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Connor looked at Nox for a moment. Roll it back? This wasn't live footage. He hadn't hacked into anything. It was just a street map and a public record of ownership. The kid was clearly used to working with surveillance teams. Made sense, given what he did. And it did make him wonder why he hadn't gone to them for help. Not that he minded, though. He enjoyed it.
Privacy laws being what they were even over in the CCD, real-time surveillance recording wasn't something that the general public had access to. Wire-sniffing and comparing static packet layers was one thing. He'd never broken into any active systems before, let alone street cameras. "I don't know how I'd do that. We could just go over there and check it out. We know where the guy lives."
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Nox grinned at Connor. "That wouldn't be a good idea."
Nox held up his hand and a small flickering flame danced in his palm. "In my mood, I doubt I'd be able to just watch."
Nox started flipping through screens on the phone, tapping at the virtual keyboard. "I can get that feed easily enough."
He looked over at the tech man and grinned, "How do you think we know so much about you and your fiancé?"
With a few more passes through screens and searches he was looking through the lens of the street camera in front of the building where this man was. "Why should we watch for something when I can go back and perfectly identify the man with Aurora. I know when she was there. I can watch the front or tail end of it and see exactly who he is."
Nox flipped the camera to rewind and started scrolling backwards through the time frame to where he needed to be approximately and then it was time to watch. He looked over at Connor. "Thanks for the help. You want another beer? Something to eat? You don't have to stick around while I do this. But the company is much appreciated, this place is too big for me and the little pup all by ourselves."
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Connor snorted as he watched Nox take the location and enter it into whatever kind of software apps it was he had running on his phone. Of course. The Atharim would have access to the public camera system. Probably got in from the ground floor.
Again, the thought occurred to him that Nox could have gone to one of his Atharim friends and asked them for help. Then again, given what Nox could do, maybe he didn't have friends in the Atharim. He could rub people the wrong way. Not Connor. Connor liked his flippant attitude. But he could see how a stuffy, archaic, self-righteous, up-its-own-ass organization like the Atharim might not take kindly to a guy like Nox. That would be two strikes, then.
Yeah, it the moments it took for Nox to bring up a live feed and start running the footage back, all of this flashed through Connor's mind and suddenly Nox seemed more lonely than ever. Poor kid. And now his sister's missing. And him trying to put a brave face on things, joking and what not. Connor would stick by him.
Nox offered a beer and Connor accepted. They zipped through the footage until Nox slowed it down. There was a pretty young girl, blonde with streaks in her hair, walking arm in arm with a taller refined looking young man. Not the owner of the apartment, then. A son?
There was something in the way she walked and smiled. A sort of freeness. She kept glancing at him. For his part, the man seemed the gentleman, holding the door for her to enter. There. That was interesting.
"Pause that. Go back."
Nox did. Connor asked "You mind?"
At Nox's nod he took over. The interface was standard and he quickly found the zoom. He ran the footage back to the door opening and zoomed on the man;s face.
Even as the details resolved, Connor couldn't help but laugh on the inside. About 40 years late. When he was a kid, cop shows and the like always had techs zooming in on stuff and super-picture perfect clear images would show up no matter how far away. License plates, faces, even words on a piece of paper, all magically appearing in crisp glorious detail. When in reality, the image was pixelated and blurry. Standard surveillance cams of the time and all. He remembered once when a boss was looking at a zoomed in blurry image and asked him, "Can you clean that up?" just like they did in TV. He had started laughing. "Uhh, this isn't CSI. That's as good as the cameras get."
Finally, tech had caught up with those shows. The cameras really did get that much detail. He didn't bother telling Nox about it. The kid wouldn't get why it was funny.
Anyway, he watched the man's face. Pleasant enough smile. But there, when the girl passed in front of him, the man paused, his gaze seeming to take her in, the slight licking of the lips. And the eyes suddenly looked cold. It was almost predatory. Maybe the guy was just thinking of nailing her. Probably. But given that she was missing, it cast a dark shadow of the man's face.
He paused the feed. "Don't suppose your super-secret Atharim spy-ware can get an ID can it?"
(Nox modded with permission)
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Nox stopped controlling the ui and let Connor move around as he needed. It wasn't often he worked with people who knew this much about their tech. Most just sat and watched in awe. Not Connor. It made Nox smirk inside.
He watched the man with Aurora. He didn't like him at all, he hadn't liked him on the phone and then that one moment he looked like evil incarnate and Nox had the urge to shoot him in the head. He'd done something to his sister and that was the last rational thought he needed.
The pup sensed his mood and jumped into his lap and head butted his chest until Nox broke down and pet the little thing. Nox took a deep breate and reigned in his anger. He could do this the right way. But what was the right way?
