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Morven snorted. “Not personal tae you. To me,” she said to Nox. Likely he would not find it so -- it was Sage Parker she wanted to ask about. But discussing details on why she’d not been there for his final operation, and the possible topic of why she was no longer working at the hospital at all; that she’d rather avoid with prying ears and flapping tongues like Rikovi’s about.
She was surprised the Ascendancy gave every appearance of listening intently to the things she had to say. Her manner had that air; an easy confidence, and an expectation she would be listened to, just as she had chosen to issue orders to the Dominion despite that it was really not her place. But she didn’t truly anticipate his attention with any degree of seriousness. A brow rose, for the honesty. Respect settled.
She nodded and offered her hand without hesitation. “Thank you.”
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07-16-2020, 03:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-16-2020, 03:04 PM by Nox.)
Nox laughed at the Ascendancy adding Morven into the training. It wasn't like they could offer her anything except maybe how to shoot a gun or physical combat. They couldn't show her anything. He looked over at her "No offense intended to any party here, but what do you think Commander Vellas can teach her? The most he can do is put her through the same obstacles as the men and expect her to figure out it alone. Men can't teach women and women can't teach men. Because if they did I would know how to heal, and my sister would have been able to throw fireballs with ease. Even if you do the same thing, in the same way you won't get the same results. We tried. I could draw you the most complicated weave I know and she couldn't replicate it." Nox pointed to Morven. He grinned at her then turned back to the Ascendancy, "It has nothing to do with her capability. She probably would be an asset, but putting her under a man who knows nothing of what she's capable of or how to even show her is not productive. I can see ever more in-fighting than I do now."
Nox looked over at Allan who was standing and listening. His superior had been talking, and he seemed a little pissy about being sent off on errands by Morven when the Ascendancy walked in. There was definitely power structure culture difference here. "Aurora and I always found it useful to compare what we do to science." Nox rolled his eyes in remembrance of his sisters lectures. "For example a directed cone of light." Nox reached through the sludge and felt the hoard on the edge of the emptiness stir. The power bringing them power they so desired to destroy things with. Nox took a deep breathe and then wove the cone of directed light. It shown like a flashlight at the ground. It was meant as a distraction to his enemies so he didn't point it at anyone as it was blinding. "In order to make your light go in only one direction instead of all is to determine how you can make it work like a flashlight or spot light. The science. Aurora and I figured out the way to make it directional. The fun part came in making sound directional."
The other doctor just listened, he seemed like he was waiting for his audience to leave. "You can proceed if you want to Doc. I'm not shy."
The man jumped at being addressed and quickly nodded his head and busied himself with readying Nox's arm.
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The boy had nerve, he'd give him that. Who thought they could talk to the Ascendancy like that? He did apparently. But what was more intriguing is that he didn't fear any wrath from the man. Allan couldn't help but look between the two men waiting to see what would transpire between them. Surely two bulls in the china shop were going to make a mess. And Allan was not powerful enough to stop either. Not that he knew how strong Nox was, he didn't appear to use any while he wove the light.
His theories were interesting, and obviously worked as the light only went to the ground. Allan studied the weave, but wished it had been a bit slower but perhaps that was intentional. No one liked giving away their secrets to potential enemies. Though Allan wasn't sure Nox thought they were enemies. Maybe it was just practice?
Which made Allan wonder, how often did he practice? They had their hours of training, but he was not military, he wasn't even part of some thing anymore. Why work so hard for something you didn't get paid to do? The boy was still an enigma.
The doctor worked and the sleeve of Nox's shirt was interfering with the view, but he worked around it until Nox pulled it off over his head. "I said I wasn't shy." Allan's eyes went wide, he was in great shape - much like the others here. Sights to admire, but he wasn't military, it wasn't required. He had to be a health nut of some sort. There were three long scars across his chest and countless other marks. Dangers of his trade? But monsters? Allan doubted the boy's true motivations - he was Atharim. They hunted people like him. No one could steer clear of their teaching completely. And he knew enough about monsters, why not take down the human like monsters too? Allan was torn between liking Nox and hating him completely on principle.
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Nikolai nodded. Nox interpreted training to mean only one thing, but Nik pat Allan on the shoulder in response. “I’m sure Commander Vellas will come up with something appropriate,” he smiled at the room’s only Dominion. He would know what it was like to answer to the infamous Commander. Channeling or not, Michael was brutal, but effective. Morven had her work cut out for her to be up to Michael’s standards.
“You do have a point, Nox. Consul DuBois can search the registry for a compatible training partner. Unless you have someone in mind?” he asked the former Atharim.
But they were all speaking over Morven as if she wasn’t present at all. After her previous interruption, he doubted she lacked the capability to stand up for herself. Still, it would serve to encourage her loyalty to be defended somewhat. Moreover, Nikolai believed the words he said next. He addressed her directly.
“You can heal. It’s one of the rarest skills known to us. Even Jensen James, whose channeling we can observe, could not teach me to do what he did. Nor do I suspect could he teach Nox or any of the Dominions. Likewise, you can do what most cannot. Do you believe you need another woman to work with you?”
He searched her expression for a flicker of truth. In his experience, those with the hardest shells had much to conceal. “Or would you prefer the challenge of proving yourself?”
