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The line moved advanced slowly, but from her place in it, Danika didn’t mind except for having to stand all the longer in the shoes. Although she found that standing still was more comfortable than the squish of ginger steps forward. Besides, she was enjoying herself watching all the people around them. In front of her a pair of girls were chatting about their first visit to the Burlesque House. Behind was similar chatter.
A girl approached, and for a moment, Danika assumed she was going to join the pair in front of her in line. Instead, she came straight up to Danika instead.
In the fancy clothes, Danika didn’t recognize the researcher.
“Ilesha! Yes, hi!” she was more excited than she thought she’d be. Fancy running into work people at another club. She wondered if she had heard what happened the other night with Godric and Maria. “And oh my gosh, stop with the doctor stuff. It’s Danika, please. Are you going in?” she gestured at the line. Nobody seemed to notice so she tried to sweep the other girl in line with her.
Then there was a ruckus when a limo pulled up. A gaggle of people swarmed the doors and Danika stood on tip-toe, but on the tall heels only gave her a fraction of an inch advantage, to see who it was. The name spread like brush fire through the line, and Danika’s mouth pursed into round excitement. She loved Blarney Stoned and Aiden Finnegan.
Star struck, she smiled and nudged Ilesha as he walked by.
"Magic is just science we don't understand."
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Her glee from the gifted wine sparked a pleasant warmth within Seven for being the one to stoke her joy. Her enthusiasm was infectious and Seven felt in the company in a kindred spirit.
“Indeed! I am lonely and kept a spare glass in reserve waiting to lure unsuspecting catches close to relieve me of my suffering. Waiting for you!” His gasp was was one of reassuring inflation of ego. There would be no offense for not accepting the gift, and he was eager to witness the sunrise of her enjoyment when she finally partook. It was a beautiful wine, as effervescent her anticipation for the show. "Please try it. I promise on pain of death that you will sample nothing finer." His smile was broad and playfully confident.
Her eagerness for the curtain pulled Seven’s pliant gaze along with hers. He witnessed the same videos that seemed to lure everyone else. The room was filling quickly, and he smiled at her reaction. “I visited once before, briefly, but sadly there had not been time to watch a show. The House is famous for them,” he added his own genuine thrill for the start with a wave of the hand. Burlesque was the cornerstone of the House, and what defined the art of seduction more than tease and dance? It was sure to be thrilling, and Seven was a patron of all forms of art.
Of course, the videos lured him as well. The viral sensation blurred what happened at Almaz and the promise of an appearance of one performer on the very stage. Given that Seven was a witness to the fight in focus, his curiosity was piqued to the point of compulsion that he be here to witness the encore. He remembered the man that Jay fought. How quickly Jay rounded the bar to confront whatever happened between them. Friends certainly, once upon a time, and the fight that followed could be no more visceral than the betrayal of the former. The memories blazed strong in Seven’s mind. How could they not? He was not often in the company of such harsh realities, and greatly preferred the innocent pleasure of camaraderie to the heat of conflict. Seven had a way to diffuse drama when it threatened to bubble should he take the interest. In this case, he was going to be an apt witness to what was surely to memorable either. But he needed to see the next section of this story for himself.
He tapped a swift command into his Wallet, pulled from the depths of a pocket inside the tuxedo, and leaned nearer to show it off. “Did you see this too?” he asked conspiratorially. He paused the video on a key moment highlighting the face of the man promised to reappear soon before them. ”I was there, you know, and he is our star tonight.” He was also eager for the show, and smiled with wide agreement with her impatience. There were indeed many kinds of people gathered. Kallisti attracted a wide spectrum both of sophistication, style and even of gender.
It was in that moment, that he let the bubble of fun he’d been having waft away like a promise of a fantasy to return when he wanted. He offered the arm dangling with bracelets in order to shake her hand. An inviting smile accompanied it. “My name is Seven,” he said.
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"Danika." Ilesha said.
