04-26-2023, 06:06 PM
Pavel (Pasha) Vasiliev
Stay out of our way.
Pavel folded the note in his jacket’s inside pocket. Given Yun Kao’s death the risk of such provocation was dangerous and far overreaching, for irrespective of intention or target, brazen threats conducted on Vasiliev turf could not go unanswered. Without the Syndicate’s influence over the CCDPD to smooth and mediate between Moscow’s crime titans, things might easily escalate. A foolish gamble. Should it prove to be the case, his father would need informing, but for now Pavel would let his people do their jobs.
His stern attention settled on Alina’s husband, presently stooped in a chair with head in hands. Maksim was soft; Pavel would frankly expect better comportment from his own children in public. Though the possibility the man might have been the intended target of the message could not be entirely dismissed. Scion moved in high circles these days. Powerful men earned powerful enemies, and Maksim was the weak link in the chain between their families.
He liaised with the paramedics who presently began to check his brother-in-law over, and accepted their recommendation with a nod.
Maksim passed out almost immediately.
Pavel let the medics do their work, and intended to accompany him in the ambulance. He directed his security as much with a few words of Russian. Meanwhile he eyed the man loitering. He knew many of the regular clients, but did not recognise his face.
"And you are?" It was not said with hostility, just the directness of a man accustomed to being in charge.