Connor asked if he could identify him, and the software could. It was a few more screens and searches and he was well on his way to using the atharim facial recognition software. Normally he'd have done this on his laptop, but right now the phone was what he had. He could go to his room and grab the more powerful machine, but this would work fine. It was technically personal use, but one of their own hunters was missing he was sure they'd give him leeway in that. It's not like he was spying on some random stranger or something. He wasn't THAT guy either.
Nox was grateful for the dog and for Connor's company, he got up and went to the kitchen and grabbed another beer for Connor. He looked at it with longing but he wasn't his father and he wasn't going to fall into that trap. He'd keep his head on straight. He'd losen up after Aurora was safe and sound back in the warehouse.
The search stopped with only one match, which meant it was a good chance this was the man they wanted. Nox stared at the screen, "Deigo De La Cruz."
It looked like he was the son of the man who owned the building. Nox wondered if he knew what his son was doing... Nox wondered what he was doing. He should call the police... Maybe the Atharim could use their inside man, but that would require talking to someone in the know and Nox only had one point of contact and she was missing. He was so screwed.
Nox looked at Connor. "Thanks for your help. I'm not sure there is much more I should ask of you."
Nox wasn't sure if he wanted to get this man in any hotter water than he was already in... this was not going to go down well. He knew that.
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The train ride didn't help Aria calm down any. Her anger rose but her sense came back to her. The world began to make sense again. And the nagging feeling that she had forgotten something reminded her to text Nox. She sent him a quick message. "Back in Moscow. See you soon." She should have sent that hours ago, when she was first released, but she'd gone straight to see Lucas and shit hit the fan and she lost all sense of time. Both would be worried.
And she really didn't have any explanation for Borovsky except that she'd found a way into his confidences. Granted it was a matter of playing both sides now. Who was she loyal to? But the thought slide on out the outside of the bubble as she pulled herself through her misery. Everything was automatic now, she got off the train, walked to the warehouse and used her key to open the door.
Nox sat on the floor with his wallet in hollow mode staring at a picture of a man. Another person was with him and it took her a few moments to realize it was Connor. The man she'd met long ago hunting an Ijiraq and whom she tortured with lust. This was so not what she needed.
Before Aria even had the door closed a small dog came yapping around the corner and barking at her. Nox felt worried and anxious and his fury was tightly locked in a cage. Aria looked at him, their feelings mirroring one another. Did he know?
Nox finally looked up when the dog started barking and they stared at one another. Aria spoke in the quiet distant voice of the bubble of no emotions, "Lucas is dead."
It came out a mere whisper and the tears started flowing silently again. Lucas was gone.
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Connor looked at Nox, feelings mixed. The memory of going into that building with Jensen was still fresh. He didn't regret it, not for a moment. But It was hard to think of that without remember what went on there, what he had seen going on. It was that night he had killed someone. It seemed such a strange thing to say. He should feel something about it, the magnitude, the crossing of a moral line, some sense of guilt or awe. Nothing. Or, if he was really honest, there was pride. It was the right thing to do and someone had to do it. This didn't mean he was judge jury and executioner. He knew that. But if something had to be done and the police couldn't do it...well he wasn't going to let the imaginary rules of a nebulous social contract get in the way. Already, he knew the world was far more grey than black and white. The world he lived in now was far more complex than he could have imagined.
"I'm game,"
he said simply. Nox had a look in his eyes. And he was young. A hot head. He would need tempering. Especially if something had happened to his sister. Connor wouldn't tell him what to do. But he would make sure Nox got out of it ok.
He heard fumbling of keys at the entrance even as the little dog started yapping. He looked at Nox seated on the floor. "Could it be her?"
That would be a relief.
The person who walked through the door was not who he expected to see. A storm of emotions did wash over him them. Surrpise. Anger. Affection. Fear. Guilt. He was rooted to the floor, unsure of what to say. It was Aria. For all his words, his understanding of the Atharim and what they had done to her, he found rage bubbling at the surface. But it was tempered by the memory of that first night. Her kindness about Hayden. It was that memory that cooled the rage, that brought him a sense of peace.
It all happened in a moment, but the flash of anger was gone by the time she spoke. And now he could see the pain in her eyes, the way she moved. She was hurting. Her words explained it. Lucas was dead. He didn't know the guy, of course, so it didn't really register as more than words for him. But he could see the devastation it caused her. He felt a desire to comfort her but checked himself. The days of that kind of thing were over. Ayden was his heart and whatever he wanted to do for Aria could not be at the expense of Ayden's trust.
All he could do was smile weakly and with sympathy in his eyes. First Nox and now Aria. Today was not a good day. He breathed in deeply, squaring himself. They were going to need him.
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The dog started barking and Nox could hear keys fumbling outside the door. There were four other people who had keys to that door - one was dead, two were missing and the fourth Nox didn't want anywhere near him right now.
Nox held his breathe as the figure walked in the door. He just stared into the emerald green eyes and was awestruck that she was safe. Aria was safe. But she looked terrible. Nox would have thought it was poor treatment in the Ascendancy's hands, but her words spoke volumes.