Blarney Stone arrived, rather Aiden Finnegan did with his new boy toy on his arm. There was a big controversy with his last one. "I like his music."Ilesha smiled.
"I am going in. Did you see the video? It's violent but he's kinda cute."
The lights started going out. She looked around as lights went out one after the other. "I wonder why that's happening?"
But the good thing was they are going inside faster now that there was a mild disturbance outside, and the girl who'd cut the line she was no longer holding it up.
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The world seemed to darken for an instant as the streetlights fell out of existence. Meera blinked. The light from her Wallet gave forth its unnatural haze as she tapped away once more, letting the minor irritation pass. The gasps from the surrounding bodies made her blood quicken. It was so fascinating, a mortal’s gasp – from pleasure or pain it always sounded the same.
That would have been the best moment to make an entrance into the club, if not for the pair standing at the heart of the throng. Meera had to wait and watch for any ‘quirk’ that might spawn around either of the presumed false idols. They had not been the only subjects of interest, of course. Her list tonight was exhaustive, if not an informative one. She had been surprised at the thoroughness of the watching eyes – and now it fell to her to bear witness to their accusations.
With a sharp gesture from Meera, Hercules wove his way through the crowd and brought her to rest at the edge of the mass. The male subjects were not but a few meters from her now and she possessed the best seat in the house. A younger male accompanied one of the subjects. The lover, according to the file. Such a pity – the youths of the world being seduced by such degradation and blaspheme. Meera let her eyes lose track of him, he was of no importance.
Cameras and Wallets flashed away around her, aimed straight for the scum that lay before her. She discreetly snapped a few pictures of her own, amidst the flurry. The Light of God never showed through on film – digital or physical – but her instructions had been clear. The Atharim needed verification that she had been in attendance.
Meera did not expect much from these two. She could not see the Light as of yet, and even so, she could never see the Light coming from the male half of the sinners. Once she found a few of the females on her list, things would prove to be more interesting.
"She had tortured hundreds, maybe thousands, in the name of understanding and reason. Torture made sense. You truly saw what a person was made of, in more ways than one, when you began to slice into them. That was a phrase she'd used on numerous occasions. It usually made her smile."
- The Wheel of Time, The Gathering Storm, Chapter 22, Robert Jordan
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01-31-2023, 07:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-01-2023, 12:03 AM by Jaxen Marveet.)
The pop and flash of lights angled elsewhere. In the void of the stolen attention, Jaxen darkened. It was a brief expression, replaced with the study of one seeking cracks in the gilded façade in front of him. Aiden’s man had to all but hold the paparazzi off of him. Aiden pretended intolerance, but really the singer would shoot up the adoration if he could shove the high into a syringe. Sage was looking suitably blank, hooked on Aiden’s elbow. Inevitably the pair had to stop so Aiden could address the peppering questions. Jaxen watched blandly, arms folded beneath the plume of fur. Eventually, the trio of men pushed through. Landing right in front of the one waiting for them.
“A handsome devil, yes?” he smirked in response. Aiden may be the rock star, but Jaxen had a face that promised devilry.
“Where’s your spear?” he asked, rhetorically quizzical, though he had to raise his voice to breech the deafening avalanche of questions. Given the Irish prize’s twin was no where about Jaxen’s person either, he expected Aiden to squirrel the enormous spear away from the public eye. He was right to be careful. If someone knew about it, they may be tempted to steal it. The compliment incited a flourish parting of the fur as he approached - innocently sharing he had nothing similar to hide. The glimpse of a lithe waist and hip-hugging pants did draw some attention. A taste of more to come, perhaps? Perhaps.
The power went out then. Drenching the street with a domino crescendo of darkness. He turned to regard it. Gasps rose up amid a flurry of cursing from the paparazzi. Wallet screens suddenly came aglow, but their cast did not part the sea of red drenching faces gloriously bloody. No swarm of senses hinted that the sudden reprieve was Aiden’s doing, but not to worry, Jaxen was there. A wicked smile parted his lips. The ancient power swirled. If anyone was unafraid of showing what they were in front of a crowd, it was Jaxen Marveet.
