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Reborn God: Hades
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<big>Mass combat </big>
Role playing games encompass a spectrum of competition that spans from highly combative, statistic based outcomes to fully collaborative team fiction. The former relies on character sheets, equipment lists, dice and random chance. The latter involves highly collaborative plot and outcome development where tense scenes are worked out off-screen between two writers. Together, collaborative writers intend to craft a story that is a surprise to other readers.
Forum based RPG's, such as The First Age, lies somewhere between those two extremes, but we lean more closely to collaborative-fiction than combative table-top gaming. However, there comes a time when data needs to be incorporated into the hierarchy of the site in order to maintain a sense of order when combat arises. Examples include channeler strength and experience levels as a viable gauge of dueling outcomes. While these are gray-areas in and of themselves, because creativity of the writer themselves must be taken into consideration, definitions allow us to grasp and utilize a rules-based magic system. From quantification and certainty comes the freedom to write stories out of what might otherwise be a mechanical role of the dice.
As there needs to be clear definitions among individual characters, there also needs to be a continuance of such rules that we can extrapolate into large-scale combat.
As the site and story of The First Age continues to grow, we are therefore going to implement our own version of "Campaign Sheets" to be used as reference for future large-scale warfare. These sheets will be relevant to anyone that writes on behalf of- or commands- a nation's armed forces, mercenary group, or otherwise establishes their own military following.
When your character comes into control of a group of armed forces, you will need to submit a filled out Forces Campaign Sheet. As Game Master, Ascendancy will monitor and approve these sheets and discern what information on them would be considered Common Knowledge, and therefore is allowed to be shared with the rest of the players, in- and out-of-character (OOC). Likewise, Ascendancy will discern what information is kept a strategic secret and withhold it from other players, OOC. As tactical and strategic information becomes shared In Character (IC, ie, in story), such information will likewise be updated for the rest of the site to see.
There may come a time that your character expands their power, influence, and armies beyond what the original Campaign Sheet lists. The only way this may occur is to parallel this expansion with posts made IC that describes how and why the character manages to implement substantial increases in their authority. Just as we require posts showing your character's use of the One Power as a basis to justify an expansion in their strength and experience, we will likewise require similar threads that justify the character (or nation's) growth in armed forces.
Play Report
If your forces engage in battle with those of another nation's or mercenary's armed forces, you'll be required to submit a Play Report that documents the outcome of the battle including a description costs in terms of personnel, life, and money.
<small>(Examples of a completed Campaign Sheet and Play Report are in following posts.)</small>
<big>Campaign Sheet
Military Forces
Descriptive statistics
Name of force or forces:
Alignment: this has no effect on battle outcomes, but primarily summarizes the force's attitude as a whole.
Morale: A description of the forces' confidence.
Battle capabilities
Special abilities & special forces
Eg: Trained channelers with military experience on the battlefield
Special forces operations capabilities:
Comprehensive list of equipment.
Eg: Anti-air, anti-tank, electronic warfare. Small arms, support weapons. Artillery, air assets. Notably skilled troops. Logistics capability.
Intended fighting style
Eg:Traditional, Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, Guerrilla
Tactical expertise
The expertise of your army is reflected by the nature of their training and the formal education of leadership.
<small>Sample tactical expertise
Cautious Combat: Your army fights cautiously in order to maintain morale.
Defensive Wall: Your army fights defensively, taking actions to protect fellow units as needed.
Dirty Fighters: Your army uses trickery and unfair tactics to gain an advantage at the start of a battle.
Expert Flankers: Your army is skilled at surrounding the foe and distracting them, at the cost of spreading out too much and being more vulnerable.
False Retreat: Once per battle, your army can make a false retreat, luring a target enemy army deeper into your territory.
Full Defense: Your army focuses on total defense of the battlefield.
Relentless Brutality: Your army throws caution to the wind and attacks with savage and gory vigor.
Sniper Support: Your army holds some ranged units in reserve to attack a target enemy army during the Melee phase.
Taunt: Your army is skilled at taunting their opponents, provoking stupid mistakes and overconfidence in battle. Your army must have high moral standards to successfully taunt another.</small>
Eg.Communications, satellites, GPS.
