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Ayden wasn't overly worried about Emily's not telling her she was back in town. It wasn't like she kept tabs on the woman everyday. She was running a tech company surely she was out of town a lot. But Ayden shrugged, it really was no big deal. She was still surprised Emily had hooked up with the annoying kid she'd met. One who completely rubbed her the wrong way, not to mention was Atharim. She sighed, she really didn't want to call Aria to get in touch with Nox. Maybe she'd ask Connor to do it. He liked her. Ayden only wanted to get the Nox's take on Emily's abilities and put a stop to him if he was going to make Emily's life worse.
Life really was a downer right now. Maybe drinking was something that she needed to do after all. Emily's question brought her out of her own thoughts. She smiled at her friend, "Tell them what you think the lesson you learned was. Experiences are always great teachers. Good and Bad lessons are worth telling."
Ayden leaned in and whispered, "No matter how cute the mistake is."
Though Nox was hardly her type, but he was cute and she could acknowledge that.
"I've changed my mind, drinking is no good. Want to go practice shooting, or we could find someplace a little more private for other practice."
She hoped Emily got the point of that particular exercise.
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Emily smiled at Ayden. She was always one who made her feel better. Emily's smile got bigger when Ayden suggested practicing. "I've been practicing with my pistol lately - did so in Chicago. You should have seen the look on the Head of Security's face when I showed up."
Emily laughed. "I think a more private practice session would be more suitable for now, especially given my recent discovery."
Emily hoped Ayden would get the hint.
Mentioning the Head of Security brought the thoughts back to Emily's head. She had to say something. Emily released the side hug from Ayden and put both of her hands behind her back. She stood taller and adopted a more businesslike posture.
"Ayden, I have something to bring to your attention, on a more professional level. My company is looking to hire someone for the Head of our Security staff for our Moscow HQ. If you are interested, I would encourage you to apply for the position."
Emily turned to face Ayden, conscious of the fact that Ayden had never seen her in a professional sense before. "I can't guarantee that it will be exciting, but you would be in charge of the security staff, that includes being involved in hiring those who would work under you. I also feel I should tell you that I cannot guarantee that you would receive this position because of our friendship. In fact, for ethical reasons, I would have to distance myself from your hiring process. I hope you understand that."
Emily sighed - that was hard to say. Her posture relaxed. "On a more personal level, Ayden, I hope you will consider it. I think it would suit you well. If, however, you don't feel like it would, I will not be offended if you choose not to pursue it."
Emily was completely honest. Nothing against being a waitress, but it just wasn't Ayden, although Emily wouldn't say that.
Emily sighed again, relaxing the rest of the businesswoman out of her posture. She said quietly, "Shall we go play with fire?"
Edited by Emily Shale, Mar 30 2015, 12:56 PM.
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Someplace a little quieter and much more private. Ayden was actually at a loss of where that could be. Maybe her plan was a little less thought out than it needed to be. But it was the job position that caught Ayden's immediate attention, she hopped on the metro and headed toward Connor's place. She let the side of panic slide over her and then moved on. It was a momentary lapse, the thought that she couldn't afford to naturally pay for her own accommodations. Everything was just taking a long time to get used to.
Ayden wasn't sure if she wanted to security work, much less be head of security. It wasn't that she couldn't be good at it, but it was very much not her thing. She broke the law, not enforced it. And killing dignitaries for the new Shale International company heading up in Moscow was not something she was sure Emily wanted. But she was good at intel, that was part of her job after all, and she could secure a facility easily. But to be in charge of it?
Well, maybe. Ayden was sure, she'd have to talk to Connor about it. Ayden smiled at Emily, "I will think on it."
And then back to the dilemma. Where to go sadly she had no place to go blow things up here in Moscow.
She frowned, "We can go back to our place, but we can't do much damage there. Though we can weave and disappaite so at least committing it to memory is good."
She would have to find some place where she could let a fireball go and not do any harm.
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The duo headed towards Ayden's place and Emily waited for Ayden to let her in. The last time Emily had been here, Ayden had stitched her up after a fight with a vampire. Emily's world had opened up so much to the idea of the supernatural. She had an idea of its existence, given her own abilities, but hadn't expected a vampire.
Regardless of being something she wouldn't want to repeat, she was fond of the memory. It had helped solidify their friendship. Either way, Emily was glad she only came out of that with a scar.
Emily thought of what she could do, finding the light and embracing her power. It still took a moment of concentration to do it, but she was sure with practice, it would come more naturally. Emily was careful as she attempted something. Ayden liked fire and she tried that first, finally causing a small whisp of fire to form a few feet away. It flickered like a candle and then Emily released it.
Emily tried another, this time, water formed in the air. Formed in a spherical shape, Emily moved it towards the sink and let it slowly drop. She smiled. "Water seemed easier. More natural - if that makes sense."
Emily turned towards Ayden. "It's still hard to believe that I can just use it like that. Alright Professor, what shall we work on?"
