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Her gaze was solemn and disappointed, but ultimately pulled by Roza’s flight. She didn’t wait for Cruz’s response; she could already feel it. Instead she took hold of Rena’s hand and pulled her away, like she regretted sharing the gift of camaraderie with a boy who clearly couldn’t take a joke. “It’s just a sticker,” she muttered to Rena as she slipped her arm through the other girl’s and steered them after Roza. Her brows rose in a shared look. The carnival swallowed them up as they left the safety of the tent, and Esper called over her shoulder: “Well come on then, Cruz, before she gets too far ahead. Maybe if you ask her nicely she’ll let you have another one.”
By now she understood Roza’s direction. There was no actual rush beyond the one that insinuated Cruz was about to be left behind. Given how quickly he had come to the crook of Roza’s finger before, like a bounding puppy, she did not expect he would take long to make the decision. And if not? Well, the carnival was a wondrous place. But it was not always a nice place to be lost and alone.
Esper was quiet but companionable as they followed, soaking in the emotions around her rather than dwelling on the ones emanating from the girl at her side. Rena was a guest and Esper naturally treated her with the respect of such, which was also why she did not push that annoying sense of reticence away. The light bounced and caught in the sequins of Esper’s jacket, casting little rainbows all around them that drew the eye as they passed. Her attention lingered several times on those who paused to look. The hint of a smile greeted. She could have corralled, performed a little, until people trickled after out of curiosity. But tonight the show was private, and Esper’s smile only promised a secret she would not tell.
Roza called back to them once they were within earshot. Pressed this close to Rena was like slipping on another skin, and from what she could feel she was not sure how the other girl would handle the show in question. The choice was hers, though; to hesitate or risk. A little fear never hurt anyone. And it would taste delicious. She turned her gaze to Cruz, to see how he would respond.
[[double posting to make it easier for Rena and Cruz to decide whether to accept the show]]
"We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours"
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Cruz stood staring after the defiance of one, and the disappointment in the other. The twin flowers radiated with anger and it was scathing, and alll he did was poke at a sticker. Cis dragged Rena, or Lavender as the girls deemed her towards a side show. The man standing outside was creepy looking probably all part of the show. Camellia cuddled up to him and there was a slight irking feeling when Cruz watched and when she turned back to them accusing him of some horrible thing he smiled and followed. Something about the girls pulled him towards the darkened tent. It boasted of fear and shadows. Cruz was not afraid of the dark. But as of late that seemed to change.
"I'm coming." He said with a smile as the girls waited on him. He wondered if Rena had the stomach for lie inside. He knew it was bound to be full of mystery and drama. He'd felt Camilla's soft tingle of power during her song. She was like him. And there was no telling who else could wield the power of the Atharim gods.
Cruz looked to Rena with a smile and included the angry flowers in it. "Shall we?" He went first.
[[ ooc: I will respond with Cruz's reaction to the event after Rena posts since we all skipped her ]]
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There were undercurrents here. Rena could feel them push and pulling at her. The two girls, smokey eyed Narcissus- Cis- and exuberant Camellia, seemed to be playing a game. And Cruz was the unwitting man caught between these two cats. Rena might have felt sorry for him. Might have, except that she had seen him at the party, walking around like he owned the place. Which technically, he probably did. Bottom line, though, was that people fawned over him. More to the point the women fawned over him. And he knew he was in control.
She didn't begrudge him that. But the sharp feeling of pleasure at his bit of comeuppance wasn't something she quashed either. She wasn't going to apologize of her feelings. He was rich and gorgeous and had his place and name assured and certain. Being batted at by two girls- Roma at that!- felt deliciously right.
Besides, she liked the name Lavender. It was one of her favorite scents. Perhaps her body lotion or the subtle perfume she wore had given Cis the idea. She had taken Rena by her arm and lead her along, deeper into the Carnival. For a moment, Rena felt hesitant. Just a moment. And then she let the familiarity of the camp wash over her. She was in with these girls. And they were heading off somewhere to have fun. What that might be, she wasn't sure. But she knew she wasn't a target of theirs.
