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Sierra had sent a text - however awkwardly to the number Elyse had needed. The number was the only one she had saved a contact to in her wallet. Something she'd purchased with major hesitation. She didn't like the technology, but she needed to keep in contact with clients. Work had never really been something Sierra needed to worry about, but she couldn't live in Moscow on her wildlife photography alone.
She sat down on the large couch waiting for her friend to come in. Her back was too the door, her camera she held in her hand while she focused on the far wall. There was an interesting collection of things on shelves - almost like someone's living room. The light came in perfectly casting some of the pieces in shadow and others in radiant light.
Sierra had spent the rest of the night sketching out the image of the tattoo the man wore on his arm - his left arm. It was significant. She'd known it then, and she knew it now.
The wolves were too far away, they were just a ghost on her mind. She missed Snow, and missed the wolves. Now that the weather was warmer maybe she'd spend time with the pack. Maybe Elyse would like to go.
A large tea cup sat virtually untouched next to the sketch that had taken all night to draw. It wasn't Sierra's talent, but she could manage with some degree of realism. It at least looked like the one in her memory.
In the dream memories had been sparse - addled with sleep and mystery, but Sierra remembered the moment she woke the woman from her dream. They'd met before - not for long - and in another case of the bizarre. Sierra wondered how that emo boy was doing - Elias. And if Jaxen was alright, the man had been naked in the snow and yet he didn't show any signs of ill treatment or frost bite. Everything seemed to be weird around Moscow...
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Elyse slept soundly that night. For the first time in a long time she awoke feeling refreshed. Ana had at least been happy to see her smile the next morning at breakfast. Elyse was also excited to be meeting Sierra. She had a friend.
Elyse remembered after she woke up that she had met Sierra before, albeit briefly. She had met Elias and Jaxen at the same time. It was an odd meeting.
Elyse went to the cafe and found Sierra sitting with her back to the door. In the woman's hands was a camera. A cup of tea, untouched sat next to a piece of paper. Elyse didn't look at it. It wasn't her business. She took a seat across from the woman.
Elyse said, nodding at the camera. "Long Eye?"
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Sierra smelled Elyse before she came said anything. She didn't know it had been her, but the soft scents of her soap had wafted her direction when the door opened. She laughed softly at the question. "Yeah."
Sierra put the camera down and smiled. Remembering her tea, she picked it up and took a swallow. Its warmth slide down her throat and Sierra sighed softly. Warmth was nice - living in the snow and rain in the wilderness was definitely wearing on her body. It was good to be warm all the time.
Sierra put the cup down and pushed the paper towards Elyse. "This is the mark on the man's arm. Maybe you recognize it, maybe not. Maybe you can find him from it."
But Sierra didn't want to talk business. "Did you sleep well after waking? I can't imagine being stuck in the dream is ever pleasant."
Sierra remembered her first trip into the dream with Snow as her guide. She had never been alone in any of her learnings. The wolves had always been around. She couldn't imagine doing this alone... Sierra had to push away the sadness. Snow was gone but he still lived on in the dream, Sierra knew that - it was the only happy note in the whole situation.
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Sierra took a sip of her tea. Elyse had to smile. The name was a good fit. Wolves were rather good at picking names. A piece of paper was pushed towards her an ouroboros was drawn on it. She didn't recognize the particular design, but then again, she didn't pay too much attention to other Atharim tattoos.
"It's not one I recognize. If I see one I'll let you know. It is more difficult now as I'm well..."
She stopped not having to say more. "I'll try though."
Sierra moved on quickly though. Maybe this wasn't just a meeting about justice. Perhaps Elyse would find a friend.
"I did sleep well, thanks,"
she said smiling. "First time I've slept since the visions started."
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Sierra smiled. "I'm glad."
There wasn't much else to do. It wasn't their first meeting, and Sierra hoped it wasn't their last. But there was far more things the wolves could teach the city girl. And Sierra wanted to be with the pack. The humans were hard - it was a difficult being around so many.
"Have you ever been with a pack before?"
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Elyse really hadn't spent much time with the wolves. Because of her job it hadn't been encouraged. Having to remain in hiding had been difficult, and it wasn't just because she had to hide. It had been emotionally exhausting.
Elyse ordered a coffee as a waitress stopped by and it sipped it before answering. "No I haven't. It was something I couldn't do."
She took another drink, trying to formulate more. "It was difficult when I found out, and it's been difficult since. I think I've really just gotten to the point where I'm okay with it."
She looked down, not feeling ashamed of what she was, but feeling ashamed that it took her so long to really accept it.
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Sierra frowned. How it was to live in the shadows? To not understand what you were, or even be able to explore it. Sierra wondered if it was like that for these so called ascendants, channelers whatever the media wanted to call them - the used magic.
"My problem is the opposite, I don't do well among humans."
Sierra confided in Elyse - she was easy to talk to. "My father believed the end of days were coming. For my childhood we lived in a bunker in the middle of the Spanish wilderness. I have lived with the wolves on and off since I left home. You should join me.... soon. It might be good for you. Get away from your troubles, find out what you really are."
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Elyse smiled. She still liked people and being around them, but she could go on smaller trips. It would be good for her to really know what she could do. And a part of it was exciting.
Elyse was also a little sad though. To not know how to be around your own kind was difficult. Elyse maybe could help Sierra with that as well. She wouldn't take her to night clubs or anything, but it might be nice to try a small get together where she could meet a few people.
"That might be fun for a bit. I do have people that need me, so I can't do it for a long term amount of time, but I could go on some trips."
She sipped at her coffee. "It would be good to learn more about my abilities as well."
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Sierra smiled. "I wouldn't expect you to live with the wolves full time or even long term. Even I need human contact once and a while. It's never easy being different - anywhere you go."
Sierra sipped the dredges of her tea, it hadn't gone cold - she was thankful for that small miracle. She offered Elyse her hand. "Call me when you want to go. I can pick and take you out at any time."
She offered another smile. "Call me if you need any thing."