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Wedding Bells Part 2: The Reception
((OoC - things to know about the hall - it's pretty much the same as most - several round tables where guests can find their seats by a placard with their name on them.  The tables are split into two groups, with a dance floor set in the middle.  A head table sits at the front of the room for the bridal party. Behind the head table are three candles - one in the middle, larger than the two, and two at the sides. Two family tables sit in front of those.  Two of the family seats have a bouquet of flowers instead of just placards.  If you read those placards they have the names "Martin Shale" and "Victoria Shale" on them. The DJ is off to the right side of the room as you face the head table, and a gift table is on the other side of the room across from it.  There are some gifts on the table as well as a locked donation box with enveloped next to it for donations to the Orphan Project - details would have been sent in your invites!))

Emily laughed as they rode in the limosine to the reception hall.  The entire bridal party sat in the vehicle, flutes of champagne as they toasted the happy couple.  The invitations had provided directions to the reception venue so that while they were getting pictures, their guests could head to the reception.  Emily, always the planner, had thought ahead as much as she could.  The DJ was already set up, and had arrived before the guests.  Games, toys, coloring books, and tablets had been provided so that children could be entertained.  Wait staff was there providing hors d'oeuvres and drinks.  Rachel had sent a message to the DJ that they would be there soon.  The DJ would relay that to the guests so they could get settled.

The party lined up at the door to the reception all, the lights had been dimmed but not shut off.  A spot light would show each couple of the bridal party as they were announced and entered the hall.  Finally only the Best Man, Maid of Honor, Groom, and Bride remained. "Ladies and Gentlemen, your Best Man and Maid of Honor - Mr. Jeremy Areson and Ms. Rachel Shale! A few moments passed before the DJ continued. "And now, for the first time as a couple, Mr. Jared Vanders and Mrs. Emily Shale-Vanders!"

They entered arm's intertwined. Emily was all smiles.  Upon reaching the table, they stopped. "You sure you want to do this?" Jared asked quietly.

"Why not, it will be fun!" Emily said, smiling.

The couple separted, Jared going to the right and Emily to the left.  They held hands until the last moment, only releasing with reluctance despite the short amount of time the two would be separted. Emily took her spot by her candle and turned to face Jared at the other one.  Since they had gotten together, Emily had changed.  She had truly embraced her magic for the first time.  They had practiced together often and she found a joy in this gift that she had never felt before.  Emily smiled at Jared. He had described his magic to her.  Whereas she surrendered to it, he likened it to wrestling a demon cobra to the ground. But one thing they knew.  He would know when she held her power.  That was their signal to begin.  She surrendered to her power and embraced it.
Jared nodded as she told her to continue with what they had planned. He could feel a sadness as they let go of each, separating to do go to their candles. One thing they had learned practicing together is that Jared would feel could when she embraced her magic and when Jared felt it, both of them outstretched a hand towards the other palm upraised, Jared his left and Emily her right. Jared seized his magic, and counted. Together, they summoned a ball of fire that floated above each of their hands and turned to light their candles before extinguishing it.

It wasn't showy. That hadn't been the point. The point had been show a romantic gesture with their gift, and to reveal this to their friends and family. It was a statement that this is who they were, and they were not ashamed. It had been Emily's idea. That surprised him. She hadn't been reluctant to use her magic before, but after they both learned they could use it, and had started practicing together, she had really embraced who she was. The couple had discussed doing more, but they decided against it. They didn't need to light the reception hall on fire.

They each took their individual candles, walked to the center and lit the larger candle before setting their smaller ones in the stands next to the larger before kissing once and taking their seats. Rachel beamed at her sister and as he sat down, Jeremy leaned over and whispered to Jared. "You never fucking told me you could do that!" Jared laughed and slapped him on the back.
Rachel was all smiles as she entered and took her seat. Watching Rmily walk to the table arm and arm with Jared only increased that. They were so in love. It made her think of Cruz. Deep down she knew how she felt. She knew she wasn’t ready to say it yet. Still, that didn’t invalidate how she felt, and how very happy she was to see him here today. She tried to find him briefly before Wmiky and Jared moved to light their candles.

Rachel knew it was coming. She had watched Jared and Emily practice together in awe. Rachel didn’t find herself jealous of her sister much, but this gift Emily had was one of them. Rachel wished she could use magic like her sister, but it seemed like that wasn’t meant for her. She didn’t allow that jealousy to cloud her love for Emily and her joy for her this day.

Emily took her seat and Rachel noticed the Beat Man lean over to Jared, whatever he said made Jared laugh. Emily only hugged her sister. ”I’m so happy for you sis!”

The wait staff was ready because they began bringing out the salads and drinks. Rachel thanked the young man who set her salad down before beginning to eat.
Things had gone very well for Pyotr. His confidence had soared since the night he served the Ascendancy. In some ways it seemed like that had been so long ago, but yet it really hadn’t been. Still he felt elated to be here. The head waiter at this wedding. As such he got to serve the head table.

He brought out the salads - the bridal party had sent in their drink orders early. Other waiters had taken drink orders for the guests. He began, of course with the bride and groom. The bride speaking to him briefly.

”Thank you so much for everything you are doing today, Pyotr!” she smiled at him.

”Of course, ma’am.” he replied. ”if there is anything I can do to make your special day more special, please let me know!”