What, if any, hierarchy do you employ? How are orders distributed from the highest commander to the single soldier?
What is the yearly budget to maintain and pay your supplies and forces? How do you acquire the wealth to cover this budget? Taxes? Etc?
Non-fighting auxiliaries are necessary for every working army: cooks, physicians, suppliers, engineers, etc. Do you incorporate these auxiliaries into your combative forces?
If you were previously the leader of a nation or mercenary group and by virtue of the position-alone inherit a standing military force, this need not apply to you. However, if you are not such a leader, the GM may require that you need to achieve some sort of in-game accomplishment via role play threads to earn the respect and renown needed to raise an army.
<big>Play Reports</big>
To be filled out after the plot concludes.
Mass combat takes place over the course of three battle phases: the Tactics Phase, the Ranged Phase, and the Melee Phase. A phase doesn't denote a specific passage of time, leaving the GM latitude to determine how long a mass combat takes to resolve. Play reports are used as summaries of ongoing battles between large-scale forces.
1. Tactics Phase:
The commanders have given forethought to the upcoming battle and each selected a tactic their respective armies will use during the battle.
Title of thread that demonstrates IC tactical phase:
2. Ranged Phase:
Any army with the ability to make ranged attacks may do so. This phase typically precedes the advancement to melee range, and then uses melee attacks thereafter. If both armies have ranged attacks, they may choose to stay at range and never approach each other for melee (at least until they run out of ammunition, though the Consumption cost of maintaining an army generally means the army is capable of many shots before this happens). Armies without ranged capability can't attack during this phase, but may still rush forward.
Title of thread that demonstrates IC ranged phase, if applicable:
3. Melee Phase:
The armies finally clash with melee attacks. Each commander has dedicated IC posts toward thought and planning of the melee phase, then each army makes an attack against another army. Repeat the Melee phase until one army is defeated or routs, or some other event ends the battle.
Title of thread that demonstrates IC melee phase:
<small>*Note, tactics phase, ranged phase, and melee phase do not necessarily have to be three separate threads, but for adequate story development, typically will span at least more than one thread.</small>
Posts: 850
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Reborn God: Hades
Channeler Current Strength: 42
Channeler Experience Level: Master
Channeler Potential Strength: 42
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About sample campaign sheet:
What follows is a sample of a filled out campaign sheet for a fictional army. In general, the more powerful the armed forces, the higher standard that will be required of your campaign sheets. This sheet suffices for a moderate sized, small nation of about 10 million people. Obviously, a larger nation, such as the United States, or a more powerful force would will require greater detail in their equivalent campaign sheets.
<big>Campaign Sheet
Military Forces
Descriptive statistics
Name of force or forces: United Lands
Alignment: Chaotic good
Morale: We have grit, hard-work, and stamina. We believe our nation is superior to our neighbors, and this gives us incredible confidence even against terrible odds. We have a sense of brotherhood, and unity, but leadership may be verging on corruption.
Battle capabilities
Land: We are primarily a land-based army.
Sea: As a land locked nation, we have no sea capabilities.
Air: We have no air support.
Special abilities & special forces
We have no special forces capabilities. The soldiers of the United Lands are fierce, and rely on their morale to win battles against our foes. Special forces are something leadership is investigating, however. Preliminary teams may soon be assembled.
Comprehensive list of equipment.
We are well equipped on small arms, ammunition, and hand grenades. Medium sized mortars are commonly employed by the United Lands. Large scale anti-tank or anti-air ammunition is not something we regularly stock.
Intended fighting style
The United Lands are a collection of interior continental armies, that together engage in traditional warfare with our neighbors.
Tactical expertise
The expertise of your army is reflected by the nature of their training and the formal education of leadership.
<small>Sample tactical expertise
Defensive Wall: Your army fights defensively, taking actions to protect fellow units as needed.
Dirty Fighters: Your army uses trickery and unfair tactics to gain an advantage at the start of a battle.
Relentless Brutality: Your army throws caution to the wind and attacks with savage and gory vigor.
