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The train came barrelling down the tracks as Ayden finally grasped what Emily had said. Emily moved towards the train but Ayden didn't move, everyone else got off and on and they were alone in the station as the train started moving again.
Ayden turned Emily to face her. "Nox. Tall skinny kid, stupid grin on his face ALL the time. A dragon tattoo on his left forearm in the shape of infinity eating its own tail?"
Emily blinked. "Ummmm...yes...??"
Ayden sighed, thinking about everything Emily had told her. He was nice, gentle, delicate. He was just a kid. But she didn't like him. Actually she dispised him. Connor liked him. Should she trust two people she cared for over her own perceptions. Ayden frowned, "He's dangerous to you Emily. It's good he left you. Does he know what you can do?"
Emily's breath began to speed up. "Yes...he does."
Ayden shoke her head, "He seems to pull that information out of us so easily."
Ayden took Emily over to some chairs to talk quietly while they waited for the next train. "Did he do anything strange, make a phone call, a text?"
Emily was starting to panic. "Yes...a text...what is he?"
Ayden tried to assess what damage was done. Figuring she'd just go talk to the kid, Connor had a way of contacting him. Ayden's heart sank which meant she had to talk to that Aria girl. She sighed but decided she had to know. But Emily needed to know the truth too. "Nox works for an organization that hunts people like us. He'd no sooner kill us than let us live."
But that truly wasn't the truth, but Ayden wanted to scare her into not contacting the kid again, but she didn't have to throw his name through mud, she had liked him. Ayden amended her thoughts, "Well maybe not him personally, but the Atharim they do. You have to stay away from him. You can tell people like him, they mark themselves. Stupid if you ask me. A snake biting its own tail. Everyone is different, but it's the location that matters, left forearm. Emily, you MUST stay away from Nox. I will talk to him, to see if you are on any record. Why on earth were you near him in the first place, I doubt he frequents the same places you do, he's a bottom dweller."
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Emily was almost in full blown panic. The man could have killed her. He hunted people like her. He didn't take her then and he didn't seem to know who she really was. There was a good chance that would change soon.
The Atharim. They hunted people like her. Why? Emily wasn't dangerous. She could be, after her power got stronger, but she didn't want to go that route. She had power - and power could corrupt. That was common knowledge, but she had grown up in power - money was power. She wasn't corrupted, and her parents weren't corrupted either.
Staying away from Nox - Emily could do that - but she was on the verge of hyperventilating now. She took some deep breaths to calm down. She nodded at Ayden, letting her know she understood.
The reason why she had been near Nox - it was an interesting question. Emily pulled the envelope out of her purse, her hand brushing against the pistol she had bought. She was protected. She handed the envelope to Ayden. "I sought him out. He sent me that - made me think he knew more about the circumstances in the plane crash. I hired a man to find him."
Ayden laughed, "You sent the PI."
Emily nodded. "You must have seen him on the night he underestimated Nox. I gave him a nice verbal lashing for that. It got me a pretty decent discount too."
A thought came unbidden to Emily's head. "Rachel, Mara - are they in danger too? As far as I know they don't have my abilities."
Ayden sighed, "Yes. Connor said they kill the families too. Genetic traits they say."
The fear was replaced by anger. Emily wasn't their mother - just their sister, but since mom died, she had taken on that role to them - counselor, provider, and protector. Emily's eyes burned with emerald fire. Like a mother bear protecting her cubs, Emily would be the shield between the Atharim and her sisters.
"I don't want to hurt people,"
Emily said, her voice resolved. "But if they come after my sisters, I swear to God I will hurt them."
Emily could feel the fury inside of her as her hands clenched into fists, but amongst the fury, she felt a calm. Like a bright light inside of her. She reached for it instinctively and felt the familiar sense of her magic flowing in her. The fury faded, replaced by surprise. She was holding it. She hadn't spoken a spell. Everything seemed clearer. Ayden's hair was a brighter red. Ayden's perfume was more prominent Emily turned her head, hearing a clink. A man had dropped a coin. He was far enough away that she shouldn't have heard it.
Reluctantly she let go of her magic. The light was still there and she grabbed it again. It came to her easily. She let go once more, satisfied that she could do it on her own now. Nothing blocked her magic.
She smiled at Ayden. Ayden had to have known what just happened. "This is supposed to be a relaxing day. If you need to call now, we can, but let's not let this ruin our day. You need to see how beautiful I look in my dress, and we need to find you some pretties too."