Pyotr had of course met with Mrs, Shale-Vanders the night before and had gone over expectations. After the salads, the main course would be served. Guests had filled out a card with their preference of prime rib, chicken, fish, or a vegetarian option. There were also choices of chicken nuggets or grilled cheese for kids. The staff knew to check on their tables often, but not often enough to be annoying, making sure to fill drinks and help out in any way. It was looking to be a good night.
((Brief OoC post that I should have done yesterday. I have no exciting surprises planned during dinner - so unless one of you guys causes drama *side eyes Nox* :-p you can move through the dinner portion))
By the time the wedding party had joined everyone else at the reception, Cruz was halfway through his second cup of coffee. It had helped, and he felt more like himself. Though on his way to the reception hall, he saw the same stickered skull he'd seen everywhere he went. He'd never been here before, and it made him wonder if he was being followed. But after a quick look around, Cruz saw nothing out of the ordinary. Doesn't matter.

Cruz sat with the other guests at his table. He didn't really know any of them. He was here mostly for Rachel, anyway. There were a few people around that he did know and he might stop by and say hi. Though he intended to avoid the man who sorta blew up Nox's life. Not that the man would remember him. They'd met only briefly at the concert and Cruz hadn't been there when Elyse found out Nox had cheated on her. It was all a sorta mess.

Cruz picked at the chicken he'd ordered. It wasn't that it wasn't good; he was distracted with the skull he'd seen on his way in. Thankfully, it wasn't artfully displayed somewhere in the hall. He was on the verge of popping another pill to make it seem less intimidating. But he was here to see Rachel, and that wouldn't go over well.
Kiriena was very patient, but when she first arrived, she checked the table flowers to make sure they were all set up nice as they had been before. Kiriena still took a lot of pride in her work. Satisfied, she took her seat on the bride's side of the reception hall. When a waiter came by, she politely ordered a glass of wine to sip as she waited for the reception to begin. This part was a wait at every wedding. A young gentleman took the seat next to her, but he seemed preoccupied as he arrived, sipping a cup of coffee. Kiriena scrolled through her wallet as she waited.

Finally the party arrived, entering as most wedding parties did. Everyone applauded when Emily and Jared entered, happy for them in their nuptials. Kiriena showed some surprise at the couples display of their magical powers. It wasn't that they existed - everyone knew that. She just hadn't known that her clients were able to do so. After their display, the couple sat and dinner began in earnest. Kiriena had ordered the vegetarian option - butternut squash ravioli with a cream sauce and cranberries, and had to say it was very delicious.

The gentleman next to her, who had ordered the chicken, seemed to be picking at his meal. He looked better than he had at the beginning, but Kiriena cared too much, even about strangers, to not ask.

"Hello, I'm Kiriena," she said. "Are you doing alright?"
After Rachel began to eat, all the hunger she had ignored during the day had come back. She hadn't eaten at all today except for short snacks. Between hair appointments, getting dressed, and the wedding itself, it had been a long day. Still Rachel was able to keep decorum as she ate, as were the rest of the bridesmaids - and well - the bride herself. Rachel had gotten the fish, and was very happy with its quality.

After finishing her meal, Rachel took a moment to scan the room, spotting her younger sister, Mara, sitting next to her girlfriend. It was kind of neat that all three Shale girls had found someone special this past year. Perhaps they had all needed someone else to help cope. Continuing to scan, Rachel located Cruz sitting next to Kiriena, the woman who did all the flower arrangements. Rachel had met her briefly and she was very kind and sweet. Kiriena had leaned over to Cruz to ask him something. Rachel wasn't the jealous type and trusted both Kiriena and Cruz - nothing bad was going on.

Rachel stood, having some time before she would have to give her toast. She wanted to spend a little bit of time with Cruz before her final duty for the night happened. Then she would be free to let loose some more. She made her way to the table and noticed Cruz looked more awake than he had earlier. "Make room, please!" she said with a smile and took a seat on Cruz's lap when the spot was available. She gave him a quick kiss, before greeting Kiriena. "Hi Kiri! I see you've met Cruz! The flowers look absolutely lovely!" She wrapped her arms around Cruz's neck, and noticed that Cruz hadn't eaten much. "Not eating much?"
Cruz's thoughts were interrupted by the redhead sitting next to him. He looked at her and blinked. "Pardon me? I wasn't paying attention. Lost in my thoughts, could you repeat your question?" He gave her a half smile as she asked him if he was alright. Cruz nodded. "Yeah, just lost in thought. Saw something disturbing on my way here and I don't really want to talk about it, if that's alright." Cruz was about to introduce himself when Rachel joined him requesting room. He grinned at her and backed the chair up so she could sit elegantly in his lap. The effect of the pill prior he'd thought had warn off but obviously not. Her kiss was tender and he wished for a little bit more. A lot more actually. He snaked his arms around her waist and held her close to him.

She asked about his food. "I was distracted." He said with a wink and leaned in to whisper in her ear. "But I like this distraction much better." He pressed a tender kiss to the side of her neck and nuzzled her ear. If only they were alone.

But Cruz turned his attention to the floral guru. "The arrangements are lovely. I should get your number, my mother would absolutely love some of these for her next fundraiser. They really are beautiful."

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