Taunt: Your army is skilled at taunting their opponents, provoking stupid mistakes and overconfidence in battle. Your army must have high moral standards to successfully taunt another.</small>
Our communications system is decent. Most officers and NCO’s are issued low or medium grade Land Warriors. The regular soldier is issued standard radios or satellite phones. We have no access to our own satellites, however, and rely on independently contracted deals to maintain GPS coordinates and large-scale communications.
We utilize a traditional army ranking system modeled after the United States. However, individuals with influence are typically given higher ranked status than the common man.
The United Lands is sustained by government taxes levied by the Lands of the United federal government. Our yearly budget constitutes 25% of the government budget.
Auxiliaries include typical army support in the form of cooks, supplies and moderately trained engineers. These non-combative forces constitute about 20% of the entire army. They are not well-paid, however, and there may be dissention between combative and non-combative groups due to discrepancies in salary. We have a middling medical support group, and do not train our own physicians or health professionals, instead we contract out with local hospitals for medical care. Post-combat treatment is poor should an individual be discharged for medical injuries.
Recruitment comes from the propaganda of the United Lands federal government. We heavily recruit among teenage boys and men in their early 20’s.
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(to be edited in the near future)
Descriptive statistics
Name of force or forces: Légion Première
Alignment: Chatoic Good.
Morale: Very high. Légion Première traces it's origin to the French Foreign Legion, and has maintained it's traditions, practices, and strict training. The Legion dies. It does not surrender.
Battle capabilities
Land: Predominately focused on infantry with some vehicles.
Sea: Limited access to transport ships.
Air: Limited access to transport planes and outdated drones, one private jet.
Special abilities & special forces
As a private mercenary force, Légion Première's members are well trained to operate in small teams, and through their training and small size are widely cross-trained on weapons, vehicles, and unique capabilities.
FAMAS F3, a specially commissioned throw-back to the traditional Legion service rifle of the late 20th Century. Produced in the '20s and modified to correct for various faults of the FAMAS F1.
H&K G46, a modernization of the well-received H&K G36 of the early 21st Century.
SIG Sauer P226 Combat, an early 20th Century 9mm pistol.
AA12, a fully automatic combat shotgun.
Benelli M4 Super 90 semi-automatic shotgun.
ANTOS 60mm Ultralight Mortar system.
ANTOS 81mm Ultralight Mortar system.
.50 Cal Browning M2A2, surplus from the US military purchased in the mid '20s. A modernization of the M2HB of the mid 20th to early 21st Century, utilizing modern space-age materials to lighten the weapon's weight from 58kg with tripod to 30kg.
MK14 Enhanced Battle Rifle, surplus from the US military purchased in the mid '20s and utilized as a marksman rifle.
MK19 Automatic Grenade LauncherMk19 Automatic Grenade Launcher system, surplus from the US military purchased in the mid '20s. Used mostly as a vehicle-mounted weapon.
APILAS MK2 112mm anti-tank weapon. A modernized version, using advanced materials to lighten the weapon and to include a more advanced aiming system.
Mixed use of previous-generation military radios, satellite phones, and Wallet devices.
Intended fighting style
Although not technically a conventional military in that it markets itself as a private security force for squad-level tasks, Légion Première draws most of it's employees from conventional militaries and has maintained much of it's training from it's days as the Foreign Legion it originated from. However, lacking in air and dedicated armour assets, Légion Première deployed as a full fighting force would be little more then heavy infantry with some recce elements.
Tactical expertise
Due to an intensive and continuous training routine, and coupled with a very high work temp, Legionnaires are dedicated and adaptive combatants. Officers are required to have previous military experience and are encouraged to seek formal studies in military history and sciences.
Dirty fighters, Defensive wall, Relentless brutality.
Feint and deception. The Legion often employs trickery and ploys to keep the enemy off balance, especially when on the move.
Extensive use of Landwarrior goggles allows for coordinated movement at section level, and for remote assistance from regional command and control points.
The Legion is often employed in section (8 man) size teams, usually led by a senior Legionnaire (often a Sergeant), with one officer to every 3 or 4 sections, and one senior officer for every 3 to 5 junior officers. This linear command structure still allows for redundancy should an officer be lost or a break in communications occur, and also allow for individual decisions to be made if a situation dictates an immediate decision without time to reference to a higher rank if not co-located with the section. The CEO of Légion Première is, publicly, nothing more then a business man running a very successful company.
