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He snapped, though she'd only asked a question. Elias' words were barbed and wiry, and his emotions heated like boiling water. His need was a furnace. Scalding. Asha couldn't imagine wanting something so much, even as the desire curled into every ounce of her, hooking into her flesh. His words were cryptic and confusing. Still, they sparked her curiosity. She was about to speak, but her gaze moved to the door in surprise a few moments before the knock came. She glanced back at Elias, frowning. "I don't get visitors."
The last thing she wanted right now was more company, but she unfolded from the sofa anyway, and hauled herself up. Briefly rubbing her eyes. Steeling herself. And answered the door.
"Nox. Hi."
She smiled, then peered curiously at the stranger behind him, and moved out of the doorway to let them in, making a vague gesture of welcome. Usually she would have been glad of the company, but today she anticipated a frisson of tension - from Elias, at least. She built walls around herself doggedly, just in case.
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((Haha Dane is such a creeper.))
Cain nodded at the explanation. He wouldn't wish Dane on any unsuspecting citizen. He frowned at the warning not to "channel". Channel what? Was that what it was called to use magic? Also, what did Nox mean about the "disappearing act"? The redhead didn't have time to ask any of his questions before they entered a shop, and greeted a random stranger. Nox led him up to a flat and knocked on the door. The girl who answered (Asha?) was slim and pretty. She looked fairly nervous until she got a good look of Nox, and relaxed while greeting him by name. Obviously the two were pretty decent friends. Absentmindedly, Cain wondered whether this girl was who his friend had spent the night with, before dismissing it. They looked friendly but not that friendly.
Cain nodded in greeting, but didn't bother to introduce himself. This was Nox's rodeo and he'd let the guy lead. The two of them walked into the flat and Cain noticed a rather... eccentric looking fellow as well. Hanging around with Nox definitely led him to some interesting company.
((Also sorry for dropping out of chat earlier, again. I'm not at the top of my game today.))
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((oops I didn't mean to say channel I guess we can go with it ))
(( I didn't mention channeling..... *wipes forehead* I try very hard not to mention it in game. He said not to use your power... ))
Edited by Nox, Aug 18 2016, 08:35 AM.
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A knock and Asha rose to answer the door. Elias went back to flipping the book, disinterested in her visitors. Only when she spoke the name Nox, surprise, and even a moment of happiness tinting her voice, did Elias look over.
He didn't go to his feet, but a grumble silently constricted his throat. The fates must have summoned him. Speak the devil and he appears.
He listened to see what the man wanted. And hope he didn't linger long.
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Nox grinned at her greeting. "This is Cain."
Nox stepped inside the small studio apartment and saw Elias sitting on the couch wearing a white t-shirt which made Nox blink quickly before for he smiled at the man who was ignoring him as he flipped through one of Aria's books. "That's Elias on the couch. This is Asha."
Introductions over Nox held up the package of the doorknob and handed Asha a new key. "Aria's exish boyfriend is back in town. He has a key. I can't exactly ask him for it back. But I can change the locks. I don't think you want him just sauntering right on in."
Not that a lock was going to stop Dane if he wanted in. But it was still the principle of the matter.
"I also need one of Aria's books. She's loaning it out."
Girl was worse than he was about his toys. "I won't be long. Really didn't mean to disturb your company."
He grinned and winked at her. Not that he saw Elias actually making a move, but hey he was here. That was a big step for the emotionally constipated guy he'd met on the street.
Nox didn't wait long before he started taking apart the old door knob. He had been stupid and forgotten a screwdriver. Thankfully the power was a good tool and he quickly pulled on his power and made a flat disk of earth and dropped the power after he tied off the weave. "Aria needs the Journal of Elenora Martello. It'll be the oldest one in the collection."
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Cain smiled at Asha and Elias in greeting, but blinked at Nox's explanation of Dane. He didn't know if Nox just didn't want to fully explain the threat that Dane posed, or if he and this Aria woman had actually dated for a while. That would be... well, the guy could be charming but it would be a bit like sleeping with a mountain lion.
The redhead felt a bit awkward. He was sort of hovering beside Nox, not sure what he could do to help. Replacing a lock was more of a one-man job, and he'd likely just get in the way. However, his position gave him the ideal vantage point to see a neat trick Nox pulled. The man made a structure with his magic, but rather than maintain the web, he sort of tied the ends of the threads together to keep it stable before releasing his power. Cain furrowed his brow as he studied the spell. That would be a useful way of keeping any magical constructs around without having to exhaust himself with holding them steady. He made a mental note to try the trick later.
Still, there wasn't much he could do. Cain considered approaching Elias and making conversation, but the man was putting off some very clear 'do-not-talk-to-me' vibes, so the redhead decided he was better off keeping his distance. Instead he turned to Asha.
"Uh, how do you know Nox then?"
He fought the urge to cringe. Geez he needed to work on his small talk.