And she did have her own little tricks. She relaxed and let Cis lead her freely, curious as to their destination. A club perhaps? Dancing, she thought Camelia had said. Instead, they came to a larger structure and curious man enchanting visitors to enter his den. As Camelia went to him to whisper in his ear, Rena simply stared. He was terrifyingly beautiful in a way she couldn't quite explain. His face gaunt in places, his eyes deep and penetrating. The smile he quirked at Camelia was friendly and yet set her blood cold.
It was an instant and utter attraction that she had never, in her life, felt. The other boys, even Bas himself, were nothing in comparison. Darkness made flesh. And she felt fear and nervousness, hoping he didn't notice her. Praying that he did. She was still as they went past him. She imagined she could feel a coldness as they passed him.
Her mind was clouded with thoughts of him as the conjuring and display played out before them. Once or twice she jumped in fear. But less than at another time. Those terrifying eyes seemed to follow her, The show ended and a part of her marveled at what she had seen. But only a part.
Would he be outside? She wasn't sure she wanted him to be. Only that she was where she wanted to be.
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Sámiel waited in the cool night air, his gaze fixed upon the exit, eagerly awaiting the emergence of the group that had experienced the chilling encounter within. As the tent flap parted, he watched them emerge one by one, their expressions bearing the weight of the ethereal journey they had just undertaken.
His attention noted Roza and Esper then scanned the line of their male companion briefly, but Sámiel's eyes locked onto the girl he recognized, the one who had stared at him with a mix of curiosity and apprehension before she had entered. Her eyes, wide with a mixture of awe and fear from the show, met his gaze, and a flicker of recognition passed between them.
Sámiel approached, his steps light and graceful in such high-heeled boots, his velvet coat trailing behind him like a cloak of shadows, bare thighs peeking out as he walked. There was a shared understanding in their silent exchange, an unspoken acknowledgment of the secrets that lingered within all souls.
"Did you find what you were looking for in the Veil’s Embrace?” Sámiel asked, his voice a mere whisper carried like a leaf on the breeze. “To venture into the unknown is to confront the deepest recesses of your fears and desires. It is in that convergence that true understanding can be found.” Sámiel sensed a journey unfolding, a bond being formed that would transcend the boundaries of mere mortals, the teeth of his bared smile hungrily leering upon all who passed by.
Within the depths of this hallowed eve,
Where fears converge and nightmares weave,
The essence of darkness, fears untamed,
Samhain's dominion is now unchained.
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When Cruz neared Camillia glared at him, but was all smiles again as she reached into her purse and pulled out another sticker, this time she tore it from the sheet like a stamp and licked the backing and pressed it hard to his cheek. She giggled and dashed off through the tent flaps and expected everyone to follow.
Shivers ran down his spine, there was a touch of dread on the air. He knew it wasn't from the scenery, though it didn't help that the air was palpable. Whatever was on that sticker now pressed to his skin was fast acting and the world felt like spinning. He wasn't going to complain completely -- the whole point of a rebellion was to do thing out of character right? At least that's what he told himself as the walls slowly spun.
The place was filled with nightmares, shapes and sounds that he'd dreamed somewhere. Whatever the space was was only worsened by the hallucegen Camillia had given him. He was feeling good, despite the dread that coursed through him. Unlike the P, the fear spurred the drug on, pushing it through his system. And when the face appeared in front of him Cruz screamed. He fled faster than he should have and stumbled on a part of the scenery tumbling to the ground ripping his jeans.
He stared at the blood on his knees like it was black ichor. The face dancing horribly in his face he hadn't escaped the torment of the coin. Tears streamed down his face, his heart raced.
Hands helped him up and he looked up to see the curious girl who'd drugged him with a bright smile and sparkling eyes full of pride. Whatever he'd done, she was happy with the results as she helped him out of the tent and back into the cold air of the night.
It hadn't been cold before, but covered in sweat and fear and floating on the clouds it was cold.
Camillia giggled. "You think he's ready?"
Cruz had no idea what she was asking. But he didn't care. He was happy to go along with anything at the moment.