100 Officers/Specialists
37 Lieutenants (36,000) (1,332,000) (Ins = 1800 = 66,600)
15 Captains (49,000) (735,000) (Ins = 2450 = 36,750)
5 Majors (57,000) (285,000) (Ins = 2850 = 14,250)
57 Specialists (computers, mechanics, medics) (Approx 40,000) (2,280,000) (Ins = 2000 = 114,000)
600 NCMs
50 Sergeants - (44,000) (2,200,000) (Ins = 2200 = 110,000)
40 Master Corporals - (38,000) (1,520,000) (Ins = 1900 = 76,000)
40 Corporals - (35,000) (1,400,000) (Ins = 1750 = 70,000)
470 Legionnaires - (11,340,000) (Ins = 567,000)
270 Legionnaires 2nd Class- 22,000 (5,940,000) (Ins = 1100 = 297,000)
200 Legionnaires 1st Class- 27,000 (5,400,000) (Ins = 1350 = 270,000)
Payroll: (35,000,000)
Food: Approx 80 per person per day. (20,440,000)
Insurance: = .05% of annual income (1,054,600)
Ammo / Supplies: = (24,000,000)
Vehicle / Euipment Maintenance: = (30,000,000)
Travel costs: = (20,000,000)
Total Annual Cost (approx) = 130,500,000 CCD
All the support elements of the Legion are carried out by the Legionnaires. They receive extensive cross-training as medics, cooks, supply techs, clerks, pay-roll officers, and more to assure the Legion remains self-sufficient.
Was an active serving member of the Legion, serving as a senior officer, and was selected to assume the role of CEO after the previous CEO was killed in Nigeria circa 2041.
Edited by Jacques, Jun 7 2014, 05:11 PM.
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Should the Atharim have something like this? We are not military forces, per se, but as an organization of means? Perhaps it would be too complicated given the dynamic nature of the society?
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I hope this suffices. Please send me thoughts, especially you other Atharim out there, if you have more input! I did the best I could.
<big>Campaign Sheet
Military Forces
Descriptive statistics
Name of force or forces: The Atharim
Alignment: Lawful/Neutral Good
Morale: The Atharim are an ancient society that traces its roots to the 5th Age. Our most detailed records extends backward through 50 B.C. The first Regus of the Atharim, the official head of the society, was Judas Iscariot who mistook Jesus Christ to be Apollyon and conspired to have him assassinated at all costs. His mistake is what tied the Atharim to the Catholic church, and the Atharim have remained entwined with the church ever since. Our morale is bolstered by our belief that the society survives in dire service to the world. Our primary mission is to guard against the return of the gods. Combined with the fact that many Atharim are born into long-standing traditions of the hunt that is passed from one generation to the next, our morale is deeply engrained. An individual Atharim is often more loyal to the cause than to their own families. Without us, monsters would overrun the world. Without us, the gods will enslave humanity once again. Without the Atharim, the world is defenseless.
Battle capabilities
Old world Atharim
Those of Europe and Asia are the oldest of Atharim families who have had support of the Catholic Church and the Atharim's Vatican headquarters. Those of the old world typically act in teams and units. Communication between cells is vital and ongoing. Atharim of the old world are aware of other cells and may call upon them for support and aid when necessary.
New world Atharim
Those Atharim of North and South America existed as whatever survived the 7th Age following the fall of the American pantheons. Some Native American tribes for instance continued the Atharim ways, but following the loss of technology that allowed communication between the continents of the 5th Age, the new world Atharim evolved separately from the Old. Following European colonization of America, Old World Atharim ventured across the Atlantic, made contact with their New World counterparts, and brought them all beneath the traditions and knowledge of the Vatican HQ. Despite connection to the Regus and Vatican, the New World Atharim remain culturally distinct. These Atharim are very isolated within their own families and rarely work with other members of the Atharim. Rather than operate within a geographical sphere, an Atharim member might travel across entire countries seeking monsters to eradicate. There are far fewer Atharim members in the New World compared to the Old.