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They spoke like she wasn’t standing right fucking there, and it grated, but she held her tongue. Morven knew full well none of the men here could teach her, though she said nothing to the lecture. Truth was, she wasn’t interested in the science of the power, or how the two halves differed, or the mechanics of how things might be done differently. The Network could have filled in the gaps of her knowledge if she’d been curious enough to ask, not that she’d ever actually asked them for anything. But no one had taught her how to heal. No one had taught her how to break a man like a child’s toy in order to protect her sister either. Dismantling a man was as easy as putting one back together; easier, in many respects. She wasn’t asking for knowledge. She was asking for permission.
“Need? No.” No one had taught Ascendancy himself. Given his apparent age, he’d been the sole one of his kind for years. She met his eye plainly. If healing were all she knew how to do, it was unlikely she would have offered herself up in such a way. She’d already pointed out the deficiency in the Custody’s defenses; if they had women she could learn from or alongside, likely she would have already met them. “I’ll work with whoever you ask me to work with. But I’ll prove myself either way.”
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The Ascendancy’s confidence was infectious. “Very good. I have no doubts.” With the closure, the topic was sealed from further discussion. Nox’s concerns were heard. Morven’s opinion was solicited. The matter was done. Which left the delicate task of linking the prosthetic arm to Nox’s corpus.
He turned to go, addressing Allan before departing. “I’ll be near the construction tunnel. Find me after your errand is complete,” he smiled mockingly for apparent demotion from Rod of Dominion to waiter, but the tease was in friendly jest.
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Allan smirked at the implication that he was running errands instead of defending the Ascendancy. If it had been one of the guys he would have been annoyed, but there was very little ill will from their great leader. He'd always been kind and Allan always looked forward to speaking with him. He looked back at Nox who was an enigma he wished to keep talking to, but the desire to talk with the Ascendancy was greater. "I will fetch you some food while you work here. I would like to talk more with you, but you have other pressing matters, as do I."
The boy smirked as the doctor worked his magic fitting Nox with the sleeves necessary for comfort and the sensors that would deliver information. The doctor was rather oblivious to the rest of them per Nox's instruction of continuing his work. "After I get a few good training sessions in the Ascendancy and I are going down into the tunnels, and I'm sure the Asendancy would prefer he had someone he trusted with him. I don't want military men with us, you'll do. Join us, guns are last resort."
"You mean to hunt monsters?" There was a certain amount of joy in his voice that was unconscionable. "I would love that. Are you sure?"
The boy nodded. Allan laughed. "I'll get you some food and I'll see you then."
Allan hurried off to find food. His thoughts rolled with all the potential things he could learn and see while down in the tunnels hunting monsters...
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Allan seemed more childlike the more he wanted to learn. Nox knew he only cared about what was learnable and maybe protecting the Ascendancy, and with Allan present Nox hoped the Ascendancy wouldn't bring mundane's with him. It would be hard enough to keep the Ascendancy safe without having to worry about the men at his back accidentally shooting him.
The doctor took a few moments to talk with him about what he was doing. How things should work and the like. Nox listened but he'd have to have a refresher course, he was certain.
There doctor was preforming some diagnostic tests - close your hand, open, all those essential things when Allan returned with a tray of food. Probably more food than Nox could even eat in one sitting. "I didn't know what you'd like."
The tray was piled high with a lot of fatty foods -- mostly fried and all American from the looks of it. Nothing local or exotic. Nox laughed. "What no steak?"
Allan looked like he'd seen a ghost. "I..."
Nox interrupted. "I'm kidding. Just set it down I'll find something I can eat."
Allan brightened as he set the food down on an empty table "I'll see you soon."
Nox nodded. "Off to see your master." Nox joked.
The doctor patted the arm and a heads up display hologram appeared. "We've installed a basic wallet function on the arm and tracking device."
Nox laughed. "What's another following me around everywhere I go."
The doctor looked quizzically at me. "Come back in a few days and we'll check to make sure there are no sores or other issues." And then he left...
Nox hobbled off the table and picked a fry off the plate. Something on there had to be healthy.... er. Nox added. "What did you want to talk about?" Nox didn't bother looking for Morven. "I'll have to tell Sage we had the same doc. And that you are safe. He lost track of you and it drives him crazy when he loses his friends." Friend wasn't exactly the normal word, but that's what Sage called them. Nox wondered how he was doing, he'd have to send him a text.
It felt strange having a different weight on his left side. It wasn't something he could really explain. He tried to use it like he would normally and it came easily which was more shocking than not. Nox wondered what other things it might be able to do...
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Allan was excited. He almost ran to the wing under construction. No one really knew what was going on, he wondered if he might be finding out. He felt a small sense of pride. But there was also that nagging feeling the guys were going to give him hell for it.
Allan found the Ascendancy where he said he'd be. "Nox invited me on your trip into the tunnels soon."
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“He’s like a puppy,” Morven said, once Allan had finally cleared off. Her arms folded, though the annoyance was short-lived. Half a smile flickered for Nox’s words, though that was short-lived too. Instead a frown shadowed her brow.
“I should have been there,” she said. Her jaw tightened. “Marcil started without me. My ER shift overan, and then Custody agents swarmed with a thousand fucking questions. No excuse. But it was done by the time I got there. Lost my temper, lost my job.” She shrugged, reluctant to detail the exact circumstances. She was sure he could put two and two together though, given where they were both standing now.
“I know he survived. But he was my patient, and I should have been there. Just tell him I’m sorry that I wasn’t.”