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Pyotr arrived at the Kremlin before the appointed time. Overall, he was feeling pretty good. Pyotr had never been to this club before. In fact, not so long ago, he would have avoided this place like the plague. Back then, he would have been the turkey at Thanksgiving dinner and the patrons those that feasted.
It was a different time though, and he was a different person. He walked with confidence and approached the bouncers. One snickered at the other. "You're expected, weasel-face."
Pyotr just smiled at the man and said "Thanks."
Bas was apparently already here.
He wasn't hard to spot in the club despite the number of people there. All of them were thugs like Bas - the reason why Pyotr would have avoided it. Some were with some skirts - dancing or cuddling. Most were drinking. A few were even drunk.
Pyotr walked towards the table with his new found confidence. He gained a few looks from some of the patrons. He wasn't one of them, and definitely looked out of place, but no one bothered him. Some nodded at him and he nodded back. One man even stepped out of the way for him and Pyotr nodded at him in gratitude. It seemed as if Charlie was right.
Pyotr sat down at the table, summoned power, and flicked Bas with it. "That was for weasel-face"
he said with a grin, and turned to face Aurora, smiling. "Hello Aurora. It's good to see you again."
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Pyotr sat down and before Bas knew it, he'd seized the power and flicked his ear for the weasel-face comment. His eyes narrowed and he went cold. Kid was gettin a little full of himself, looked like. Didn't know where the line was, like a guy who'd won his first fight and thought he could take on anyone. Beat downs were a bitch. Punk was lucky no one else had been able to see the flick.
He prayed and seized the power, a weave of air shoving Pyotr so that he tumbled ass backwards out of his chair. Faces all turned to watch and he said as if concerned, "Whoa man, you alright? Gotta be careful there, son."
He took a sip of his drink, a dry smile on his face. "Accidents can happen anywhere."
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Pyotr saw the weave form and suddenly toppled backwards. Strangely enough, he wasn't embarrassed by it. He just got back up, and sat back down.
He faced Bas and smirked. "Totally fine, thanks for your interest in my well-being."
He grinned. "Let's save a bit for our real fight though. I'm picking things up rather quickly."
His sessions with Charlie were going rather well.
Bas grinned at him. "Nah, we're good man. I got it."
He stood. "What you want?"
and went over to the bar.
Pyotr ordered a beer. He wouldn't drink too much. He had to be ready for mystery guy.
Edited by Pyotr Grigory, Dec 1 2014, 05:05 PM.
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It was 7pm, his wallet buzzed at him. He sighed and had to go. He looked at Aria with a frown. "Du...uh, Aria, I have to go meet my sister. You got this?"
Aria had already scolded him for calling her Duckling once today, he didn't think he should do so again since she had her gun out, the sword he was pretty sure he could stop with the power, the hunted had ended, but they still had some clean up to do, she still didn't look happy but she understood, he knew she did, he could see the light in her eyes. He was getting to read her better with all these hunts they'd been on lately.
It had taken nearly 15 minutes for him to get out, he walked down the blocks and tried to remember the address to which Aurora had given him. He wished he'd been paying attention but he hadn't. He sighed and punched in the Kremlin into his phone and started following the directions it gave him. Turns out it wasn't far. The application said he'd arrived and he looked up see himself standing before THE Kremlin, surely this was not where they were meeting.
Nox searched on the term the Kremlin and found that there was a club called The Little Kremlin in the Red Light District. Fuck! He was going to be late. Nox got the directions and wished for his Jeep. He needed his Jeep. He hopped on the metro and started following the directions.
It was 30 mins past 8 by the time he was at his destination. A nondescript building with two thugs standing guard. Grrrr, Nox growled to himself.
He tried to walk in but a big man with blond hair and large muscles put a hand in front of him. "Invitation only."
Nox grinned down at the man, he was only shorter, that was all the advantage Nox really had. "I'm meeting a girl here."
The man didn't smile, he didn't react or anything, he just asked. "This girl have a name?"
Nox laughed, "Yeah of course she does."