An orb of green-blue flame spun over the top of his head. Given that it was the only thing glowing its own accord, the wavy life flickered hellish lines down his face. Canceling the red. Dousing that devilish face with other-worldly streaks. Devil had been Aiden’s word, after all. He felt every pair of eyes suddenly focus on him. But what he would do with the attention?
The power then snaked around his mouth so everyone could hear.
“Who is the young man with you tonight? Is this your old lover?” he called and fixed Sage's far-away gaze with the accusation of one recently scorned.
Now, Jaxen was a hetero bloke. He wasn’t particularly aroused by other men despite his appreciation for the rare piece of art some of them were. Mostly, he found such specimens inspiring. So what sped the sweep of his feet and planted a hungry gleam to his eye, however, was not the thrill of screwing one. It was the thrill of screwing with what someone loved most. And Aiden loved his self-important, pompous celebrity status more than anything in the world. And every shrine needed a sacrificial lamb now and then.
So when Jaxen danced around the body-guard with sudden purpose of reuniting with old friends, brushed the palm from the musician’s hand and thrust his tongue into the singer’s famous mouth, it wasn’t with the gusto of enflamed desire for the celebrity’s svelte cut body. It was purely to piss him off. But what a show he put on to do it. And there was a moment, a heartbeat perhaps, that he thought Aiden liked it. The exaltation of a worshipper throwing themselves upon his altar was hard to ignore. Maybe even kissed him back? Maybe. Jaxen was a handsome devil, after all.
He didn’t even check to see if Sage noticed.
And the Paparazzi lost their motherfucking minds.
[[Aiden moded with permission. *bows and flourishes]]
"So?" said Loki impatiently. "This isn't the first time the world has come to an end, and it won't be the last either."
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Jaxen's voice boomed and pulled his attention to the flourish of a man. He had to be center stage -- ever the ego if Sage had ever seen on. No wonder he and Aiden were friends. He still wasn't precisely sure why Nox considered him a friend. Secrets do that. And Nox had a lot of them. Jaxen knew one at the very least -- a deadly one. Sage knew it too. Knew where the body of Nox's friend was. One of the things Sage kept locked in his private vault soon to be restored on Aiden's property. Sage couldn't wait.
But it was the kiss that followed that made Sage blink. Jaxen hadn't even bothered to notice he'd curled into his boyfriend and Sage had a perfect view of the shared kiss. If he cared whether or not Jaxen liked Aiden it might make him jealous. But Sage wasn't opposed to sharing, and Sage knew it was all a stage event anyway. Even if none of it had been planned. A warning from Nox flittered in front of his eyes and while Jaxen was making out with his boyfriend Sage spoke to both of them "There are Atharim in the crowd." And then Sage pulled away from Aiden with a glare for Jaxen and a sweet saccharine smile for Aiden. He shouted. "This was supposed to be about our friend, not your fucking affair. Thanks a lot." And he stormed past Dimitri and into the club. The bouncers didn't bother stopping him. Whether that was a note from Nox or from the display Sage didn't care.
While he walked he texted Aiden without ever picking up his wallet.
Love you. Save you two a seat in the shadows. Don't you fucking channel tonight!
Sage found a table as he said near the front but with plenty of shadows to hide in, to give whatever illusions they wanted to play at. Sage didn't much care what they did he was here for Nox.
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It was like stepping into one of the eshows she loved, utterly fantastical and larger than life. He made her laugh with all the flowery perfumed words, and she gave him the full attention he deserved, twirling the flute stem about her fingers as she listened. “Oh, I wouldn’t say I was unsuspecting.” Visha’s smile around the lip of her glass was nothing short of mischievous. She’d had alcohol before, but it bored her mostly, though she knew enough to understand it was a social expectation to enjoy. "Tastes just like a spiral galaxy," she told him upon her first taste, and laughed.
