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Sage grinned at Aiden's enthusiasm about his screen. It was one of the last things Aurora and he'd built together even across the pond she was still one of his greatest assets. A strange lonely girl who's annoying brother was actually kinda hot. It made Sage chuckle a little at the memories. But those memories were soon dashed away with Aiden lying on top of him, pinning his arms above his head and kissing him fiercely. Sage shuddered. He wasn't usually the bottom type but this was also something he'd never thought he'd be doing.
Meeting Aiden Finnegan had been a once upon a time moment. And now he was in his bedroom kissing him. He hadn't been one of those who had his posters hung above his bed but he'd fantasized. Who wouldn't. That was another thing he had in common with Aurora, she toted around a poster of Blarney Stoned in her suitcase. It was something Nox used to pick on her about all the time. What she wouldn't have given to be in Sage's place right now.
Sage wondered why his room needed to be fireproofed in the moments that Aiden was kissing him and then his room started to glow orange. Sage looked up at the lights that wildly danced above his head and Sage remembered. "Have you, ya know, had sex since those things started flying wildly about? Is it safe?" Sage couldn't move, he didn't want to move, but he really didn't want to burn down Dorian's house if they did eventually have sex. They'd both said no to it on a first date, but that was before they had felt this connection.
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Aiden released Sage’s wrists. A light blush came over his cheeks. He hated blushing. It was like wearing your heart on your sleeve. He had been so caught up in the moment, and after seeing the fire-proof film in the Dojo he had just assumed the entire basement was covered in the stuff. The orbs winked out and his pants got a little looser. A grin appeared on his face and he scratched the back of his head.
“I mean… With myself, yeah,” He laughed at that, “They, uh, yeah… I have vaulted ceilings so it was never an issue… I mean… I never thought… Ah shit.”
Aiden rolled off of Sage, lying next to him. He laced his fingers together and placed them over his stomach. Turning his head to face the other man, “I don’t know. Probably wouldn’t be a good idea if your bedroom isn’t fireproof. I can’t promise anything. Not until I learn to control these little buggers… What’s the odds of someone walking in on us in the dojo?”
There was a twinkle of mirth in Aiden’s eye. He liked Sage; at least what he knew of him so far. If the man wanted to screw, chances were that Aiden wouldn’t be able to stop himself. He was still worried that it might sour things if they hopped into each other’s pants too quickly, but Sage was looking so tasty! It was hard to fight the urge. He would leave it up to the other man. This wasn’t his house and he did not want to run the risk of burning it to the ground just to get off.
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!
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Sage rolled on to his side and pressed a kiss to Aiden's neck cause that's all he could reach at the moment. "And how long have you been abstaining?" Sage grinned against Aiden's neck.
He didn't want to move, but it was probably best if they moved into the dojo. "There are all sorts of odds that someone will walk in." Sage laughed. "But I think I like those odds better than burning down the place, and besides the only one who's likely to walk in on us is Nox and he'll ignore us, pretend he didn't see anything and keep walking. We'll get that embarrassed little laugh and can keep going." Sage rolled over on top of Aiden and pressed his body into his and stole another kiss before he slipped off the other side.
Sage grabbed his laptop. "We can watch a movie and see where it all goes. The couch is comfy. And Dorian has some nice booze upstairs."
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Aiden did a mental tally as Sage went for the neck. Goosebumps covered Aiden from head to toe at the gesture, pants getting tight once more, “Eh… heh… Uh… I uh… Heh… Not since before the coma. It’s been a few years. After I woke up, I dove into that car-crash of a movie; you’d think I’d have a dalliance or two during shooting, but I insisted on keeping things professional. Then it flopped and I came out here to become a recluse. Haven’t really done much besides work on my novel. I mean, I have toys. Those help with the loneliness. A hand can only do so much, ya know? So, uh, yeah. My buttons are easily pressed. Don’t start it if you don’t want to finish it because I might not be able to hold back.” A wolfish grin consumed Aiden’s face as Sage rolled over on top of him, pressing hard, “Hey! No fair!” he laughed as Sage rolled off.
All in all, it was probably for the best. Aiden did want to take it a little slower. Although, the thought of being caught did carry a certain headrush with it. Aiden wasn’t an exhibitionist, but it had been so long. Sage could’ve jumped his bones at the Red Pitt and Aiden would have done nothing more than lie there and take it… Well, not lie there precisely.
