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01-06-2025, 07:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-06-2025, 07:56 PM by Marta.
Edit Reason: Changed whip to lasso - WW doesn’t have a whip
Marta smiled at the unexpected praise from the girl. ”Thank you - it’s Emma, right?”
The girl confirmed and Marta nodded. Her drawing finished she smiled broadly at Sterling. ”Yup! That’s you! I’m glad you like it. I’ll make on on paper for you to keep if you’d like. It will only be 2D though.”
Marta copied the file, and closed the original before beginning to work on a second one. She started by erasing the arms and orb. She erased the legs and redrew them into a lunging pose. As she drew, she continued speaking. ”I don’t do horror - it’s not my thing.” Marta had seen enough horror in reality. Of course she knew monsters were real now, even if the only ones she had met had been people. It seemed as if this group had some horrors on their past too. Maybe that was one way to cope. It didn’t work for Marta.
She drew Amazonian armor on Sterling and a tiara in her hair. She added boots to the feet and drew the arms crossed with bracers. Lastly she added a lasso at her side - a rendition of Sterling as Wonder Woman.
She turned to face Sterling, eyes questioning. ”Whats it like to channel?”
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01-06-2025, 11:51 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-06-2025, 11:52 PM by Sterling.)
Sterling watched as Marta made changes. She was good at it. Sterling would have to remember to tell Nox to give her the program. It wasn't as simple as say here's the app, no Sage had to compile code and break it out of the rest of it. She'd tried to understand it once when she asked why she couldn't put it on her laptop. And you'd need a special camera and a whole bunch of other things. Things her parents said no to. But Marta didn't have her parent. Though she hadn't figured out how strict her parents were. Nox didn't just give the software to other kids either. They got what Sage gave them -- which was almost always better than what Sterling had. She wasn't envious. It was just a fact. She had parents on a budge, and Sage was rich as f... and he spent it when he wanted to. Or when Nox wanted him to she wasn't sure.
Marta asked what it was like to channel. She knew that's what people called it, she had no better term for it but it was hard when Nox called it the power of the godlings or something. Not that he ever talked about it more than the power. He was even starting use the word, though it didn't roll of his tongue easily but he tried. And despite all the things he could do he never once claimed to be a god -- except when he was pretending to be one on stage. Such a hypocrite.
Sterling answered quickly. "It's glorious and it's addicting, and it's dangerous." she said. "It's like the whole world is brighter, more colorful and it's so powerful." Sterling pulled up a video on her wallet and showed Marta. "This is Nox's first performance, he was play nut, the egyptian goddess of the sky, and he's doing all the special affects with the power." It wasn't the one that went viral, it was tame and sexy in comparison, but there was no violence like the ones that brought people to the club now. And she'd only been a little bit at fault there.
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Marta watched the video that Sterling showed her. It wasn’t often that she watched videos - she liked movies, but tended to stick to ones that really interested her - usually ones with superheroes. But she had to admit - this was pretty neat. The girls wore very little, but that didn’t matter to Marta.
When Nut came out, Marta’s eyes widened. She hit the video to pause it and zoomed in on his face. This was Nox. With the odd blue light and face paint it was hard to tell, but she had seen him. Marta knew she had seen his face before, and it had not been on a screen. She stared at the image, before closing her eyes, trying to remember where. Then it came to her. Mexico - Ricky’s bar. She needed help with school work and came downstairs. There was a man at the bar, drinking a beer. Marta had looked at him, got help with her homework, and left. But that man’s face - it was the same as this one’s. And his name was Nox.
”Mexico…” Marta said. That time in Mexico had beeen bad. She had just began to trust Ricky, but she felt the panic rising again.
Her breathing quickened until she felt a brush against her leg. Marta looked down to see Splash there, she petted her head in thanks. Marta’s face was wet, she hadn’t realized she had started crying. She wiped her face, feeling a little embarrassed, but glad Splash had prevented the panic attack.
Marta’s mouth opened, wanting to say more - wanting to say what had upset her. She trusted Sterling, but she felt exposed in front of the whole group. She needed to talk. She needed to trust. ”Can we go somewhere? Alone? I need to say something, but too many people.”
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Sterling didn't even have to look at the others who had gathered around. At the request they all scattered. Sterling smiled. "The one good thing about having so many people, including my cousin, who have issues, all you have to do is say something and they'll give you space. As much or as little as you need." Sterling leaned in and whispered. "Nox doesn't like space, he takes it so he doesn't hurt someone, but he hates it. We all get it." she said leaning back at the later. "Is this better?" Sterling had learned a trick from Nox. It wasn't like his, or even like Aurora's probably though maybe it was, but his science lessons and the power paid off. And it helped that she'd learned how to hide from her parents. Nox still didn't like that, or the compulsion. He forbid that under his roof -- which included Kallisti for her, but not for everyone -- but she was just a kid.