There was a long pause. Nox shook his head. "Oh you wanted her name. Aurora. I'm here to see Aurora."
The man stepped aside. "You are expected."
What the fuck man. He hated thugs.
Nox walked in and rolled his eyes, this looked like this was a type of place Bas would go to. Him and his boys. Nox looked around the club standing just inside the doorway, he didn't fit in here. Why was Aurora here?
Her back was turned, but he knew in an instant that blond head was his sister, he knew without a doubt.
A hand clamped on his shoulder and he grabbed the hand to throw the bastard on the ground just as he turned to see Bas looking at him, a grin on his face. "Hey! Pyotr tell you we'd be here?"
He frowned for a moment. "How'd you get in anyway? You drop my name?"
Nox leveled a look at him as his heart sank back from his throat. "Don't fucking do that when there are people with guns around."
Nox was clearly nervous at this very moment, he stepped away from Bas and looked at him. "Why would Pytor tell me you are here? My sister is here. This is where she told me to meet her."
He looked down at his wallet. "And I'm already late. Not to be rude, but I gotta go."
Nox didn't even bother to wait for his response. He wasn't being rude, but he was overly anxious to see Aurora. As he walked closer he recognized the person sitting with her, from the distance he hadn't paid any mind. No! He was about to get angry when Aurora turned around, her blue eyes shining at him. "Oh hey Nox."
And she turned back around.
It was only an instant and she jumped out of her chair and wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tight. "Simmer down Duckling. I'm okay."
She was crying into his chest. Nox wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight, fully aware they were making a scene. He turned to look at Pyotr and Bas took a seat next to where Aurora had been sitting. Nox had no idea what the fuck was going on, why were his friends with his sister?
Bas had a big grin on his face. "Are you fucking kidding me? Hah!"
He shook his head laughing. "What a crazy world."
Nox was still confused. Why were his friend with his sister? He pushed Aurora away from him and looked down at her holding her shoulders. "Why are you with my friends, Aurora? You tell me you'll meet me, then you are gone by the time I got there. And now, you are with my friends, is this some joke?"
He couldn't hide the building anger, maybe he shouldn't have gone hunting with Aria before meeting his sister, too much outstanding emotions.
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Aurora turned around and looked up and saw Nox's face. "Oh hey Nox."
She turned around and sipped at her beer. And then memories flooded in, it was quick, she remember his calling her, she remembered the plane and the crash, and the damage and then he fell out the plane. Oh my god!
She jumped up and wrapped her arms around him and cried, he could have been dead. And then he pulled her away from him, he was mad, but she couldn't fathom why, and then she frowned. She left him when he called the first time, that had to hurt. She still had so many questions, but right now she just wanted to hug her brother. She glared up at him and he let her shoulders go. She wrapped her arms back around him. "I didn't know who you where. I didn't remember your voice, my phone was encrypted, I didn't know anything."
He sighed and wrapped his arms back around her and it felt so warm. He sat down his and pulled her with him. She could feel the tension easing from his back. "I'm sorry Nox."
She pulled back and looked him in the eye and punched him in the chest. "And that's for blowing a whole in the plane."
He winced, and Aurora saw the memories poor into his head, was that what it looked like when it happened to her? The usual mirth and humor drained from his face. He hadn't known, hadn't remembered. And...
Aurora wrapped her arms around her brother and hugged him, he buried his face in her neck, she knew he was fighting emotions he hated to show specially in front of his friends. "It was an accident. No one but me and you and now these two know what happened. And I don't think OUR friends will tell anyone."
She turned around and picked up her beer and handed it to him. "Here, have mine."
He was a worse mess than when he came in, what had he been doing, so easy to anger like that.
She turned in his lap and faced the other two, and laughed, "Well Sebastian it seems you already know my brother. How'd ya'll meet."
She heard Nox from behind her with some of his usual mirth back. "Bas beat me up. I still owe you on that."
Edited by Aurora, Dec 1 2014, 05:08 PM.