A small ball of fairy fire winked into existence as Aiden trailed after Sage. He was still excited, even at the prospect of cuddling. Even that would be nice. Just some human contact. That’s all. He had forgotten how much he missed it. Holding hands and kissing was fine, but he longed to hold Sage at the very least. It was amazing that he had found someone in this city that he clicked so well with. What was better was the fact that Sage didn’t see a humongous bank account whenever he looked at Aiden.
At least Aiden didn’t think that Sage saw that. He didn’t seem like the gold digging type. Aiden couldn’t abide that kind of behavior. Oh, he would share freely with whomever he formed an intimate relationship, but the thought of someone seeking him out specifically to drain his bank account…
“Perfect. Anything you have in mind? What’s your favorite film? I want to know more about you, Sage. A man’s favorite piece of cinema speaks volumes. And booze, you say? I’m partial to whiskey, myself… Damn… Could’ve brought over a barrel of Jack Daniels for you guys. I have a few stashed in my cellar. Love the stuff. Tastes so much better straight from the cask. I’ll have to have Dimitri send one over if I end up staying more than a few days.” Aiden said all smiles. Lasher and Nova dashed past them, running into Nox’s room and playing amongst his makeshift bed. Nova darted back out, Lasher quickly behind with a very happy look on his face.
“Looks like Lasher is enjoying himself too,”Aiden said with a smirk.
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!
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Sage walked out into the large room in the basement. They called it the dojo but the truth was they used it for just about everything. The coffee table was pushed out so either his or Nox's laptop could project a movie in holo mode for them, not that Nox ever sat here long enough to watch something. But Cruz had joined Sage many times. Cruz hung out down here a lot now too. Whether it was out of fear or his father's instructions Sage didn't know, he just hoped that if Cruz and Nox came home they'd stay away for a little while.
Sage turned around and saw a fireball floating above Aiden's head and grinned. "Have you tried to throw it?" He nodded towards the fiery ball as he set the laptop down and pulled up holo mode again with a thought, he brought up the 3D selection screen for movies. Sage had actually just downloaded a few new movies that hadn't even hit the theaters yet. "I don't have a favorite movie." Sage grinned at Aiden. "If I can zone out enough to watch it and not go to the analysis of the movie it's a good movie." Few movies actually did that. It was more about the company shared. "I'll be right back, go get some Jack and whatever else Dorian might have on tap." Which was all high dollar. "Pick a movie."
Sage ran up the stairs and hurried into the study to grab a bottle of Jack for Aiden. He picked up a few beers from Nox's stash in the fridge and something to drink out of. Sage was going to miss the ice cold drinks without the ice. But they'd manage he was sure.
And then was Sage on his way back down the stairs with his bundle.
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Sage gave Aiden some food for thought and left the room. Aiden looked up above his head at the lone orb of fairy fire. He had never contemplated making them do anything. How could he? He didn’t know how to. He didn’t even know how to summon them! If he had any modicum of control over the things, he might not even be here… Well, that was a lie. He’d still have come because of Sage, but would Sage have even bothered with him were it not for the fairy fire?
Of course, he would have. I am Aiden Fuckin’ Finnegan!
Walking over to the area by the tennis ball machines, Aiden focused all of his attention on the fairy fire. First, he tried just staring at it and thinking of the orb moving. Nothing happened. Then he repeated the action, but closed his eyes and held the image of the moving fire in his mind’s eye. After a few moments, he cracked an eye open and peaked. Nothing. This went on for another ten minutes but to no avail. The only thing he had to show for it was a sweaty forehead.
Eh, fuck this.
Aiden set to pacing back and forth, thinking of the perfect movie to show Sage. The old Ghilbi movies came to mind. Aiden’s favorites were Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away, but would animation be too childish? The movies were anything but; however, Sage would probably go on analyzing them. Aiden had done the same thing a thousand times, although for the Japanese folklore embedded in the stories. His mind then went to musicals, which he also adored. Rocky Horror, The Producers, Cabaret; all of those classics, but it took a certain kind of person to truly appreciate the song and dance. Rocky Horror, although weird and old, was what sparked Aiden’s interest in film as a child. His mind went further, thinking of horror movies; which were great if you wanted to snuggle up to someone. Before he could actually contemplate his favorites, the dogs started making a lot of noise behind him.