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Ayden hadn't expected the reaction from Emily, but at least it was beyond liking the boy now, scared for her family. That alone would keep Emily from Nox. Emily embraced the power Ayden saw the tell tale glow around her and smiled at the other woman. There were no more words, she'd found a reason to embrace the power without her need to command it. It was a good day.
Ayden leaned back against the chair and smiled, "No I do not need to call him now, cause I have to go through a girl I'd rather not talk to right now. She may be the reason that Connor is back with me, but I don't have to like the way she handled it."
No she didn't have to like it one bit.
Dress shopping, that was a joy to think about, not that Ayden had a problem talking men. She enjoyed having someone to talk men with, but Emily didn't need to go over her one night stand with the boy Atharim. But it made more sense why Sebastian and she got along, she grinned, "Did you know that Sebastian was a friend of Nox's? How small of a world we live in."
It was just idle conversation. "Let's go get your dress first, and then we can hunt for something in my price range."
Ayden didn't expect to find anything affordable where ever Emily had gotten her's.
When the next train came they got on and headed towards the GUM. It wasn't far, and they probably could have walked, but this gave them an excuse to gossip over people in hushed whispers. Ayden was pretty sure that Emily wasn't really the gossipy type, but Ayden could probably persuade her to do just about anything. And she intended to keep Emily's mind off of her self-imposed shame. Ayden hoped she'd get over it quickly, she wouldn't find a man worrying about cad's like Nox.
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Emily was in good spirits when she entered the train. Her mind was no longer occupied by Nox. That night had taken a back seat to her sisters. Deep down she was worried about them, but on the outside she kept her cool. Her last statement to Ayden had partially been to herself.
So Nox knew Bas. That was kind of interesting and Emily giggled at it. The train ride passed by with little incident. Ayden and Emily spoke in hushed gossip. Emily wasn't the gossiping sort, but the talk kept her mind off of the danger her sisters might be in.
When the train stopped, the two women headed into the mall and headed directly for Imperials. Ayden was right for more than one reason in choosing to get Emily's first. First of all, Emily had already found her dress, she just needed to check the alterations. Secondly, Imperials would deliver it to her home. Thirdly, the rest of the day could be about Ayden.
The receptionist greeted them warmly. "Ah, Miss Shale. Emelda is expecting you. Go ahead and head back."
Emily thanked her and took Ayden by the hand, leading her to the room where Emelda was standing, checking over some dresses. "Miss Shale, it is good to see you again. Emelda found Emily's dress, it was set aside already and handed it to her. "I made the alterations and added in a little surprise." Emelda grinned. "You didn't get shoes the last time you were here, would you like to try some."
Emily nodded and gave the woman her size. "Heels, but not too high please."
Emily gave Ayden a smile and went to a fitting room to change. Emily examined the dress, but didn't see anything different - she wondered what this surprise was. She came out of the room, one hand on her breast, holding it up. She moved her hair out of the way and spoke to Ayden, turning around. "Zip me please?"
As Ayden did so, she grunted in surprise. "And there's the surprise."
The upper portion of her dress was tighter. Emelda had added in a built in corset.
After she got used to the tension, it wasn't so bad. "Ayden, in my purse there are some earrings and a necklace with emeralds. There are also some green gloves. Could you bring those for me? I want to see everything together."
As she waited, Emily turned towards the mirror. The corset was doing it's work. "This makes my chest look huge."
She grinned at Ayden as she approached with her items. "I think I like it."
Emily took the earrings and put them in while Ayden placed the necklace around her neck. Emily took the gloves and put them on. They ended a inch above her elbows. Emily took another look in the mirror and turned to get an idea of how it looked everywhere. As she looked, she noticed that the gauntness that had been in her face earlier was beginning to leave. Spending time with Ayden had been a good idea. She would have to thank Ayden later and her sister for making her call.
Emily turned to Ayden and smiled. "So what do you think?"
Emily had fallen in love with this dress the first time she saw it. All the green made her green eyes sparkle. Emily truly felt like a goddess.
Edited by Emily Shale, Mar 23 2015, 11:56 AM.
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Emily looked good Ayden kept her thoughts to herself about her bust, but she was pretty sure a dress like that would have made Nox melt, or any guy for that matter. But she didn't say that to Emily.
Ayden smiled, "You look fabulous. You shall stop the hearts of many."