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Ayden watched as Emily played with a few weaves. Water was not her strong suit. Ayden wasn't actually well practiced with weaves herself, yeah she used them, but it was the enhanced senses that were what she used the most. Fire was good at times it was her signature after all, but she rarely used it for more than a kill, and Ayden was pretty sure that Emily didn't want to learn how to kill with the power.
Ayden more or less watched as Emily practiced, she nodded, "You'll want to practice touching the power a lot more than the actual weaves, those you can do on the fly, if you can think it your first instinct will guide you, but until you can grasp the power without fail every time, I'd keep practicing that until it's second nature."
It was what she had done, and just that feat alone could save your life, Ayden knew that from experience.
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Emily nodded. "It's like a light I see inside of myself. When I 'grab' it, The power comes, but I still have to think about it. I still have to find the light."
Emily let go of the power and found the light again. It was faster this time. She knew if she practiced, it would begin to come more naturally. She was reminded of the vampire attack when her magic was gone. That needed to be avoided inthe future.
[Color]"Remember when we found the vampire. I couldn't use it at all. Because I was scared maybe? Will practicing help with that too?"[/color] she paused. "How do I practice for that. I'd rather not go find one of those...creatures...again."
Emily shivered. She needed to be able to defend herself, but looking for trouble was just plain stupid.
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Ayden laughed. "You just keep practicing until it's second nature. Until it's so easy that you don't even have to think about the light and the process of surrendering to it."
Ayden remembered the struggle, it had taken her years to surrender completely until it because like an extension of herself. It was part of her now, she wasn't sure how she could live without it. It was a beautiful source of energy, it renewed everything about her life. It was addicting if you used it too much. Ayden smiled, and gave Emily the same warning. "But don't use it too much, it is addictive, as I'm sure you are well aware. Drawing upon too much could hurt, it does hurt."
Ayden had only done it once, and the pain that it brought was near unbearable, almost worst than the sickness itself had been. And that was just the edge of too much, to bring the searing light into you Ayden could not see how that would be pleasant at all.
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Emily nodded, glad that she didn't have to learn some of these things on her own. Ayden and Emily practiced for awhile, Emily focusing on being able to embrace her magic. They did a few tricks though. After awhile, her wallet buzzed.
<dt>Incoming Message</dt>
<dd> </dd>
To: Emily Shale
From: Rachel Shale
Heya. Just wanted to check to see if you were going to be home for dinner. I was going to start something.
Emily looked at the time. It was getting late. She could stay with Ayden, but after her treatment of Rachel, Emily owed her some sister time. Emily made the decision.
"That's my sister. I should probably get going. I owe her a sister's night after the way I've treated her. Thank you again for inviting me out."
Emily gave Ayden a hug and they said their farewells. Emily was sure they would meet again soon.
Emily took a cab back home instead of the train, sending a message to Rachel as she did that she was on her way home and was taking Rachel out to the dinner she had deserved the night before.
Rachel was sitting on the sofa when Emily got back. As she stood, Emily approached and sat her down. "Before we go, can we talk?"
"Of course."
Rachel's look was one of concern.
Emily told her about Nox. She left out why she had looked for him and what he did on the flight - she had made a promise and planned on keeping it. She didn't tell her that he was Atharim. It wasn't something she was sure she could explain right now. But Emily told her about how she slept with him, and how much it had hurt when he left. Emily explained the shame she felt about it.
It was hard to tell her sister these things, and Emily started to get visibly upset. Rachel took her hand and held it, comforting Emily in the way only a sister can. "You're an adult, I can't tell you what to do, but try to make good choices and think about what you really want before you make decisions. I...don't want you to get hurt."
Rachel had listened, not speaking a word, and she nodded at her sister's advice before giving Emily a hug. "Do you remember our secret place in the mansion - the one we found as little girls?"
Emily smiled. "Yeah. We used to hide there after swiping some of the cook's fresh baked brownies."
Both girls laughed. "Do you remember the promise we made to each other there?"
Emily nodded. "Sisters - forever and always."
Rachel just smiled at her. There were no more words that needed to be said. Despite that oath being made as young girls, they had lived their life true to it. Those four words spoke much more than others thought.
They left and went to a nice restaurant. Emily planned to make this the evening that Rachel should have gotten when she landed. "So tell me about the University. How was your day?"
"Oh, it was a lot of fun. I met with some professors - most of them were nice enough. Some just said - 'have this done by your first day though.' That was kind of rude, but overall, a great day."
Rachel had a grin on her face that made Emily think she was hiding something.
Emily smiled over her glass of coke. "What are you hiding?"
Rachel smiled. "I met a boy today..."
Emily resisted the urge to spit out her coke as the protective side of her took residence in her mind. No, no, no, no, no, no...
Emily pushed that away, allowing the more rational part of her brain to take over. Emily had to let Rachel make her own choices. Emily gave her sister a grin. "Tell me about him."