It’s the week of the Summit. Tensions within the Dominance are localized to the southern most region, but within the city of Mecca a collective breath has been drawn. Everyone is waiting to see what will happen when the Ascendancy’s initiates attempts for peace and negotiation.

Here is a general summary of what has happened this week:
Stationed on a CCD base outside Mecca, Michael and Dr. Weston are finalizing their preparations for the week ahead.
Tuesday morning
CEO of the mercenary Legion Premiere, Jacques, has also arrived to seek permits for bringing the Legion inside Custody borders. He meets with Dr. Weston. She has a breakthrough with her research regarding the Sickness.
Tuesday night
While practicing with the Power, Michael is nearly killed by an Ijiraq – a creature of apparent mist that feeds off active connections to the Source like a leech. He is saved by Dr. Weston, and is rushed into surgery.
Wednesday morning
Nolan Trace and Julie Reed, the spy that’s posing as his assistant, arrive in Mecca. Nolan is drawn into a demonstration turned bloody and phones Reed and Jacques, who is staying in the same hotel, for aid.
Wednesday evening
Near 7 pm local time, a seven-man, high-profile military team posing as CCD Vegas infiltrates Mecca and attempts to assassinate Al Hasan. The attempt fails, but not without massive civilian casualty and an unbelievable fire-fight between Hasan and Andrew Koehler, one of the members of the strike team. The survivors go on the run while Hasan tends to the wounded.
About an hour later, the Ascendancy’s plane touches down.