Aria headed towards her bedroom and Nox got up and stepped between her and the door and wrapped the woman he'd come to think of as his little sister despite their age difference that said otherwise in a hug. She fell into him and he could feel her shaking. There was nothing he could think of to say, the man who'd saved Aria was gone. He didn't want to burden Aria with more, but Aurora was missing and they could do something about that. She'd be practical if anyone would be.
Nox whispered, "I'm sorry about Lucas. I'll miss him too."
Which was not a lie. Nox took a deep breath, "Aurora's missing."
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Aria could feel the mixed feelings from Connor. She didn't blame him, not really, she'd abused her power to get what she wanted - his pain. It was wrong, but right now she wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone else s hurt. She had enough of her own, she almost felt like drowning. But she could fix that. She could feel the anger rising on the outside of the bubble and was glad it stayed there and didn't threaten to break into her mind.
Aria started for her room. She wanted to be left alone, but the tall kid who watched her every move glided between her and the door to her room. It was like watching a crane unfold before her. Aria was always amazed when Nox sat on the floor instead of a chair which was more comfortable, always the kid.
He wrapped his arms around her and Aria lost it. He comforted her and she cried in his arms. She wasn't sure how long they stood there with his arms wrapped around her. He gave his condolences and then the words that followed made Aria look up tears streaking her cheeks. "What?"
Nox took a step back so she wouldn't have to angle her head up at such a harsh angle. "Her phone goes to voice mail. She won't call back. This dog was in the warehouse alone for I don't know how long, starving and shitting all over the place."
Leave it to Nox to lighten the mood with crude words.
But it was still heavy, Aria was torn. She looked up at Nox with a grim expression. His face looked ragged, like he'd been worried for a long while. And then Aria wondered if Giordano had taken Aurora too? "My father killed Lucas."
Aria turned to the holo floating in the middle of the dojo. "That's not my father, so that's good."
Aria looked down at Connor sitting on the floor and frowned. "Connor. Good to see you."
She offered her hand but she knew he would probably not take it. "Before we move any father into this, I want to apologize for my actions that last time we met. I was in a bad place and you were hurting. The darkness inside is tempting. It shall not take hold again. And thank you for assisting Nox despite his friendship with me."
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Connor watched as Nox and Aria comforted each other. Poor kids. It seemed grief was stalking them today. He knew that feeling. His heart went out to both of them even as he turned his head and gave them their privacy. Whatever...suspicion he had of Aria was hard to hold on to seeing her like this, needing someone, missing someone. It humanized her. She was the person he remembered.
When the moment passed she came to him, perhaps a bit formally. He understood, given the last time they'd seen each other. But the emotion he had just seen only served to highlight the mask she was wearing now. She was in real pain and had lost someone who was her world. He felt no resentment or lingering doubt about her. That last time was some sort of aberration. It had to be.
He took her hand and smiled at her kindly, reflecting her pain. "I am sorry for you loss Aria. I really am."
To her words, he added, "I am happy to help Nox."
Without thinking he added. "And you too. Whatever you need, tell me."
For a moment he wondered what Ayden would say. But he was just being himself. Still, he'd tell Ayden. If she was uncomfortable with that much on his part...well she had a right to her feelings and he should respect that. Not that he expected a problem. Still, with women involved, you never knew...
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Nox followed Aria over to the holo screen and watched as she apologized in the only way she knew how by being blunt about it. At least she hadn't elaborated on the darkness. It was bad enough that he'd told Connor about his vow. She looked relatively at ease for someone Nox knew was seething inside with anger. He could see it in the way she held herself. The tightness in her shoulders said she was fighting the darkness.
"How do you know your father killed Lucas, Aria. Sergei says it was a heart..."
And as he said the words he understood the implication. His power had killed Lucas. It had explained much. Giordano Pirozzi already had a death warrant on his head. Aria would finish it this time or die trying. He knew that much. He was grateful that Giordano had not taken Aurora, but he still could have despite the fact that he was sure it was this De La Cruz guy.
Nox wondered how much Connor had understood of what he'd just realized. But it didn't really matter. Nox was fairly sure Aria was going to help him find his sister. Giordano could wait, he was not going anywhere anytime soon. Aria handed him her phone, she knew he'd understood the implication but she was still answering the how she knew part. Nox took the phone and put the last two voice messages on speaker. Oh my god! The sick bastard had killed Lucas to get at Aria. Was he stupid? Why would you prompt a cold blooded killer to come after you with revenge? Did he really think he was that much better than her? She already bested him once... she'd be far more cruel this time. He killed the love of her life. Nox wanted to delete the messages to make Aria forget that she'd heard them. But he knew better.
He could only change the topic. "His name is Deigo De La Cruz. He threatened me the day Aurora attacked you.
Nox didn't know what else to say so he stood and stared at the man in question. What had he done with his sister?