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A Day Off
Elyse smiled as she walked through the market. It was a chilly day - to her Danish blood at least. Many would find the winter in Moscow cold, but the cold never bothered her. Still she was dressed in a heavy coat, a knit hat and gloves. Today she wore her eye contacts. Her wolf eyes were reserved for work. Today she didn’t have to work though. She had a day off. 

Elyse was happy. Truly happy for the first time since she found out what she was. It hadn’t been an expected journey from traditional Atharim family to burlesque dancer in a relationship with a polyamorous woman. Elyse could only imagine how much her parents would have flipped out about that. They would have likely been okay with her dating a woman. It was 2046 after all, but would have still been disappointed she hadn’t found a man to make them a grandchild with. It was the polyamory that would have gotten them. 

Elyse was with Mae - and at this point only Mae. Elyse wasn’t quite sure she was ready for more, but the more she thought about it, the more she was okay with trying that. Mae was with her other partners today and Elyse felt no jealously at this. She had thought a little about the difference between how she had reacted with Nox and Mae. But when it came down to it - Mae wasn’t cheating. Elyse had known about them from the beginning and had accepted it. Being new to this whole idea, Elyse had clarified with Mae - she was allowed to pursue others without guilt.

But Elyse was happy now and decided to spend her day shopping. She had nothing she wanted to buy, but perhaps she would find something here.
Anna was from Chicago. This wasn’t supposed to be “cold” to her, but damn she hated when the temperature dropped. She was bundled up in a parka, gloves and a hat. She had layers on underneath that too. Still, she felt antsy staying in. She had a day off, but almost felt claustrophobic in her place. Anna also knew if she kept moving, she’d keep warm.

She decided to go to the market - a strange idea when she could have gone to the GUM and been indoors, but this was a good way to get used to the weather here. She took a deep breath, regretted it immediately, and began to look around at what people were selling.

A woman caught her attention. She was wearing a black coat and gloves with a blue knit hat. Reddish brown hear peaked out from under the cap. Anna smiled as she saw the woman’s face. It was Kaylee! Wait - no - Elyse. Kaylee was her stage name. She was the newest girl at Kallisti, but was acclimating well. She had talent and even though it needed refinement, she would get there. The staff at Kallisti were very supportive.

Anna waited until Elyse had turned, snuck up behind her and tickled her sides. Elyse jumped and turned, only to laugh when she saw who it was. ”Anna!” Elyse gave her a hug. ”So good to see you!”

Anna returned the hug. ”I didn’t expect to see anyone while I was out. A welcome surprise to say the least!” Anna smiled. ”We haven’t hung out outside of work - wanna spend the day - get to know each other better?” It seemed like a good time to do so - as if fate had brought them together today. Elyse nodded in an affirmative and they turned to start looking around the market together.
Maybe moving to Moscow in the dead of winter was not such a great idea. Cade knew it would be cold. It wasn't even the heart of winter yet. He could tell those that lived in Moscow and those that were from elsewhere like himself. The amount of shivering and bundling was apparent.

His first few nights in Moscow had been acclimating to the culture and the weather. His first interview was done and now he wandered around an open air market. People walked through the open stalls and the storefronts just beyond them. It was something you might see anywhere, but why the fuck in the middle of the winter? It was such a strange sight, and feeling, but it didn't seem to bother anyone that it was so frigid.

He had opted to wear the big fur-lined coat as the hotel concierge suggested, even though he had to doff it once he had reached his interview. Carrying around that much bulk had been annoying if necessary, though no one seemed to mind that either.

Cade shivered in the cold, dry air. It was never this cold back home. He stopped to look at some stalls, but found that he'd rather be home, in his hotel, with a coffee. A coffee sounded great at that moment. Past a pair of women hugging and carousing in the street, he saw an open coffee shop. They looked oddly familiar, but he didn't know anyone in Moscow, so he wasn't sure how that could be. Unless...