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Elias cringed to wonder what kind of psycho would date Aria. That chick was crazier than a bag of rabid cats, and the boyfriend was ex-ish, not even a full ex-. The thought that he could let himself in, maybe go to the bedroom looking for Aria, and find someone else asleep--Elias' jaw tightened, teeth grinding.
Elias spoke over the pages of the book splayed open across his lap, gaze sharp and full of judgement.
"And you can't ask for it back because--?"
--you're a pussy, the second half of the statement went unsaid. Darkened eyes flickered to Cain, daring him to answer, if he had anything to say.
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Nox placed a key in her palm, and Asha'a expression fell to a frown. Confusion tinged her concern. On the surface the explanation sounded innocent enough, and she sensed nothing unusual from Nox, but... "If he knows Aria doesn't live here anymore, why would he come?"
He'd have no reason to, right? Then, a more worrying thought. "Is he like Aria? Or is he like you?"
Elias simmered like a storm cloud behind them. The pressure filled every corner of the room, stealing all the air. Her jaw hardened, followed by a deep breath. She swallowed the key in her hand and shoved it in her pocket as the bite of Elias's words filled the quiet. It was a fair point, but he was spoiling for an argument. Nox had a talent for annoying others, and the two had never gotten along, but she hoped desperately that he wouldn't bite. Last time had been bad enough.
She retreated to the desk where the journals were stacked neatly, aware that the man called Cain still lingered awkwardly by the door. It rolled off him in uncertain waves, tightening into her skin, and Asha offered a weary smile as she sorted though the books. "You can sit down you know. And feel free to help yourself."
She spared a hand to point out the food and water on the table. "We met when my car was stolen. He convinced Aria to put me up. And you? Seems he has a penchant for collecting us strays."
This time her smile was a little less ragged, and she hummed a note of self- deprecating laughter. She'd been grateful for the help; still was.
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Nox sighed. Elias' tone was far from friendly and he didn't think it was because he was protecting Asha. And that's all Nox really wanted to do. "I didn't think about it when I saw him last. But it's not my key to ask for it back. I feel responsible for Asha, she's here because of me."
Nox continued as he removed the old knob from the door with only a minimal effort. The hard part was getting the stupid screws back in place when you can't see shit. "And I'm responsible for Dane's return. So call it guilt, whatever, but I'll protect Asha the best I can and if it means doing manual labor then so be it."
Nox didn't want a fight. He wanted to fix the door knob and go check out Ascendancy's work on his way to the son of an Atharim who was also a god like him. How much smaller can the world get?
Nox had the two halves in place and was working with the first screw. It was annoying but he was managing. He frowned as he worked. "He can't do what Aria does, but he's as messed up as she is. But he is like me in terms of ability."
He didn't want to mention Cain or Elias, it was their secrets and he wasn't going to divulge them.
Nox finished with the last screw and stood up to check the function with the second key. "I'll give this one to Aria when I see her. I'll get you a copy for an emergency."
He looked at Elias and grinned. "Or whoever."
Asha told Cain how they met, leaving out the gorey details of men with broken limbs and the power used to do it with. He was okay with that, Cain already thought he was out there - he could sense the wariness of the other man. But it was good not to trust him. He was still the enemy and if push came to shove - Nox's life mattered more. But he chuckled when Asha called them his strays. "It's the puppy eyes. I can't resist them."
Nox knew better than to take Asha by the chin and play the cute baby card like he would have anyone else. But Asha was like Aria, he'd not touch her unless asked. He grinned at her playfully. "I'll take that journal and let the two of you get back to your... "
Nox grinned wanting to say date so bad but he didn't, "your meal."
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Elias clearly didn't think very highly of them, and wasn't impressed that they weren't confronting Dane to get the key back. The man met Cain's eyes as if he were challenging him to defend himself. The redhead felt a spike of anger, and clenched his jaw but otherwise didn't respond. Cain had absolutely no desire to fight Dane over a stranger's life, especially not a bellend like Elias. Dane could kill the jerk for all Cain cared.
Asha seemed nice though, worth going out of their way to ensure that she didn't become one of Dane's victims. Cain sat down as directed, careful to keep some distance between himself and Elias. He wasn't particularly hungry but he wasn't one to turn down free food, and so he grabbed something to munch on. Besides, it was something to do to keep him occupied. The redhead couldn't help but grin at Asha's story.
"Yeah, he does have a bit of a hero complex doesn't he?"
Cain was starting to get a better picture of his friend now. The guy rescued people off the streets and went to change someone else's locks to keep them safe. Obviously Nox was still Atharim and thus would have to be treated carefully, but it made the redhead feel better that his actions towards Cain weren't out of character. It made it more likely that the guy didn't have any nefarious ulterior motives.
It seemed that Nox was getting ready to go, job done, so Cain got up and stood by him. His lips twitched when the other magician teased the two of them. "Well, it's been a pleasure meeting you Asha,"
he said, purposefully not mentioning Elias, though he did nod in the other man's direction, just so that he wasn't entirely rude.