Land: Our primary objective is land-based missions.
Sea: Cells only have access to the sea via traditional civilian transport or local capabilities. ie, renting a boat, hiring a vessel, etc.
Air: We have minor drone support. Our only access to satellites are through our high-profile contacts that provide our monetary support.
Special abilities & special forces
You might say that every Atharim is their own special force. We act primarily in small teams or in the case of New World Atharim, individually or in pairs.
Comprehensive list of equipment.
Our access to equipment is only what an individual can carry on them at a given time. Because of the nature of frequent combat, melee weapons are often used by Atharim as they do not require ammunition to be resupplied. Atharim are trained since birth by their families or recruited from highly qualified candidates whom already possess a broad range of skills. Therefore, equipment is typically limited to small arms: pistols, rifles, shotguns, etc that may be cared for by civilians, or edged weapons such as knives, swords, axes, and clubs. Equipment any given Atharim carries may be very different and is to the style of the individual Atharim.
Intended fighting style
Fighting is typically one-on-one or in small confrontations. The Atharim have never been involved in battles.
Tactical expertise
We are a highly mobile unit capable of swift communication and rapid deployment to many areas of the world. Atharim can successfully navigate and operate within non-traditional battle spaces: forests, trees, cave-systems, sewers, and hide-outs. Anywhere monsters are likely to lurk, the Atharim can infiltrate.
Atharim are highly trained in reconnaissance and surveillance necessary to track and study monsters of all kinds. We can follow a Dreyken to their nest or we can find a wefuke that's possessed an innocent.
We are highly specialized in urban warfare where operating beneath the radar of civilian notice is mandatory. We are also highly aware of hostile environments and train our own to identify potential hideouts of known monsters.
The use of information and media, concepts that the flow of data is not bound by borders, is integral to the Atharim. Sociological and technological transformations are already present in every theater of operations across the world, from village to forest to city, now becoming apparent to the individual Atharim, that what was once highly specialized and belonging to elite units has become the necessary evolution at the tactical level and the result of familial expertise and training, whose original purpose was always an upgrade all tactical combat as a whole.
Atharim Intelligence is coordinated by headquarters, particularly in the Old World. New World Atharim typically rely on their own gathering of intelligence.
Old World Atharim defer to the full authority of the chosen Regus. The traditions of his selection are very complicated and date to the time of Christ. While New World Atharim are subject to orders of the Regus, they are typically left to their own devices and many never meet him. However, the oldest and most formal of Atharim are required to journey to HQ for initiation rites and permission to bear the tattoo.
Individually high ranking members are chosen based on seniority.
The Budget of the Atharim is executed by the Regus. Our budget is supplied primarily by funds of the Catholic Church, directed by the Pope to the Vatican Historical Society. Our remaining funds are directly supplied by the oldest and most loyal Atharim families whom have been touched by the Atharim in one way or another. Most of these associated families, such as the Baccarat of France, are beneficiaries-only. Our yearly budget operates in excess of several billion dollars.
We have little in the way of auxiliary support. Individual Atharim are paid a stipend by which to live on, supply their own housing, food and supplies. HQ has a small team of data-personnel that support the Atharim servers and computer systems. Our largest auxiliary comes in the form of the Catholic Church itself since the Vatican Historical Society maintains the vaults of the Atharim beneath the Vatican.
In addition to inheritance and birthright, Atharim may be recruited by encounters with civilians. When these civilians show themselves to be highly trained in other theaters of war, combat and fighting, they may be given the opportunity to join the Atharim. Such members are often former military and police.
Once in a while members are recruited for their philosophical expertise and interest in the ancient ways.
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Campaign Sheet
CCD Permitted Military Forces
Name of force or forces: The Vikings (Lir' family protection), assigned to "The Rage" and "The Wench", Combat ship for the Lir' Family. "The Storm is a battleship in refit. CCD Permit allows for 3 battleships, 100 military troops, ship board Offensive weapon with less than 1 mile range and 2 mass destruction warheads per ship. Lir' Family ship were assigned the military destination for the ship ID of LF: ship number
Combat Leader:
Captain SynJyn Quick, Answers only to the the Lir' Family Patriarchy.