Be brave, he told himself. Surely the only thing they can do is tell him to fuck off. Which is what most women would do, or should do. Cade fished in his pocket for his wallet. It slipped from his mitten'd hand as it pulled it free. "Fuck!" he shouted. Probably a bit too loud as he got stares from other passing by.

Cade tugged off his mitten and grabbed the fallen wallet, grateful for the protective case he'd installed back home. Last thing he needed was to replace the device. Not that money was a problem, but it was the chore of all that went with replacing it. He wiped off the sludge from the walk way and checked it over, thanking god it wasn't damaged, just a little wet.
Elyse smiled at the idea, glad to spend the day with a friend. She had always appreciated Anna. Anna had always encouraged her and even offered constructive criticism when asked for. Anna was good people. Anna danced back and forth a bit, eliciting a laugh from Elyse.

"A little cold?" she asked with a smile.

"A little!? 'A little' is a little bit of an understatement. How do you deal with it? Come, I could use a coffee!" Anna said pointing to the coffee shop near them.

Before Elyse could answer, a man shouted an expletive not too far away. Both women turned to see a man, bundled up in cold weather gear with the exception of one hand that had the mitten removed. The man bent down to pick up his wallet from the slushy street. Elyse put the pieces together - a man not used to the cold had dropped his wallet due to being unable to grip with the mittens on. His wallet was now wet and covered in slush. As was his hand.

"Come on," she said to Anna. "Let's see if he needs help?"

Elyse thought she heard a slight grumble from Anna, but still the woman followed, hopping more than walking. The man was clearly not used to the cold, and hopefully he knew he would have to dry his hands soon. Frostbite could come easily with wet hands, especially if a wind blew through.

Elyse approached him. "Sir, are you okay?" she asked concerned.
Anna bounced back and forth on her feet, trying to stay warm. Elyse had the gall to laugh at her! Elyse's question was met with a snide jab, and Anna knew that neither woman meant any harm. She the natural humorous rapport she seemed to have with the woman and regretted not making friends with her sooner. Their conversation was soon interrupted by a man who swore loudly, earning the ire of many passers-by.

" Anna whined a little as Elyse went to help the man. She didn't really mean it. The guy seemed a little flustered and who wouldn't be in this freezer! He was also kind of cute.

Anna hopped a bit behind Elyse, following as she approached the flustered gentleman. She asked a simple question. If he was okay. Anna, now standing waiting for the man to answer danced back and forth trying to keep the cold from settling in her bones. She shivered a little more as a slight breeze blew through the market. The man's wet hand wouldn't like that.

"We should get you inside, dry that hand off ASAP. Come - coffee is on me!" Anna said, urging the other two towards the coffee shop.
The cutting wind didn't help matters, but thankfully he didn't need to approach the two women he thought he recognized. And there would only be one place he could -- from the video of the same club that his so-called brother was captured on camera doing fantastical things. Cade gave them both a bright smile. "Just dropped my wallet. Everything's alright. Excuse my language, I'm not usually so crass."

Coffee was definitely a good thing. "That's exactly my thoughts. My name is Cade. But it would be my honor to pay." It had been a long time since Cade had had a drink with a pretty woman who was not his wife. And the stabbing pain of loss and guilt tinged his smile for a small moment.

Cade went with both women inside the shop and they all ordered, and Cade took a seat as far from the door as possible. He wiped his hand on his coat and hoped he didn't drip any sludge on the suit below. He didn't have another suit to wear to tomorrows interview if he messed this one up. After their drinks were delivered Cade wrapped his chilled hand around the cup and savored the heat. "That's better."

And before things could get awkward Cade set his wallet on the table between them and pressed play. "Do you know him?" His finger hovered over the man in the video that snipped together, flinging fire and and snatching heads from ape beasts in the ring to elegant dancing with the aurora borealis behind him. All mention of the man's name was scoured from the posts. They had been there once, but they seemed to disappear anytime it was mentioned like some guardian angel was removing his digital footprint.