Spinning on his heel, Aiden turned just in time to spot Nova knocking Lasher into one of the tennis ball machines. The bigger dog let out a loud bark before crashing into the machinery. He recovered quickly. Aiden made his way to the dog but was rebuffed as the machine sprung to life and shot three tennis balls in quick succession at Aiden. All three of them pelted Aiden in the face, knocking him backward. His head slammed against the ground and he lost consciousness for a moment.
Aiden awoke to stars in his eyes and Sage making his way back downstairs with a large bundle in his arms. Aiden tried to sit up in an effort to play it off, but he just fell backward, rubbing at his nose.
“I didn’t do anything!” he yelled from his spot on the ground. “Sorry, Sage! It was Lasher…”
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!
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Sage heard the tennis ball machines start up and hurried down the stairs to find Aiden lying on the floor. He dropped the stuff on the couch and locked down the tennis ball machines with a thought. He rushed over to Aiden and knelt down. Sage looked over him with a critical eye and helped him up. "Are you okay?"
Sage didn't know what to do. Cruz would, he was into all that medical stuff. "I think we should take you to the hospital. That was a nasty fall and a crack to the head. How close were you?" Sage ran his fingers over Aidens face and neck and the back of his head. "Are you okay?"
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Aiden sat up as Sage caressed him. His eyes popped wide and he stammered, “N-no hospitals! Fireballs! Oxygen! Not a good idea. The last thing I want is to destroy a hospital with the fairy fire, no matter how accidental; not to mention me. No. I am fine… just a bump,” he said as he shook his head, chasing the stars from his vision. The ball of fire shrunk and started a wobbly dance above his head.
“No concussion. I’ve had one before… No… This is just a bump. Good thing I won’t be in any movies, huh?” He told his date with a sheepish grin. Aiden found himself wishing this Nox guy would show up if only to show him how to harness the fire. What would happen to him if he couldn’t get it in check? What would happen if there was a serious accident? Aiden was sure it would end badly for him no matter what.
He rose on unsteady feet and said, “How do you feel about horror movies?”
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!
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Sage wasn't certain it wasn't a concussion. But Aiden was probably right. It was too bad Nox wasn't still hooked into the Atharim they could have someone make a house call. Or maybe if Dorian was here he might now a doctor. Sage sighed as he helped Aiden up and grinned at the horror movie suggestion. "Sounds good." Sage could do with more scares. Not really, but anything to cuddle up and hold on to Aiden he told himself. It was a perfect date movie, and he was sure Aiden was aware of that too.
Sage picked up the bottle of Jack and held it up for Aiden's inspection. "He has more expensive if you'd rather drink that too." Sage set everything in front of the coffee table and sat down with a beer in his hand. He pried the bottle top off which was more effort than he remembered. Probably because Nox always flipped it off with the power and child it all at the same time. He was such a show off. But Sage was starting to take it for granted.
Nova and Lasher were panting heavily and as soon as the both sat down next to each other on the couch, Lasher jumped up next to Aiden and Nova jumped into Sage's lap and curled up. Sage leaned against Aiden's shoulder, "So what did you have in mind?"
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The stars in Aiden’s eyes dissipated as Sage helped him up. He looked worried, but Aiden felt fine. Well, besides his face. He was incredibly worried his nose would be black and blue by the end of the night. It wasn’t broken. Thankfully. The other man held up a bottle of Jack to show Aiden. He responded with a smile at first.
“Nah, that’s perfectly fine. Can’t go wrong with Mister Daniels. Honey, Fire, Gentleman’s, Sinatra’s Select; it’s all good. I like mine on the rocks. Shots if we’re out at the bar… Might need a quick one after that ball attack…” Aiden twisted off the cap and took a healthy swig. He’d have a glass later.
The pair collapsed onto the couch, Aiden throwing an arm around Sage while the pups joined them. “You ever see Night of the Living Dead? Well, the dude that made it, Romero, had another buddy that helped create the movie. They both wanted to take the sequel in two different directions. Romero’s buddy wanted to make a Horror-Comedy; needless to say, Romero wanted strict horror. He went on to be incredibly successful… His partner made his funny-scary movies, but they weren’t as good. They’ve become a bit of a cult classic though. Return of the Living Dead is the title and my suggestion. One of my all time favorites! Made in the 1980’s, which by the way was the height of horror movies if you ask me. It’s very scary and very funny. I think the two together will capture your interest and keep you from thinking about it too hard. So, what do ya say?”
Aiden was grinning ear to ear as he looked at Sage. His cheeks grew a little hot, but whether that was from the Jack or the Sage, he couldn’t say.
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!