It was the truth.
Emealda helped put things back the way they were before they left, Emily's dress was neatly hanging on the door before the woman turned to her with a smile. "And for you?"
Ayden laughed, "I can't afford anything here."
the other woman looked disappointed and turned her attention fully back to Emily. Ayden could only laugh, oh how money bought people's attentions. They certainly had bought hers, she sighed, she missed those days on and off. Today was only slightly one of those days.
When Emily was done they found a slightly cheaper yet highly established dress shop. Ayden probably would have preferred to shop at the market than the mall, but this would do. In the back the wedding gowns were situated, but Ayden caught sight of a dress that she absolutely loved.
Ayden pulled the strapless dress off the rack and held it up to get a better look at it. The top half was smokey grey, it softly faded into oranges and reds. It looked on fire, Ayden smiled. She found the right size and headed into the fitting room and tried it on.
Ayden thought to herself this would but the whole Phoenix myth into a whole new perspective. She laughed, she'd have to redye her hair, maybe a phoenix tattoo to complete the whole look.
Ayden stepped out to the mirrors out front and walked around, when the dress moved it almost looked liked the flames flickered. Ayden smiled and spun around. No one would really get it, but Ayden loved it. "What do you think?"
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Emily frowned a bit when Emelda pushed Ayden off. That kind of behavior was typical of such establishments, but it didn't change the fact that it was rude. Emily completed her work with Emelda giving an address at which to deliver the dress and shoes, and then left with Ayden.
When they were out of the shop, Emily whispered to her. "I apologize for those of my class."
Emily let Ayden lead the way. The rest of the day was for her. Enough of it had been spent with Emily being the center of attention. They went into a charming dress shop. Emily expected they would go right to the wedding dresses, but a dress caught Ayden's eye. The strapless dress was made into a flame design. Emily could see Ayden smile as she lifted it. Emily followed her to the dressing room, waiting for her friend to come out.
When Ayden came out, Emily smiled. She waited until Ayden had looked at herself in the mirror and spoke before responding. "I love it Ayden. Connor will melt when he sees you in it. You're so beautiful, and well...this dress is"
Emily smiled at that. It was true. Something about the dress just fit Ayden perfectly. It didn't take long for Emily to realize what it was. The bright red hair and flame red contacts. Emily stepped up to Ayden. "I really like this sheer fabric - it really completes the whole fire image. You really like fire don't you?"
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Ayden laughed at Emily's comment. "Fire is my god given talent, it has a great deal of meaning to my life."
It was about all she would say about it. But fire was everything, it was destruction and renewal. It was the phoenix in all reality. A forest fire would destroy everything in it's path, but then things would begin to grow, the destruction of the prior residents fueling the new growth. The phoenix rose from the ashes to live on.
Ayden loved the analogy. She'd risen from fire and ash twice in her life. It was not something she ever intended to share with anyone. But she was fire, it was part of her. The urge to pull a flame into her hand had to be pushed away, not in a public place.
But Emily was right about one thing, the dress was perfect. Absolutely perfect! The motif it created was perfect, It would do well at this so called gala. Ayden returned to the fitting room and donned her original clothes, leaving her shoes and bags inside as she handed the lady waiting, "I'd like this one, but I've another dress to shop for as well."
Ayden walked carefully through the displays of white dresses. This was far harder than anything she'd ever chosen. They were all so beautiful. She spoke aloud, "I have absolutely no idea where to start. I never thought this day would come."
Sure she'd fantasized about it as a girl, but what girl didn't. But her dress was always what was currently in fashion for a child, the big ball room dresses full of puffy skirts and ruffles. And that was so not Ayden. She was not that frilly princess, she was a hardened warrior.
Simple was probably the best bet. But that seemed to be the one thing wedding dresses aren't.
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And activate Maid of Honor mode. The bride needed a gown that made her look spectacular. Emily looked at Ayden, and walked around her, getting a good sense of her figure to help figure out what type of dress would fit her best.
Emily turned to face the dresses, one arm draped across her stomach and placed her other hand on her chin in thought. She took what she knew of Ayden into account. A big poofy skirt and one with lots of frilly lace wouldn't do. Ayden had some curves. They needed to accentuate that, and after Emily saw her in a strapless dress, she had realized the look suited the bride-to-be.