[ooc: one video and it's been meshed with the events starting with this post ]
Elyse smiled at the man, he was alright and she could understand his language if he was flustered. It happened to everyone. "My name is Elyse - nice to meet you!" she said brightly, smelling a slight sense of maybe guilt or sadness for a moment.

Elyse followed Cade inside, not one to refuse free coffee. The man chose a seat far away from the entrance. It didn't strike Elyse as strange at first. Elyse got comfortable, taking off her gloves and wrapping her hands around the hot beverage before taking a sip. It wasn't long before Cade set down his wallet and pressed play. The video was familiar. It had gone viral - pretty much everyone had seen it. The man's question brought suspicion to Elyse's mind.

She knew who it was. It was Nox. The wolf in her went into a protective mode. Kallisti was her pack and Nox was a part of that. You protect the pack. Elyse didn't smell malevolence from the man, but still he hadn't made clear his intentions. Nox had enemies. Elyse didn't respond, instead, turning to look at Anna.
Anna, gratefully turned to follow as they decided to go in the shop.  "I'm Anna," she said after Elyse offered her name. "Damn your northern blood, Elyse!" she said offering a quick jab at her friend.

"You had winter where you came from, right?" Elyse said with a smirk.

"Yeah and it sucked there too!"

The women laughed as they entered and ordered their beverages.  Anna followed Elyse sitting next to her across from Cade.  Both women offered their gratitude for his gift.  Soon a wallet was on the table, playing a video.

Anna didn't have to look for long.  She knew it right away, and she knew the subject well.  Nox. True, Anna didn't know Nox well.  Elyse had known him better.  Anna had heard they were actually a couple for awhile before Nox found out he was into guys. Coincidently, Elyse was now with a woman - another Kallisti employee.  Regardless, Nox worked at Kallisti - he was family and you protected family.  The question seemed to come out of nowhere.  They didn't really know this Cade - and even though he seemed nice enough, you never knew.

Anna knew that Elyse had abilities - she didn't understand what exactly - some sort of wolf thing.  Anna made a mental note to ask about it sometime.  Anna, however got no lead from Elyse.  Her eyes flicked to Elyse as she looked in Anna's direction.  So Elyse was giving her the lead.  Anna leaned forward, narrowing her eyes as she met Cade's gaze and spoke a single word. "Why?"
The door to the shop opened and a cold breeze wafted their direction, which drew a sigh from Cade's lips. Even this far away, the draft was going to make the air uncomfortable. He huddled around the hot cup of coffee and hoped for the best.

They looked suspiciously at him. Cade understood. But really, he didn't mean any harm to the man in the video, even if he got to spend time with their mother and he didn't. He wasn't bitter about it, not really. But there were still some deep-seated issues there. Like how she could leave her child behind? Not that his father was a bad person, or he had a bad life. Cade loved his life until his son died, and then shit fell apart. He sighed with a smile. "I don't have any malevolent intents, I promise. I just want to ask him about our mother." He would let the women imply whatever they would from that statement.
Anna watched and listened as he offered a short explanation and Cade's choice of words didn't escape her. Cade was claiming Nox as a brother. Why ask her and Elyse though. Anna guessed maybe that Cade had done some research and found out they both worked with him at Kallisti. Perhaps he had even visited the club and saw them perform. Still, Anna wasn't sure she bought it. Nox had a sister if Anna recalled correctly. Anna sighed and took a long sip of her coffee.

She wasn't sure she believed him, but she also wasn't sure what his motive would be if he was lying. If he had seen them perform perhaps he wanted more. It wouldn't have been the first time Anna had experienced it, but as far as pick up attempts would go, this one would have been pretty lame. Cade also didn't seem the type for that, and neither him no Elyse had given him any personal attention.

Anna formulated her thoughts as the group sat in silence for a few moments. She moved to speak, but before a word came out, Elyse grabbed her hand. Anna looked towards Elyse, noticing the woman had her eyes closed and had just opened them.

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