Neutral Good
The crew of "The Rage" (LF-63) has been the source of protection for centuries The crew often rotates as does the vessel over the years, with time, but no new Marine is allowed on her til he has at least 5 years with the Lir family and has passed a 6 month rigid training course..........They believe they are unstoppable. Their leader is secretly called "ole timeless" as every time there is a change of command they seem to get the same leader in a new form. "The Wench" will hold the same high standard. Armed now with 2 torpedo tubes, with programmable seeker torps, 2 ship to ship missiles with guidance systems, on swivel turrets and the same standard 3 .50 cal machine guns. Defense systems include an upgraded cloaking system, smoke screens and last resort EMP.
Battleship #2:
"The Wench" (LF 65) carries the same weapons and defense as the "Rage" with one exception. Having been in dry dock during the "monster incident" She is outfitted with a expandable spike that expands up to 50 feet from the bow of the ship. The tip carries an electronic charge equal to a Moscow sub station.
Ships Armory:
The ships Armory carries a full contingent of MP5's, 200 smoke grenades, 200 explosive grenades, 5000 rounds of ammo (9mm), 5000 chain rounds of ammo (.50 cal), 12 missiles (guided), 12 torpedo's (guided). Each ship also uses the LaWs which is a 30-kilowatt laser. As advancements continue and it is made smaller and more energy-efficient, it can be placed onto planes and replace missiles. At a cost of only $0.59 per shot, the LaWS is not only more efficient as a line-of-sight weapon, it is far less expensive than traditional kinetic weapons.
ADAPTIV uses hexagonal modules to cover the outside of an armored vehicle. These cells adjust their heat and cooling based on the environment to mask infrared sensors and also display thermal images of other objects like vehicles, animals, or the landscape to visually confuse the enemy. This blends the object into the background in real-time, making it virtually invisible via IR heat detection. The hexagonal plates can also display thermal signatures to identify friendly forces by heating specific patterns, shapes, and letters. (also adapted to battle fatigues) This combine with the "Blending technology of the day makes the new "Jager" Class destroyer, nearly invivable
The training compound has been moved to Manix Lir's compound. Inductee's go thru a 6 month break down and rebuild of of their physical, mental and emotional facilities, similar to BUD's (SynJyn is a 20 year veteran of the elite SEAL's) After what has nicknamed "Hell" the real training begins.
Battle capabilities
Land: After the first 6 months of training they go into land base warfare including but no limited too QCB (close quarters battle), rescue and recovery, Non-compliant rescue (kidnapping) as well as a rapid response team (SWAT).
Sea: There is no better civilian military system on the sea than Lir's Marines: nicknamed "The Vikings". Including but not limited too, Underwater demolition, Ship boarding and seizure, hand to hand combat, multiple weapons proficiency with a IDC (Independent Duty Corpsman) assigned to each boat crew.
Air: N/A with future plans for an air assault program.
Vrs Power users:
Useing Manix as a training dummy the Vikings are being trained to deal with fighting power wielders. Every Viking carries 2 "sonic" grenades that sends out pulses of high frequency "white noise" to disrupt the thought process. 2 Vikings per boat crew carries a sonic blaster attached to their rail gun at can emit waves of this same sonic tech. They train only for defensive purposes and Manix has vowed never to hunt any non-threatening power users.
Update: After a series of training exercises the new tactical theory was proven to be very effective. In it's final test, Manix was able to defeat the Viking, it was only by the slightest margin. Given the restraints of the training ground, SynJyn fully believes that in a natural battle setting, most power users could be defeated. Expectations being Masters or highly tactically trained combatants. Considering Manix's strength, The Viking's have gained and all important moral boost to aid in sea, land and power user warfare.
Special abilities & special forces:
No known channeler's in the force
Special forces operations capabilities:
Stealth, espionage, weapon proficiency, select few are highly trained sniper and underwater demolition and salvage.
Stowed on "The Rage", not carried off ship unless ordered. Currant orders is that they carry their hand guns (concealed) and a back up 10" Tanto military combat blade and wear civilian dress. Manix has ordered that they do not match each other in dress as this is not an on land army but will be utilized and a protection force.
