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Anna listened intently to Ashton as he explained what he could do. It was interesting for sure even if it was kind of scary. It was like her own power though. In the wrong hands, it could be really bad. They were discussing compulsion essentially, and that was very dangerous indeed. He could of course make her do things that were completely innocent. He could also make her murder people. With great power comes great responsibility.
Anna felt safe around Ashton though. It sound like Nox had rules for him to follow, and he seemed to be trying really hard to do what was expected of him. It had to be hard after using his gift for so long to hurt others. ”Well, as far as I’m concerned you did nothing wrong. Thank you for sharing that with me.”
Anna sort of wanted to try it - she wanted to have Ashton make her do something to really make her feel what it felt like, but she saw how hard he was trying to follow Nox’s rules. She couldn’t ask him to do that. It just wouldn’t be appropriate.
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It was one thing to “know” what someone could do. It was another thing to hear it from them. Many Atharim “knew” what she could do as a wolfkin. But in reality they didn’t understand it. Nox had asked her about it when they met originally. It was also another thing to experience being under the power of of another. She hadn’t known that he hadn’t needed to sing to do it. It just made it easier.
Ashton had never, since she had known him, used his power on her or someone she knew. He really was trying hard. Elyse did have another question though. ”Im wondering…does your song work on a recording? Like if we recorded your singing, would it have a similar effect as if we were listening to it live?” She wondered if anyone else had tried it. It would make any siren more dangerous.
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Ashton shrugged it didn't matter if she knew. It was nice to have people not be afraid of him. Nox wasn't afraid he was cautious. He just needed to earn his trust. He was grateful they didn't think he'd done anything wrong. He hadn't meant to.
Elyse's question made him think. "I..." He shrugged. "I actually don't know. I've never met anyone like me and the Blackthorns never thought of it as an option. If they did I'd probably have been their next meal."
Ashton smiled. "We could try. And if it works we could use it to advertise Kallisti. "oh come, oh come see us at the burlesque"." he winked though he didn't add anything to it. Was just words.
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Elyse’s question was an interesting one and Anna awaited Ashton’s answer in anticipation, but it turned out that he didn’t know. She was game to try it though. ”Let’s find out. Elyse and I can leave the room. You can record yourself and we come back in. That way we don’t know what you want us to do beforehand. Just make us do something not bad. Then we’ll know,”
She looked at Elyse who gave a nod, she was okay with it too. Anna turned back to Ashton. ”Of course we will only do this if you’re comfortable with it. We’re volunteering here, so I don’t think Nox would see it as you breaking rules.”
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02-23-2025, 12:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-23-2025, 12:53 AM by Elyse.)
Elyse was alright with trying it as well. It was better to try it in a safe environment like this, and Anna’s suggestion wasn’t a bad one. She didn’t think Nox would have a problem with it either, but ultimately - this was Ashton’s ability and if he wasn’t comfortable, they wouldn’t do it.
”If you’re uncomfortable with doing this, we won’t. We’re not going to push it, and if you’re worried about Nox not being okay with it, we can ask him. We are agreeing to this, and we trust you. We don’t want to get you into any trouble at all.”
Anna nodded. ”Yeah - only if you want to. We trust you Ashton”
Elyse hoped he would, and she thought Anna felt the same. In the long run, it would be good to know and trying it in a controlled environment would be better than doing so otherwise.
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02-23-2025, 02:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-23-2025, 02:33 PM by Ashton.)
Ashton wasn't sure about all of it. He wanted to know. Nox would want to know. It could be a problem. It could help Kallisti. But he didn't want to get in trouble and be kicked out either.
"Let me text Nox real quick."
He pulled out his wallet and sent Nox a quick text. He hoped the man would answer quickly. He wasn't sure how long they would be free or willing.
Elyse asked a question about my ability. Does it work if it's recorded? Anna and Elyse offered to help. Is it okay?
Only a few second passed before a message was returned.
Be careful. Let me know how it goes."
Ashton smiled and nodded to the two women. "He's okay with it. You stay here. I'll go find someplace quiet to do record it then be right back."
Ashton slipped off into the supply closet and shut the door behind him and he hummed one of his favorite songs pouring a seductive come to me vibe. He didn't imply himself but to the sound he hoped. It wasn't very long but they could put it on loop if needed.
