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On The Move

Giovanni screamed in anger, swiping his desk clean in the process.  A clay pot on his desk shattered on the floor.  Things were not going as expected.  No matter what, Al-Janyar wasn't making any headway.  At the very least, they weren't giving any ground in the process.  Giovanni paced the room, the weight of the Eye of Horus the only thing that kept him from lashing out further.  It did something.  Giovanni was sure of that.  Still he couldn't figure out how to work it.

"My Lord?" Aaliayah's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"This is my birthright.  All of this.  It's all there.  Why can't I take it!"

Aaliyah frowned.  The passing of time had made her more wary of her leader.  She had joined him because he had taken Ibrahim out of the picture.  An alliance with the new Al-Janyar leader was more to raise her own station than anything else.  Yet she wondered if this man was sane enough to actually move Al-Janyar forward.  Still - Giovanni was powerful and betrayal wouldn't be met well.  She would bide him time.  So for now, she was the only one who saw him like this.  In fact, she was the only one who knew he was calling the shots.  To the rest of the world - the Al-Janyar leader was a phantom.

"This is your doing," he said, pointing a finger at her.  His pacing intensified. "You're supposed to be my prophetess.  Why isn't it working?"

"My Lord, the world is in chaos everywhere.  Spreading your message alone is difficult.  I need acolytes."

Giovanni growled.  This would reveal his identity to more.

"My Lord?" Aaliyah asked again, wondering what she should do.

Giovanni's pacing stooped. "Chaos, huh." he said, a smirk hitting his face. "Perhaps if diplomacy is doing little, maybe we should try something else.  It's time."
A couple of days later

Giovanni stared at his wallet, scrolling through the world's news. He wanted to do something spectacular but had no idea where or when at this point. Aaliyah had made her rounds, once again asking for people to assist her in her mission. Giovanni was just about through with her. She had promise, but lacked the motivation to do her job.

An article attracted Giovanni's attention - a picture really. It showed a young blonde woman, dressed nicely and a good looking young man, darked haired stood next to her. Giovanni recognized the woman - had even met her once. Emily Shale - a big time CEO and philanthropist. The picture was enough to make Giovanni look at the headline.

"Shale Industries CEO to Marry October, 27, 2046

Anger immediately swelled up within him - an anger Giovanni didn't understand. He had no interest in Shale and certainly had no desire to marry her. Still, he was angry. Very angry. And this gave him an idea.

He checked the date on his wallet. Today. Shale was getting married today. Nothing Giovanni could do about it now, but perhaps he could do something else.

"Aaliayh - come here. We have some planning to do."
[Image: Eva-Green-New-Three-Musketeers-adds-Mila...-Dumas.jpg]
(Aaliyah Zevros - Prophetess of Al-Janyar)

Aaliyah heard Giovanni talking in the other room. She had seen Omar enter earlier and she wondered why Giovanni was bringing another into his confidence.  No matter what, it didn't bode well for her. Aaliyah moved closer and was able to make out part of the conversation.

"You know what you need to do then?" Giovanni's voice was calmer than she had heard it in a long time.

"Yes, sir! I can handle this."

"Good! You know the plan, get it done.  Take this and remember don't get captured."

Omar muttered an affirmative.  So this was about Giovanni's plan. He had called her in a couple of weeks ago and had began planning this operation.  It looks like Giovanni found a fool to carry it out.  Aaliyah wondered what he promised Omar in return.  Aaliyah went back to sit at a desk so that when Omar left he wouldn't have known she was eavesdropping.  It didn't matter as Omar didn't even look in her direction as he left on his mission.

Aaliyah stood up.  It was time to make her own escape.  Aaliyah knew she was a selfish person, but what Giovanni planned - it was evil.  She didn't mind people dying for a cause, but Giovanni was going to kill innocents for some personal vendetta or something.  She didn't really understand it and she didn't think Giovanni was sane enough to understand it either. Still Giovanni wasn't a man to just run from.  She needed protection.  She had a plan of her own, and she just needed to buy time.

She entered Giovanni's chamber and he stood, staring at that odd artifact he had found.  He called it the Eye of Horus and apparently it had power.  Aaliyah didn't know.  She had certainly never seen Giovanni do something with it.

"My Lord, I have a lead on a potential ally. I'm going to follow up on it."

"Fine," Giovanni responded, no emotion in his single word response.  He had already dismissed her as useful.  This would be to her advantage - maybe buy her a little more time.

Aaliyah grabbed her go bag.  It contained anything she would need if she had to leave in a pinch.  She walked a bit from headquarters before getting a cab. "Airport," she told the driver. As he drove, she looked out the window at the city she had spent her whole life in, knowing that as soon as she boarded the plane, she would never see it again.

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