Comprehensive list of equipment
Molle system combat harness, Blending tech body armor with thermal image scramblers, Hand held fire arms (H&K 9mm), compact assault rifles (Sub-Sonic Railguns, A rail gun uses no propellant to launch a projectile and instead uses a series of magnets between two conductive rails to push a projectile toward a target. This allows a projectile to be shot out of the rail gun at incredibly high speeds), 180 rounds of ammo. Night vision and body cam, scuba gear, digital combat dress, 36" Tanto style blade affixed to back with a 10" blade on the thigh . Each Viking carries, in battle, 2 flash bang grenades and 2 explosive grenades. Snipers use a .50 cal long range rifle, with adjustable scope that can be set for thermal or night vision, their motto is: That bulkhead wont hide ye They use modified Cochlear implants to receive communique and voice strips that attach to the throat for reporting in and combat scenario's
Primary duty is to protect the Lir' family assets and crew. They do this thru stealth, sometimes led by Manix, and thru open combat against sea bearing pirates. They can board a pirate vessel to take it as a prize, or dive under said vessel and use Underwater Demolition Teams (UDT) teams and blow out her keel.
Intended fighting style:
Tactical and Guerrilla ( as needed)
Cautious Combat:
The Vikings tries to leave no man behind, nor have a high loss of Team life, they will however do what is needed to complete the mission
Defensive Wall:
They are able to fall behind the hidden re-enforced bulkheads of "The Rage" Triple .50 cal, stowed in highly undetectable compartments can be brought out to used in defensive situations. The Lir' Family has been issued a "Civilian Military waiver", allowing for offensive capabilities and armament.
Dirty Fighters:
Not needed, tho trained to play dirty so the may defend and recognize against the "dirty", they are too skilled and competent to resort to dirty play which could break down mission plans and objectives.
Sniper Support:
each boat crew has one trained sniper in it, often called "god" as a on air code name. Each armed with the Mile Maker a smart rifle equipped with a computer system capable of determining the exact location a bullet will hit. It accomplishes this by taking measurements of wind speed, temperature, and other atmospheric data to calculate the precise location and not the optically viewed location a sniper might see. This takes a lot of work out of the hands of the sniper and places it in the rifle allowing for more precise shots over a shorter period of time. This advancement allows for personnel not trained as snipers to achieve approximately 70 percent of their shots up to a mile, which is an amazing feat for any marksman. The weapon can also connect to a wireless device to support a video feed so support personnel and commanders can see what the rifle sees.
No, When you know you're the best, there is no need to prove it
Much was gathered by Manix. His time in Moscow has hurt the area of intelligence and command is training and bringing up new Talent. Modern communications, satellites and GPS. The Viking's have an array of specialized telecoms and implants that is not on the open market.
Edited by Manix, Oct 8 2016, 03:25 PM.
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I will have to update the Atharim sheet as well to include the new weaponry acquired in "Useful Tools" thread as well as the new Order of Archangels and their Canticles as revealed in "Decication". Hood updated some of their security in that thread as well, but the details were never fleshed out. I predict there will be other security upgrades in response to and AFTER Jaxen's little visit to the Mansion (along with some head rolling).
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Reborn God: Set
Channeler Current Strength: 36
Channeler Experience Level: Expert
Channeler Potential Strength: 38
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12-03-2024, 03:26 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-03-2024, 03:34 AM by Giovanni.)
*This is currently under construction: Sorry it took so long for me to start doing this*
Military Forces
Descriptive statistics
Name of force or forces: Al-Janyaar
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Morale: High - a tenacious group with Islamic ties, members of Al-Janyaar are fervent fighters, believing their cause to be morally just and commanded by God
Battle capabilities
Land: We are primarily a land-based army.
Sea: None
Air: None
Special abilities; special forces
*working on this*
Comprehensive list of equipment.
*Working On This
Intended fighting style
Mostly guerrilla hit and run tactics and terrorism
Tactical expertise
Dirty Fighters; Relentless Brutality; Espionage Operations
Working on this
*working on this*
*working on this*
*working on this*
*working on this*