When he returned to Anna and Elyse with a grin and he put his wallet down across the room and set a delay for it to play while he walked away from it. The song began to play and Ashton thought he sounded strange, but then you always sounded strange to their self.
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Anna smiled as Ashton said it was okay with Nox. She had been honest. She didn't want Ashton to get in trouble. She knew very little about him except that now he lived off of Nox's charity. Anna thought he really should apply to work here and get paid for it. He was old enough to, and the amount he did deserved more than a pat on the back.
Anna turned to Elyse as she waited for Ashton to come back. "This is kind of exciting isn't it? Figuring out all this supernatural stuff? Of course you've done this most of your life right?"
Elyse nodded at her. "I have, but I still have gaps in my knowledge. Gaps that will only be filled if I'm interested to look," Anna saw the sadness creep back into Elyse's eyes.
Anna wrapped the other woman in a hug and whispered into her ear, "It will be okay,"
Elyse released the hug first and there was a smile there. "I know - but thanks for the reminder. It's just...going to take some time to get used to this."
"Well I'm here to help as always," Anna kissed Elyse on the forehead. "So what do you think he's gonna make us do?"
Elyse smirked. "Nothing bad - probably something simple."
Ashton came out with a grin, set his wallet down across the room and walked away from it. He said nothing to them, just walked away. In a few moments a song began to play from the wallet.
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Elyse kept her eyes on Ashton as he walked away from the wallet until the song started to play and then her gaze, drawn to the source of the beautiful song, turned to face the wallet. She could barely force herself to shift her eyes towards Anna whose eyes were also locked on the source. The effect was almost immediate and like one, the two women rose drawn to the sound.
Elyse felt something else - peace. She had no decisions to make - they were made for her. She walked toward the sound with Anna, not of her own volition. Some other force took her there a step at a time. It beckoned and called to her, bringing it ever closer. They got about halfway there when the song ended. It took her a few moments to come back to reality, her brain foggy with the sound of the song. She wished it hadn't stopped. Elyse looked around, wondering why she had gotten up, before she remembered. Anna recovered first.
"Holy shit!" Elyse heard Anna exclaim, but her voice was laced with excitement, not fear or anger. "That was amazing! It worked!"
Elyse began to smile to. This was an incredible discovery. Anna was nearly jumping with excitement and it was infectious. "It was odd - I felt at peace - like all that mattered was coming closer to that song. Even moving wasn't my choice - it was oddly calming."
Anna nodded. "I felt the same," she turned to Ashton. "That's quite the gift you have there Ashton!" Anna gave him a smile and moved to sit down.
Elyse picked up Ashton's wallet and returned it to him. "It is pretty amazing. She joined Anna back at the table.
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02-25-2025, 10:59 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-25-2025, 10:59 AM by Ashton.)
Ashton didn't think it was all that wonderful. His gift landed him in trouble more often than not. He was just lucky that his last mark now made the choices his own instead of someone else's. It was a good thing to know that he could influence others over a recording, and that it drew them to the sound.
But Ashton wondered if he could draw them to a specific place that was not where the sound originated from.
"That's good for live performances, but I wonder if we could use it in ads on the radio or TV and have them longing to come to Kallisti?"
He'd never tried to send anyone anywhere. Ashton looked around. "I could try to send you two to the bar? Don't need to record it."
But Ashton didn't really wait for an answer before he texted Nox back.
It worked. Testing another theory, might help Kallisti pull in more people, if it works."
He looked up from his wallet at the women waiting on their answer. He wasn't sure if Nox would be mad, but they had offered their help and he wouldn't do it against their will. That was not a good way to make friends.
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Elyse looked to Anna. ”Always willing to try once,” she said with a shrug.
Elyse agreed with trying, but something didn’t sit well with her regarding this. It wasn’t with Ashton wanting to understand his abilities. It was simply what he was suggesting would in essence be mass manipulation. It was one thing to draw in someone who came here for that. It was another to manipulate them to come here for that. It just struck her as something that was ethically questionable.
”I’m for trying it to see what you can do. I’m a little wary of applying it in the way you suggest,” Elyse told Ashton. ”We would have to talk to Nox and Carmen about doing that. It seems a little morally off to do so. No offense meant to you, Ashton,” she said.
Elyse sat back and waited for Ashton’s response. She hope she hadn’t hurt the young man. It certainly hadn’t been her intent, but she felt she needed to say it. Ultimately it would be Carmen’s decision - if it worked.