Giovanni Cavelli
Giovanni is quiet and reserved, but often enjoys creating chaos in situations – usually to assist with drawing attention away from himself while he is stealing. Due to his past, he is cautious (often paranoid), and slightly mentally unstable. Seeing an ouroboros often causes paranoia and triggers a twitch in his left eye. Giovanni stands at 5’11” tall and is thin. He dresses in clothing that was made for functionality rather than comfort or style. He prefers darker clothing, because it helps him blend in at night. His hair is short and blonde, although the original color is brown, and he has blue eyes.

- Powers: He is a channeler and a god reborn (Set)
- Born: October 3, 2019, in Rome, Italy (26)
- Real name: Francesco Moretti
Francesco’s parents were members of the Atharim, and as a result he and his brothers were raised with the expectation of one day joining their ranks. He channeled for the first time at 23 and struggled with the sickness for a few months before finally being hospitalized. When he realized what had happened, he knew the Atharim would be looking for him. Upon release from the hospital, he attempted to flee, but was met with resistance from his older brother and nephew. He killed his brother during his escape.
With that, Giovanni Cavelli was born. He started a new life, kept his hair dyed, and was always on the move. The encounter with his brother had unhinged him a bit, and as a result he often tried to create chaos to amuse himself or help with thieving. He primarily stole at night, but had also become more brave and would pickpocket during the day as he got farther away from Rome. The most prevalent part of his mental instability was paranoia that he was being followed. It would usually manifest itself if he saw an ouroboros.


Gio arrived in Moscow in 2045, and for a while things went well. He met Claire Novak, and decided he should rejoin ordinary society. He also cut a deal with Michael Vellas to learn more about channeling in exchange for information on the Atharim. He was determined to figure himself out and make a new life for himself, but it all began to come crashing down after an encounter with Armande, and a hunt in the underground tunnels for evidence of cult activity. As a consequence, Giovanni’s mind snapped, resulting in two distinct voices in his head: Ordine, who urges him towards good, and Caos, who urges him towards evil.
Soon after, Giovanni’s nephew Luciano finally caught up with him, and died for his efforts. The clandestine affair was witnessed by Oriena Rusayev, who began to dig her claws into Gio, attempting to convince him that he is a god, and should be taking a god’s due from the world around him. By now Giovanni was rapidly becoming obsessed with the notion that he was a reborn Egyptian god.

Before the year was out, Giovanni used the money stolen from his dead nephew to leave Moscow entirely, heading to Egypt where he has infiltrated the terrorist group Al Janyar. With the help of a new associate, a woman called Aailyah, he has sewn chaos whilst looking for a mysterious artefact known as the Eye of Horus.

In the 5th Age, Giovanni lived as the Egyptian god Set.