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Cruz reacted poorly. His fear burned like a bright beacon, thrilling the hum of her pulse. There was blood on his knees where he’d fallen, a hole gaping like a grinning mouth in his undoubtedly expensive jeans. Roza still buzzed around them at the exit, indomitably energetic, but Esper was lethargic in the Veil’s wake. Her own fear mingled from the illusions within, but it only tasted like ecstasy. Rena’s infatuation touched like butterfly wings in comparison. Or maybe more like a moth to Sámiel’s flame. She glanced at him, but it was only curiosity.
She corralled Roza into stillness by wrapping her arms around the other girl’s waist and resting her chin over her shoulder. Esper’s chest took measured breaths like she could curl up and sleep. The satiety would pass. But she was quiet and indolent a moment while Roza teased and Sámiel charmed. When her heavy-lidded gaze opened, a little low laughter spilled, and she straightened and let go.
“Hmm,” she said. She looked Cruz up and down as she stepped closer, and grasped his chin. Whatever hallucinogen Roza had used still flared his pupils. Tears still streaked his cheeks. She could almost feel his pulse, but her sense spoke a truer picture. He liked the thrill of that fear. The rush that came after. But P would send him over the edge, and she did not think Zeke wanted him dead in a gutter. The hook was already in. Esper drove it a little deeper, pushing the fear onto him as her eyes locked on his. A small smile flickered the corner of her lips. She did like an audience, even if it was only of one. “Are you ready, Cruz?”
"We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours"
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The night sky and the lights and noises of the carnival, the movements and conversations of her companions seemed to fade away as he came to her, seeming to move hypnotically, snakelike, ach step closer taking up her field of vision, swallowing her up. And she could not look away. Her heart pounded in her chest and a thrill of fear squirmed and slithered in her stomach and at the base of her throat. Absently, she touched the black linked choker at her neck before bring her hands to stillness.
He stood over her, eyes beautiful and penetrating and she felt a delicious flutter in her stomach and groin. She felt herself blush crimson at the feeling. Why did she feel like her could see into her soul? She searched for her rock and found it, held on for stability as the storm battered at her.
She tried to keep weakness from her voice. "The veil? I..." She trailed before going on. "Yes. Or maybe. I don't know what it was. But it was...beyond..." Again, she paused and then realized she didn't know how to describe it. Strangely, though, as she spoke, she did feel more solid. "Beyond. Just ...beyond."
She peered up at him, searching. She felt like his face seemed to change in its meaning or intent, in a moment kind and nakedly open, in another, dark and naked lying cruel. "Does everyone see the same thing?" Not what she wanted to know."What do you see?
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Sámiel listened intently to her words, his eyes fixed on hers as she spoke of her experience within the haunted attraction. Her vulnerability and curiosity were palpable, and he felt the echoes of her breathlessness resonating within him. The night embraced them from above, and the sounds of the carnival faded into the background, leaving only the enigmatic connection between them.
As she finished speaking, a soft smile touched Sámiel's lips, an acknowledgement of the complexities and mysteries that swirled around them. He sensed the depths of her emotions, the storm that raged within her, and he recognized the strength it took for her to find stability in the face of the unknown. The fortitude of her soul was his to behold.
"The Veil," he replied, his voice a gentle melody. "It has a way of revealing different truths to different souls. What lies beyond its embrace is a reflection of the individual who ventures through it. To some, it may be a dance with fear and exhilaration, while to others, it may be an encounter with ancient memories or forgotten dreams. Maybe even the trepidations of the soul itself.”
He took a step closer to her, the carnival lights bathing them in an ethereal glow. "The Veil shows us what we are willing to see, what we desire to find, and what we fear to confront,” Sámiel continued, his words both cryptic and laden with meaning as he took her hand.
Her question lingered in the air, and as he leaned lower, his eyes were a window to the enigma that was his very soul. "As the guardian of this realm, I see many things,” he replied, his tone gentle and reassuring. "I see the kaleidoscope of emotions that dance within each soul, the shadows and the light that intertwine, creating a tapestry of life and experiences.”
A pause hung in the air, the carnival's symphony weaving a haunting melody around them. Sámiel continued with his characteristic quiet intensity, "But when I look at you, I see a soul that craves truth and understanding. I see a spirit that seeks to unravel the mysteries of existence, unafraid to face the darkness within. Your journey beyond the Veil was not simply a fleeting encounter; it was an awakening, a step towards embracing the depths of what you yourself do not even recognize you desire.”