Sterling embraced the power and wove an opaque dome over them that blocked the sound and blurred the individuals. She's just thought about that, maybe it was more about feeling alone and safe than it was about having privacy. Sterling smiled. "Maybe that will be even better. But we don't need it, no one will listen -- except maybe the adults cause they do that to make sure we don't hurt ourselves." Sterling tried not to groan at Nox's over protection, but sometimes she was grateful for it. He'd never let her down, and protect her from anything -- he'd protect anyone from anything, or he'd die trying. And sometimes that was a worse thought. But she tried not to think about it
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01-07-2025, 02:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-07-2025, 03:32 AM by Marta.)
Marta wasn’t sure what Sterling was doing - something with her power she guessed. She shrugged, trusting that the girl was securing their conversation. She could see though that the room became dimmer - something making it harder to see. It wasn’t a lack of trust - just she wasn’t comfortable telling everyone. Marta pulled out her wallet to text Elyse so she wouldn’t worry.
Im telling her about Mexico. I’m okay.
Marta waited, and Elyse responded right away. Thanks for letting me know. That’s a big step. Proud of you!
Marta turned towards Sterling. ”Im going to cry - maybe a lot. If I start to panic and Splash doesn’t get me out, sing “Look at Me” when I focus on you, show and tell me to take deep breaths.”
Marta took a deep breath, wondering where to start. ”Nox, I’ve seen him before. When I lived in Mexico. That was a bad time for me - and it drew me back into those memories. My parents…” Marta started to cry. ”Are dead. Killed by my uncle before he sold me to the Nuevo León cartel. They…drugged me…and…men…” she didn’t finish the sentence. She didn’t have to. ”Nox wasn’t a customer. He came after - and I really didn’t know him. Just saw him. That was after Ricky & Jacinda got me out. Ricky took me in after. He’s my legal guardian now.” Marta brushed away her tears. ”Thats why I’m messed up. It’s why I have the panic attacks. I hope…I haven’t said too much. I…I just trust you enough to share it.”
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Sterling wanted to hug Marta but instead just patted her hand. Some people didn't like hugs and she wasn't quite sure where Marta stood on it. Though she had been hugged before, but during emotional stress it was best to play it cautiously.
"You aren't messed up. You have issues but there is nothing wrong with you. I don't have experience with trauma, my life has been good to me. But the rest of them. The understand. They are all forster kids to a bunch of monsters who made them lure people back to eat them. That's how they met Nox. Ashton kidnapped him, and feed him to the monsters. But they got to know him and Nox is good at convincing you he can protect you. And he did. He killed them all -- all the monsters. They are free. And you are free. And most importantly you are safe. Probably the safest place in Moscow. That's why Elyse is staying with Nox."
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Marta sniffled and the tears were still rolling down her face, but the panic was in check. She didn’t agree with Sterling - she was messed up and broken, and she would take time to be fixed. Marta had a feeling the after effects would be something she’d deal with her entire life.
Marta stood up and hugged Sterling, crying into her shoulder. She dealt with her own pain, but it broke her heart to know these kids had struggled with horrors too. She couldn’t comprehend what they went through. For her, the monsters were people. It sounded like they had dealt with the real deal.
”That sounds terrible,” she said, turning her head slightly so she wasn’t speaking into Sterling’s shoulder. ”I didn’t know Elyse had moved again. You really think I’m safe here?”
The last question she asked was because her mind needed the confirmation. She knew she was safe here, but Marta was afraid. She almost always was. There was one fear that kept cropping up. Elyse had told her of the wolfkin that had lost himself. She hadn’t told her to scare Marta - just a word so that Marta knew why her lessons were so important. She knew that were things to go bad - that could be her. Her support structure now was strong, and she felt it strengthen as she hugged Sterling, she only hoped it wouldn’t break.
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Sterling held Marta. Seemed she was good at this.
"I know you are safe here. Nox won't let anything happen to any of us. And I won't let anything happen to you while I'm here. I got you." Sterling reassured Marta. She grinned at her. "And to make sure no one ever hurts you again, you are going to learn how to fight. And I won't take no for an answer. Everyday, after school we get to choose an activity to keep us active. You and me, and Kenzie, and whoever else wants to that day, will learn to defend ourselves." Sterling whispered even though they were still in their little bubble of safety. "The others don't know, but I do, but Nox is teaching them to defend themselves too when they are dancing. But don't tell them."
