawing strength from her as she held him tightly.
Gradually, the storm slackened; the winds lessened; the turmoil quieted. He wasn't sure how long he had held on to her, his sweet anchor, his shelter, in that terrible storm. He only knew that she had been there for him at his worst. The room was still and quiet, the only sound that of their breathing and the feel of his and her heartbeat. He lifted his head up so it was level with hers and looked into her eyes, stared at her, gaze soaking her in. He wasn't embarrassed. He didn't apologize this time. He could be open with her. At that moment, his feeling for her was a torrent of emotion, his soul twining around hers. He could almost feel her hold on his heart.
Edited by Connor Kent, May 23 2014, 01:56 PM.
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The silence wasn't awkward, which was strange for Ayden. They'd only known each other for a few hours, and the silence was not awkward. Connor laid with his head on her chest, he wept, she could feel the tears against her skin, the warmth. She had places to be but she had forgotten about the necessity of it, now was not the time to worry. She'd never been someone else's strength before. It was a large comfort to be Connor's strength.
Ayden rubbed his back, ran her hands through his hair anything to comfort him. It could be love, maybe, possibly. But what she knew for sure was that she was willing to try however hard it was to be someone he could love.
She had weathered the storm, he gazed at her and Ayden saw something in his eyes that she couldn't resist. She kissed him softly on the lips. The simple gesture sent sparks through her body. Ayden ran her hands along his sides and raised his hands above his head and entwined her fingers in his and slide on top of him.
There was no fiery heat, no demanding passion, it was soft, tender, soul shattering. Their bodies entwined for a third time but this was what the term making love should mean - heaven collided with earth.
Edited by Ayden, May 23 2014, 09:34 AM.
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This last time it wasn't animal heat, compassion, or even comfort. It was just two people sharing something deep and heartfelt. Any fear he had that she didn't want to be with him had dried up in that final tender exchange, in her complete expression of....was it love? Did she love him? Did he love her? He wanted to say yes. He hoped yes. He didn't know the answers completely. But at this moment, whatever it was, it was enough for him.
What he did know was that he was bound to her now. He wanted to make this work, this thing that had burst into flame between them from the moment they met in the lobby. He stared at this beautiful woman and vowed to do everything in his power to ensure it would. What they had discovered didn't happen in his experience. In his whole life, he honestly couldn't say that he had every really felt anything like what he felt with this woman. And it seemed she felt the same way.
After they finished, Connor drifted off with her next to him, feeling her warmth. He was at peace. He could feel her next to him and that was all he needed.
Continued in Taking Out the Trash
Edited by Connor Kent, Jun 20 2014, 08:32 AM.