At confirmation that he had been here before Visha felt her guard drop a little. It meant he must be aware of the rules. When he leaned to display the screen on his wallet she moved a little closer, eyes wide as twin moons. She shook her head mutely when he asked if she had seen what he was about to show her, more interested in actually seeing what he wanted to share than offering an explanation for her ignorance. She was unprepared for the violence but it didn’t seem to disturb her either.
“That’s Nox? Hm.” He didn't look like she expected. Not that Raffe had given a physical description. But she had expected someone softer. She was tempted to pluck the device clean from his fingers to sit back and peruse properly, mostly out of curiosity, but also because it seemed there had been a lure tonight that she had been excluded from. Had everyone here already seen this video?
Her eyes cast about briefly. The place really was filling up.
She supposed she had one thing better though; a companion who had actually been there to see it in person. Whatever “it” was supposed to be.
He introduced himself then, banishing the frivolity in favour of something more honest. But of course it was the hand she was caught on, offered so simply. And unknowing. Ephraim’s voice warned sternly in the back of her head. The gloves would protect him. She wouldn’t even contemplate it otherwise. But her teeth tugged her lip like she contemplated something she shouldn’t. The reaction warred with the honest smile underneath.
“Visha,” she responded, and placed her hand in his. The contact zipped a thrill right the way up her arm. The leather obscured most of the sensation, but the novelty more than made up for it. In fact she was loath to let go and allow the moment to end. So of course she didn’t. She grinned. An impish tug brought his arm closer, and a gentle twist allowed for a closer inspection of his alluring jewellery. With her other hand she pressed a curious finger to the bracelets she had coveted earlier. “These are very beautiful,” she said.
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02-03-2023, 02:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-03-2023, 02:51 AM by Aiden Finnegan.)
Aiden could all but hear his eyes rolling to the back of his skull as Jaxen proclaimed himself a ‘handsome devil.’ Oh, he had physical beauty in spades, but the jury was still out on his personality. Their journey with the Naga court and the Treasures had shown Jaxen to be a deeply troubled man. Aiden could still see the trickster panicking and running aimlessly down those winding, alien corridors. It had been a damn shame to see that the hero’s journey had done nothing to better the man.
As if on cue, Jaxen asked after the Spear and Aiden felt his jaw tighten reflexively. His fist clenched and unclenched as he exhaled softly through his nose. It was fine. Everything was fine. Cooper would see that it was kept safe and away from prying eyes. If circling the block failed, well, there was a fine pistol stashed away in the glove compartment. Even a God could be brought down with a well placed bullet.
Jaxen approached them, doing everything in his power to appear effortless with his sexuality. Aiden cocked an eyebrow and twisted his upper lip slightly in confusion. What was the man about? The wallets and cameras began to flash again as the masses decided to ignore Sage’s little trick.
But then, Jaxen began to weave his own tricks. The colors of blood and viscera seemed to leap up across those surrounding them and then an orb of – what appeared to be – fairy fire sprung up above Jaxen’s head. Aiden’s mouth fell agape at the sight. What was the man playing at? The entirety of the gawkers went silent in unison as Jaxen’s cocky, preening voice was magnified and began to reverberate across the walls of the surrounding buildings.
Everything seemed to happen in a rush. Jaxen was upon him suddenly, pushing Dimitri and Sage aside as if they were yesterday’s trash. Jaxen’s touch found Aiden, his searching hands grasping for flesh. Aiden felt his mouth pushed open and Jaxen’s hungry tongue thrust into him. For an instant, Aiden felt his own tongue returning the dance. His pants had begun to grow a little tighter at the unexpected attention.
Their two bodies were awash in the lights of the paparazzi. Aiden’s head cleared and he all but shoved Jaxen off as Sage issued his warning. It was not a warning Aiden had been anticipating, but one he should always be ready for. Dimitri too was in a daze, but he quickly regained his composure as Sage stormed off before yelling at Aiden.