As he bowed his lips to her knuckles, he looked up from the long line of her arm. “And as for what lies beyond,” Sámiel said, his voice as tender a caress as what brushed her skin, "it is for you to explore, to seek, and to unravel. The answers you seek are woven within the fabric of the universe, waiting to be discovered when the time is right.”
He released her hand after rubbing upon the place his lips had touched with his thumb, and invited her to embrace the enigmatic journey that lay ahead. "Should you ever wish to venture beyond the Veil again, to peer into the mysteries that beckon, remember that the carnival shall always welcome you,” he said, his eyes shimmering with promise. "And know that in doing so, you may come to know yourself in ways you never thought possible."
As their hands parted, Sámiel stepped back slightly, a coy smile playing at the corners of his lips as he glanced at their companions nearby.
His eyes found Roza and Esper’s, and in that moment, the haunting melody of the carnival seemed to take on a mischievous tune, as if the secrets of this night were shared only among them.
Within the depths of this hallowed eve,
Where fears converge and nightmares weave,
The essence of darkness, fears untamed,
Samhain's dominion is now unchained.
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With each word, everything fell away. It felt like nothing existed but him. She was in a bubble with him. His voice was soft but masculine. His eyes were lined black, lashes long and curled, deep and haunted. The shadows cut sharp lines on his cheeks and jaw, while moving lips were plump and curved.
He was just beautiful.
And he saw her, seemed to see into her, finding something she thought was hidden. No one had ever had even bothered. Ma and Papa cared, but never really seemed interested in her. Her sister got their attention, got everyone's.
As exciting as her modeling was, she knew it was shallow and superficial. The only people who seemed to care were those who wanted something from her. No one actually bothered to see if there was something more than her pretty face or body, more than just her eyes or smile. Oh, boys had said the words, pretending to actually care- but they always the usual goals. spoke to her of herself, saw her. "I know....everything." She'd never actually put things in words. She just knew she wanted more. To belong. to feel part of something. She wanted to touch God.
She felt his words wash over her and they nourished her. And then they seemed to draw to a finish. As if he were closing a door on her. And a panic flared up. Please don't go she wanted to beg
Only fear prevented her. Fear he'd think less of her, that she was needy. Shame cut through her. She was thirsty and he gave her what she needed. But if he thought her weak, pathetic, as she knew she was, then maybe he'd take it away.
She was paralyzed and only nodded, digging into herself to be calm, be patient, keep cool. He said she could come back.
It was something, she supposed. She nodded, masking any disappointment, she hoped. She found her voice. "I'll be back." She looked back at the shadowed building behind her. Somehow, it seemed small and empty, just a part of the night. She suspected it was not where she could find what she wanted. She knew it, actually. Because it was in front of her, a dark beauty radiating heat.
"I do want to know. I want to see." He looked back at the others and she felt like something disconnected. She looked at them too. They still seemed mostly shadowed. And were going somewhere.
She shrugged to herself, feeling much less interested, now. How could she? She thought about maybe begging off. This hadn't been planned anyway. She should.
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Esper's arm around her waist stilled her. Roza knew of her sister's gifts. She languished in the awe of Cruz's freak out but she let Esper take the solice and quiet she needed. Sitting still was not Roza's thing, it took concentrated effort to be there when Esper needed her, but it was not an obligation nor a burden. That her friend took that from her made it all that much better, all that more real the connection they'd shared.
Roza pressed her face to the other woman's as she recentered. Esper laughed and the games began again. Roza smiled brightly was she watched Esper corral Cruz, the fear in his eyes grew wider as he looked into Esper's. Roza licked her lips and turned away. It wasn't a private moment shared between them, it was for Cruz to define for himself. Feeling the fear of his self and those around. He'd felt something in that fear -- that's what Zeke wanted to push in everyone. Find that h ook. They might need P to do it, but Cruz was a rich softie.
She shared a knowing glance with Sami and watched as their new friend got the soliloquy of seduction that came from the carnival. She may be Romani but she wasn't Carnival -- not yet.