Sterling pulled out of the hug with a smile and dropped the weave.. "And we'll start today." She turned to Elyse. "Is it okay if Marta comes with us to Nox's house to the dojo in the basement. She needs to learn some self confidence that only a disciplined martial artist can have. While Nox is away we have three Kata's we have to practice or Kenzie does anyway, but I know them. And when Nox comes back he'll start her off with Tai Chi, just in case there is some sort of parental consent she needs." Streling smiled brightly. "Please, Elyse." she begged with her sacrine sweet voice, it wasn't forced with power, but she could have -- though if she got caught, which she would, she'd be grounded... and that was not fun.
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01-07-2025, 10:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-07-2025, 10:33 PM by Elyse.)
Elyse was approached by the two girls. Marta seemed okay for having just talked about her trauma, but it was clear she had been crying. The girl was exceptionally brave at times. She hoped Sterling understood what a big deal it was that Marta had trusted her.
Sterling was already advocating for her new friend and that meant a great deal to Elyse as well. It was important Marta have a strong support structure, and honestly self defense would be good for Marta for multiple reasons.
Elyse first turned to Marta. ”How are you holding up?” it was a polite way to ask if she was in control.
Marta smiled a little. ”All good. A-okay!”
Elyse nodded. ”I will tentatively agree to this, but there are rules that must be followed. This is not a negotiation. First: katas only and a little light tai chi. Anything more must be approved by Ricky first, and as he’s busy setting up stuff for you for online school, you can wait until next time for his permission. The least you can do is let him finish that in peace.” Marta’s smile broadened at hearing that Ricky had approved. ”Second: you will head straight to Nox’s house and the dojo. You will not make any other stops and you will certainly not leave Nox’s safe zone. Third:” she looked at Marta. ”You know your limits. If you reach them, you stop. No guessing. You stop and tell Sterling you’ve reached your limits.” she turned to Sterling. ”if she tells you this, you do not pressure for more. She knows her limits and they are there for her safety - and yours. Lastly: should she have a panic attack - “
”I taught her how to calm me down…” Marta interrupted, but trailed off at Elyse’s glare.
”Be that as it may - you will contact me right away. Sterling - you can get Mae as well. She’s there now. These rules need to be followed. No exceptions. Any deviation from them will result in me calling your cousin: who I’m sure would be thrilled to get a call from me in the middle of his business to hear you’re misbehaving; and to Ricky, who I’m sure will be thrilled to hear that you’re once again testing your boundaries.” Marta flinched, but she was a teenage girl. That’s what they did. The words were delivered firmly but kindly. ”Since you had a panic attack, I’m gonna ask Mae to check in on you guys a little bit. You are to listen to her as you would me. If you agree to this, I will allow it.”
Elyse took out her wallet and dialed Mae. ”Hey Mae, Sterling and another girl, her name is Marta, are heading to the dojo. She’s like me. They’re going to work on some katas, and I’d like it if you’d be able to check in on them sometime. Marta had a panic attack and is okay now, but I’d feel better if I could get someone to look in on them.” Elyse smiled at Mae’s response. ”Thanks Mae. I lo…I’ll see you soon. Bye Mae”
The slip up was obvious. The past couple of days had only increased Elyse’s feelings towards her girlfriend, but she wasn’t ready to verbalize it. And she certainly didn’t want the first time to be on the phone. Her eyes flicked to Anna who had an obnoxious grin on her face.
She turned back to the girls. ”We agreed?”
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01-07-2025, 10:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-07-2025, 10:51 PM by Legione Sumus.)
Liv overheard Sterling more Elyse's rules. "Liam and I will be there, Elyse. I know you trust Mae, but I'll be downstairs with them. Can't leave Ara or Gen downstairs without supervision. They'll turn on one or more of the ball machines lining the mat. No one but Nox likes to be beamed in the head with a ball." It was a sarcastic remark Nox didn't like it anymore than anyone else, but according to Sterling he was the only one who was supposed to use them. She'd never seen him in action. but she imagined tennis balls and baseballs flying at anyone would be daunting. And Gen had beamed Emma in the head while she was dancing just yesterday.
Liv had to close Liam's laptop. "You can do that at home in the basement with the rest of us." He looked up at her and gave her a funny look, sticking his tongue out at her and squinting his eyes. He didn't care where he studied, only that they let him. He was trying really hard to graduate so he could get a job -- a real job not babysitting the kids for room and board. Liam wanted to help and he was sucking up to Nox, he had the biggest crush on their savior, it wasn't even funny anymore. It was almost sad.
Liv rounded up everyone else and made sure they all had their things, they wouldn't be back. The crew would start rehersing and then they'd open and they'd all be in bed shortly there after.