“Sir, should I call for the bouncers to have this scum removed from your presence?” Dimitri asked as the paparazzi began their barrage of questions once more.
Aiden wiped Jaxen’s spit from his lips and he chuckled slightly before replying, “No, Dimitri. I suspect my unlikely ‘paramour’ would have their guts for garters if they so much as laid a hand upon him. You go ahead. Make sure Sage hasn’t left through the back door.”
Dimitri scowled at Jaxen for a moment before he too walked off, pushing his way up into the club. The wallet in Aiden’s jacket buzzed quietly. He reached inside and pulled out a cigarette instead. With a Snake watching them, he was forced to use an actual lighter. A minor annoyance in the light of what had just happened. Aiden was upset with Jaxen, he was upset with the paparazzi, he was upset with his own body for responding to such a cheap move.
Jaxen had not moved much since the departure of Aiden’s coterie. What could Aiden say or do to the man before him? The paparazzi lurked along the edges. The Atharim were present. Nameless individuals all swirled around them, eager for what would happen next. For better or worse, Aiden was back in the public eye and it was unlikely any one was going to forget the night. Aiden took a deep breath and plastered on one of his award-winning smiles.
“Oh, my handsome, dramatic devil,” Aiden cooed loudly as he moved closer to Jaxen, bringing a hand up to stroke the man’s cheek tenderly. If Jaxen wanted the attention of the world, Aiden would gladly help him with that. Let him know just what it meant to be hounded at every waking hour. Let him understand just what it was to lose the fragile anonymity that was forever lost to the rich and the famous. Let him feel just what it felt like to be carrion for the vultures. Jaxen had made a name for himself, but not one so widely known as Aiden Finnegan.
Take it all, my chaotic harbinger. The Snakes know you now, Aiden thought to himself wryly as he took Jaxen’s face into both hands and kissed him hard. Aiden would make it up to Sage, somehow.
“It seems you two will have to duel for my affections, for I cannot chose just one. I hope your blade is as sharp as your kiss,” Aiden went on just as loudly before moving past Jaxen, stealing a squeeze of his ass in the process. He went into the club and pulled out his wallet.
Of course, Sage was not stupid enough to fall prey to Jaxen’s tricks.
I love you too. I’m coming now. You have my word. That man is the damnedest creature, Aiden shot back to Sage before descending into the darkened club.
Russian Dolls and Broken Gods, a new Fantasy novel by best-selling author, Aiden Finnegan, out this December! Preorder online and instore today!
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Meera’s lip turned down into a scowl at the flagrant display of God’s Light. Jaxen Marveet was a demon – as was evinced by the delicious, cruel shades of red that seemed to pour forth from him. Hell fire leapt up to mark him as unclean. Meera’s hand tapped away at her wallet, absently spelling out the words ‘Confirmed God…’ She went on to type out what she saw as she saw it. The demon did little more than act like a peacock. He showed no real power.
Why settle for the color red when the living blood of a mortal vessel shown much brighter?
Amateur, Meera thought with a sneer.
The false idols knew not what they were playing with. It was all for show. All a game. Such an affront to the Divine. Jaxen Marveet was the worst sort; he was as the King of Gomorrah upon a phallic throne. Stealing the Light and warping it to his own bent deviance. His blood was worthy of the Scourge. His blood would feed God’s eternal hunger.
The Light finally erupted just behind her shoulder as visions of Jaxen swam before her minds eye. Spread eagle, flayed so that God’s unblinking eye could gaze directly into the Demon’s heart. A string of Air formed subconsciously, ready to slither and bite away at the unclean thing’s neck. Meera’s eyes found the rockstar’s retreating back. She shook hear head to clear away the crimson visions, banishing the whip of the Light.
Tonight was not a night to avenge.
Tonight was a night to watch and to record the sins of the world.
