Liv saw the panic wash over Marta. I don't have time to deal with this! Why was everyone so fucking needy.
Jackson looked at Liv and shook his head
"I got this." Liv didn't hesitate as Jackson took Marta in his hands and Liv rushed out the door.
Why was she always having to take care of everyone. Just because she was the oldest? Because she could heal their woes? Why!
At least Nox hadn't asked her to take care of him. Hadn't tried to pull her down. He gave her an instruction and she could follow it. Or not. It was in her best interest to follow it. To keep her family safe. She didn't understand why Marta had started panicking it wasn't like it had any bearing on her own self. So what her friend was freaking out. Panicking wasn't going to fix it. Liv growled. She could at least buy a lock box. But now no one was looking for all the sharp things.
Liv rounded on her heels and went back to find Liam. He'd at least have a good head on his shoulders and keep his wits about him. So much for trusting the younger kids to be helpful.
Marta took Liv's hands and was going into full blown panic mode. He'd forgotten, but Liv didn't take pity on Marta, she was angry and frustrated and always felt like she was being piled on top of. Nox and Liam had tried to help ease the burden the Blackthorns and the rest of the foster kids put on her. She hoped for an ounce of freedom but habits were hard to break. And Marta had clung to the older woman like a motherly figure, Liv hadn't had the childhood any of them deserved and it hurt her a great deal.
Jackson took Marta's hands in his and walked her through things.
"Focos on me. Breathe with me." He tried the thing Nox had said he used.
"What can you see Marta. You can see me. You can see Splash. What else can you see? Remeber to breate."