Emily pulled out a dress. A silk one with a slim skirt and a straight across neckline. Emily wasn't sure about this one. It looked a little too straight to accent Ayden's curves, but it was nice and worth a try on, so Emily placed it on the empty rack nearby. She then pulled out a second. This one wasn't strapless, but it was a halter, so it would reveal Ayden's shoulders. It also curved in a bit more than the previous one. The opening she had created while pulling out the second one had revealed a third dress that Emily thought would suit Ayden. It was chiffon and had a sweetheart neckline. It would hug Ayden's curves. Emily pulled it out and placed it on the rack as well.
"What do you think of those."
Emily stepped back. Ultimately, Ayden could hate them all, but it didn't matter. What Ayden wanted was right. It was her wedding dress. "I hope I didn't overstep myself. I'm trying to be a good Maid of Honor."
Emily had never been one before, but she hoped that making the suggestions was right.
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Emily too right everything like a fish to water. Ayden loved to shop, trying on fancy clothes was just something she'd loved to do, but today it just seemed so important, it took everything out of it.
Ayden tried on each dress that Emily gave her. None of them were exactly right. Nothing screamed buy me. Maybe its because she had already found that screaming article of clothing.
But Emily was trying and Ayden was pretending to have fun. She smiled at Emily, "I think I'm done with this for the day. I liked em I do, but something isn't right."
Ayden wasn't exactly sure what had happened or why but right then shopping for a dress just felt overwhelming. Reality finally sinking in. She really was going to give up her old life for this man. Because he was a good man she stopped, not because of any other reason. She loved him, but a wedding dress. It seemed beyond any comprehension. To be tied to one place, never to be able to see the world like she had. She couldn't even find a job she liked. She wasn't going to be a waitress forever. But she had no idea what she could be all she really knew how to do was shoot a sniper rifle. And that was not a skill you put to use in the real world as a normal person.
Ayden handed the store clerk the wedding dressed, "I'm ready to check out. I'll be back at some time to browse again I'm sure, these dresses are lovely."
Ayden paid for the one dress and it was packed away in a gramet bag and Ayden smiled at Emily. "I need a drink."
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Emily understood Ayden's choice. The dress had to be perfect - like the flame dress. It wasn't about fit or looks. It was about something more ethereal than that, and Emily knew that Ayden would find it.
Emily followed as Ayden paid for her purchase and they left. Ayden wanted a drink and Emily was unsure about drinking. Perhaps she would just have a coke. The day she got back, she had had too much. It hadn't been a good idea. She had at least done it at home, but she woke up hungover and sick. It hadn't done too much good for her shame either.
As they left the mall, she was reminded of it. Although she felt better, it was still there. It would take awhile for it to fully heal. Emily decided no alcohol for her, but she would go get a drink with Ayden. "You lead the way."
Emily would let Ayden decide where to go.
As they walked and talked, Emily came back to her issues, just for a moment. "Ayden...I...I'm sorry I didn't let you know when I got back in town. I was just so ashamed. I didn't want anyone to see me."
Emily wrapped Ayden in a side hug as they walked, but before they could continue, Emily was interrupted by the buzzing of her wallet.
Emily kept hold of Ayden, pulling her wallet out with her free hand. It was from Rachel - just a smiley face. It was a little reminder that her younger sister was thinking of her. Emily smiled, and sent a return message, not worrying about whether Ayden saw it or not.
<dt>Outgoing Message</dt>
<dd> </dd>
From: Emily Shale
To: Rachel Shale
Thanks! I'm doing much better. Let's have a talk when I get home.
Emily smiled and started talking again. "My sisters are sweethearts. You know, she's the one that got me to call you. Ayden..."
Emily stopped and gave Ayden a real hug. "Thank you for coming out today."
She released the hug. "i think I'm going to tell my sisters what happened. I think I should. They look up to me, but they need to know that they can make mistakes, that actions have consequences. It's not that what I did was wrong. It's that...I want them to make good choices. Do I sound completely crazy? Is telling them the right thing?"
Emily continued walking with Ayden. Something coming to the forefront of her mind - a job opening that Ayden might be perfect for. She needed to word things right though. She wouldn't give Ayden the job. In fact, she had nothing to do with the hiring process. She would have to tell Ayden about the job, but not leave out the fact that being best friends with the CEO would guarantee it. She would wait to tell Ayden in a more personal setting - maybe set up a meeting in the future.
Edited by Emily Shale, Mar 27 2015, 03:22 PM.