"She had tortured hundreds, maybe thousands, in the name of understanding and reason. Torture made sense. You truly saw what a person was made of, in more ways than one, when you began to slice into them. That was a phrase she'd used on numerous occasions. It usually made her smile."
- The Wheel of Time, The Gathering Storm, Chapter 22, Robert Jordan
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Nox pulled the jacket and shirt off for his costume and laid it aside as he grabbed the yellow and blue feathered robe that hung on the nearby rack. It wouldn’t fit him, but that was sorta the point. He pulled the oversized arms over his mechanical one first and gently pulled it around. If he moved too quickly he might take out the back seams and he didn’t want that.
”No shurgging.” he told himself in the mirror and tied the robe closed around his waist. The feathers tickled the skin at his chest which was mostly visible.
Nox set the hat on top of the coat just as Juls walked into the wardrobe wearing her first costume for the show. ”What the fuck, Nox?”
”Have to make an annoucement and don’t want to give away the details. So it’s a Diva I do.”
”Someone else can do it.”
”Actually it has to be me. And tell the other girls there is no powers tonight. Not one. There is at least one Atharim in the crowd. I’ll do it. They know about me. So they need to leave a list if they need an element in their show. I got yours.”
”Nox that will drain you.”
”I’ll be fine. My job. Let me do it.”
Juls sighed, but nodded her head. She grabbed a pair of large goofy sunglasses — yellow and glitter covered with sequins and just plain horrid to look at, and from the look on my Juls face as she laughed at him. ”Suck it up.” She knew exactly how Nox felt about the gaudy piece of costume wear. It was like going on as Elton John going on his final fair well tour.
Nox growled. ”I hate you.”
But he made his way out onto the smaller stage in the lounge just as the last show finished. He hugged the last performer and the one waiting in the wings smiled and gave him the go ahead as he stepped on to the stage barefooted, wearing only the robe and goofy sunglasses. He tossed the feathered boa around his neck on stage and swept out on to stage like he owned it. Giving his best diva performance as he walked to the mic that was casually placed on the opposite side of the stage.
There were a few hoots and hollers and Nox looked out into the bar hoping to see a familiar face, but Nox knew Raffe wasn’t out there. He missed him. His faked smile almost slipped, but he corrected his thinking and took a deep breath as he started his announcement.
”All this for my show? I’m in awe. Thank you, Ducklings, for coming to our little home to watch this performance. I see a few friends out there, and a lot of people I’ve never seen before. But there are a few unfriendly folks out amongst you. I won’t name names, and I won’t kick you out as long as you play by my rules. Cause while I don’t own the joint, this is my home.” All the men around the room stepped forward in one as Nox raised his hand. ”These lovely gentlemen, see they all work for me. My house. My rules. And on that note, I want to warn all our lovely patrons and staff. There are Atharim in the house. For those of you who think I’m full of shit, I won’t deny that. But I was one of them. I know what I’m talking about.”
Nox held out his hands and two fireballs appeared just above them and he took a step back from the mic and wove a second weave to carry his voice throughout the club and out the doors. ”I was one of them before they turned on me when I could do this. Let them keep their focus on me. You keep your hands and feet and your wonderful beautiful gifts to yourself. I mean, you all came here to see me. Let’s keep it that way.”
Nox tossed the fireballs into the rafters with a few yelps before they shattered into thousands of tiny little harmless sparks that floated down from the ceiling and faded away into nothing. ”My Atharim friends. The lovely people here are under my protection. Touch a hair on their heads in this building and on Kallisti property and you’ll have a lot more than a little show to worry about.”
And with a wave of his hand and tug on the robe Nox was off the stage rushing to get back into costume. Threats made. Atharim weren’t going to hurt anyone on his watch. Juls handed Nox a box of protein bars. ”You might need more than this.”
Nox unwrapped a bar and bound up the stairs to change, but more importantly to grab his tiny little vials, he took hunting and a lighter. If it turned into a fight, he had to be able to keep going longer than his opponent and after a hard show, he was going to need all the help he could muster.