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Cade wasn't sure about his brother not wanting to stay hidden. He didn't seem the shy sort so it wasn't about keeping that quiet so to speak. "Until about a year and a half ago the only thing I could find on my brother was his birth certificate and his gun licenses. Very little about him until the plane crash that landed him in the Guardian. I don't think he wants to be found or known. So this seems a bit out of character." Cade tapped his wallet. "Security makes a little sense but he's just a kid. And you all seem to trust that he's not going to get you all hurt or worse. He just seems dangerous. And I know I don't know him, but I'd like to talk to him. See what he knew about our mother, see what else I missed out on. He's an enigma more so than my mother. And then there's the whole fact that I can find nothing more on his twin sister. She was on the plane, and she has a hospital record but then nothing. Vanished. It's concerning."
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12-08-2024, 05:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2024, 08:45 PM by Anna.)
Cade seemed to know more about Nox than she did, despite him never met the man. He seemed really invested in finding him. Finding Nox was a big deal. ”I hope your meeting with him goes well and I hope you find the answers you’re looking for. I feel bad that I can’t be of more help to you.” her words were genuine. She really wished she could help, especially since Cade had lost so much. She hoped meeting Nox would give him some peace. ”Would you like another?”
When Cade gave her the affirmative, she smiled and stood to get it. She’d had quite a bit already, and was feeling slightly tipsy. At this point she really didn’t care. She didn’t have to work today and Elyse was still on her mind, but she should probably taper off. She still had to meet Elyse later and she should be sober when that happened. At least somewhat.
She came back to the table and gave Cade his drink and sat down on the other side so she could face him. That would facilitate conversation. ”Anything else on your mind? Sounds like you have a thought or two up there begging to get out.” she said with an encouraging smile. She wanted him to be comfortable. And even though Elyse was on her mind, she didn’t want to talk about it.
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Cade laughed and shook his head. "I just wish I knew more before going in." He turned on his wallet and flipped to the viral video again. "I mean look at him. How is that my brother. There might be a famillial resemblence but look at what he does. Our mother was a dance instructor, of course he'd know how to dance. I hated it after she died. Hated dancing. Still don't much like it to this day." The video switched to a fight with another man and they flung invisible power at each other. "My son died because of a genetic defect. It's not in my family, Or Laney's so it came from somewhere. He's the key to understanding it maybe?" Cade growled.
"I've had too much too drink. Telling you way too many things that you probably shouldn't know right now." He laughed. "I should shut up."
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12-08-2024, 08:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2024, 09:00 PM by Anna.)
Anna smiled a bit as Cade spoke, it only disappearing when he mentioned his son. Cade needed this answer so much. Something to give him peace.
The smile was brought back when he said he was talking too much. Alcohol could do that. He was laughing though and so was a lot more lighthearted than he had been at the beginning.
Anna was not immune to the effects of alcohol so the next thought in her head came out of her mouth unbidden. ”You’re cute”
The thought had been in her head all day. It really only made sense that the amount of alcohol would have forced the words out. Still she hadn’t had enough to bury the shame she felt at saying it now.
”Shit,” she said, looking down in embarrassment. An embarrassment she wouldn’t have felt if Cade wasn’t still getting over his wife and child. ”I’m so sorry, that was incredibly insensitive of me. I think I need to cut myself off.” she kept looking down, unable to meet his eyes.
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Cade chuckled. "Sounds like we both are saying things we shouldn't." He blushed a little. "I appreciate the comment. You're beautiful and I'm not ready to date yet. But I expect I'll be seeing more of you, if my brother... " He didn't really know what he expected from Nox. "Don't stop trying, if your interested. And I'd like stay friends. We'll pretend you didn't say it and I'll walk you home. It's too cold for you to be walking outside, we should probably take a cab."
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Cade's chuckle took away a lot of the embarrassment. It made Anna glad that it had not upset him. It was hard to upset someone by calling them attractive, but when that person was in a spot where they were hurting because they had lost the love of their life, who knows what could happen. The comment was still inappropriate at this time, but Cade was okay with 'forgetting' that she said it.
She looked up, her face blushing as he called her beautiful. "Thanks," she said responding pretty much to his statement as a whole. "Yeah I should probably get home and get rid of this buzz. Elyse could text at any minute. I hope she's okay."
Anna went to the bar, making sure the tab was clear before turning back to Cade. "I would appreciate that walk home - but yeah - it's way too cold out. Let's share a cab." She said, smiling fondly as she remembered how both of them hated the cold outside.
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Cade gave Anna a sweet smile. "Forgotten, and anytime you are ready I can go. I think I remember the address to my hotel. It's a bit too cold for walking back."
When Anna returned he handed her her coat and helped her put it on before donning his own. He wasn't used to the cold. The desert got cold, but not like this.
They hailed a cab easily, it was almost like they were waiting for them to leave. "Where to?" He asked Anna and waved his card for the man to take her fare. It was the least he could do. It wasn't like it was a date, but it was the gentlemanly thing to do.
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Anna smiled as Cade helped her put on her coat. It was an odd feeling, being treated like a lady. In her line of work, she very rarely saw gentlemen, despite having worked at a “gentleman’s club.” It wasn’t that she hated the work - she had enjoyed it and was good at it. But this was nice too.
”Thank you,” she said politely with a smile as he finished. She donned the rest of her cold weather gear and bid the barman a farewell with her thanks.
A cab was quickly summoned and Anna entered giving the driver her address. It wasnt terribly far. Her they arrived at her house. It wasn’t a big one, but it was hers. ”It was really great to meet you, Cade. she said her smile warm. ”Inhope your meeting with Nox goes well and that you find the answers you are looking for. And regardless of how that goes, I hope we can be friends. I’d like that a lot.” She really meant all of it. She didn’t know, however how he and Nox would get along. Cade seemed to be unsure of that too. All she knew was, she did want to see Cade again. And not at Kallisti. She wanted to see him like this. She looked at him, desiring to say more. He had basically told her to keep flirting if she wa interested, and she was - but not like this. Not while she was still tipsy. He deserved better. Instead, she simply asked, ”See you again?”
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Cade grinned. "Absolutely." He sent his contact over. "Maybe you can show me around town sometime after I meet Nox, so I know how things go from there on out. Text me if you find out when he'll be back. I don't want to miss him."
He gave her a small wave and then gave the driver his address. "Hold till she's inside, then we can go." He waited until she was inside, and before he was off to his hotel. It wasn't far, but it wasn't close either, but Cade really didn't have much measure of distance here in Moscow everything was so new.
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Anna’s smile grew as he agreed. ”Id love to show you around! Good bye for now!” she said and headed to her home. Before entering, she turned around and waved at the cab before entering.
Anna closed the door behind her and leaned against it sighing like a love struck high schooler. She hadn’t really let herself crush on anyone for a long time. This just seemed right to her though. Deep down, she hoped it worked out.
Anna went to her kitchen and started a pot of coffee before she remembered she had told Nox and Juls she needed help breaking her block. She took out her wallet to send them a message.
First to Nox: Hey Nox. Disregard my last message about breaking my block. Block is broken.
Then to Juls: Nevermind. Block is broken. I’ll be at lessons more now :-)
When the coffee was done, she poured herself a cup and began to drink. Her wallet buzzed and she expected a response from Nox or Juls, but it was Elyse telling her she needed help moving and to meet her at her place. Whatever happened to her today necessitated a move. Soon Anna would know what was going on. Her worry was building again.