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Pyotr couldn't help but laugh at the uniqueness of the situation. Mystery man was Nox. It was very good to see brother and sister reunited though and it made him happy.
"I told you how I met Nox last night. I met him when I met Bas. He was the other guy that helped me become confident."
Pyotr said after he finished laughing.
Pyotr stood, giving Nox his chair. He then went to the bar and replaced the beer Aurora had given to Nox. He picked up another chair on the way back. He sat down, but allowed others to talk. It was Nox's and Aurora's time, and he didn't want to intrude, but it was heartwarming to see.
Although Pyotr knew about Nox's secret now, he wouldn't tell. It had been an unfortunate accident and he was sure Nox felt bad enough about it. He would listen if Nox wanted to talk, otherwise, he would leave well enough alone.
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Damn but the world was fucking weird. Who'd a thought it? Aurora and Nox. Nox was bein a little bitchy about it, of course. Bas wasn't sure what was up his butt, not really. Far as Bas could see, this was good news.
To Aurora's question, Bas took a long hard pull on his beer before answering, though he flicked an eye at Nox and his comment. If Nox wanted a rematch at Gracie's he could have one. Nox was tough, Bas would give him that. But he doubted Nox could actually kick his ass. Doubt was too weak a word. He knew he couldn't.
Course, they were friends, for the most part. It wasn't personal though. You had to rank everyone you knew. See where you stood in relation to them. Just his way, that's all. You meet a guy and immediately size him up. Once you knew or settled it the usual way, you relaxed and had a drink or three.
Course, with the power, that might be different. He was actually kinda eager to do some fighting that way. He thought about Aurora's new place. Wasn't a bad idea, really. In that fight, Nox probably had the edge, what with his experience and shit. But Bas never let that stop him. He was a quick learner. People might beat him down once or twice, but that just made him work harder.
Where was he? Oh yeah, Aurora's question. "Yeah, Nox was in the gym begging people to beat the shit out of him."
He shrugged with a smile. "What can I say? I'm a nice guy. Gave him what he wanted."
He grinned at Nox. "Afterwards we went out to a club, got into a fight with some punks, made some friends with a few ladies."
Ahh, Alex. It'd had been a few weeks. He should call her. See if she was down for a little slap and tickle.
He took a swig of his beer. "Later on we had some fun down in the tunnels fightin' off some monsters or whatever. It was badass, I'll tell ya."
He looked at Nox questioningly. "You ever find out what those things were? Or where we can find more?"
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Both Pyotr and Sebastian knew Nox, which was really odd, and the fact that they'd all talked about him without knowing the relationship just made the world even smaller.
Aurora hugged her brother one more time and got out of his lap and sat down in the free chair pulling at the fresh beer.
They spoke about monsters. She was curious, like the monsters in her books. There were fleeting memories, but she didn't know really.
"No idea, Aria has no clue. But where to find more, that my friend is easy. Tis where I was before I got here."
Nox grinned at his friend, his humor returned and he was leaning back in his chair on two legs like a guy who hadn't been nearly crying or upset moments ago. But Aurora new her brother, he was hiding something, was keeping something inside, she'd have to ask him later. He looked at her with his serious face. "We need to talk about that later Sis. But right now let's have a good time."
She smiled at Sebastian, "I suppose my brother is also the guy with the whip?"
Aurora grinned at him. "Nox can show you, he can show you the arrows too, and so many other ones."
She looked at Sebastian with a frown, "Though if he shows you you might do worse things than blow up parked cars on the side of the road."
She grinned at him to let him know she was mostly playing. But the power was dangerous. "Nox you should see the place I'll... We'll? be staying. Perfect for some practice."
Sebastian mentioned the ladies and she wanted to frown, but it really didn't matter much, she knew Nox's tenancies and she knew his friends probably felt the same way about women. Though Sebastian had been nothing but nice the whole time where as Nox had a tenancy to treat you how he felt. She hated when he called her Duckling, but she'd grown use to it, he used it as a term of endearment and one of insult, it was all in his town, but Nox mentioned a girl. A girl whom he remembered her name, that was new. She put her chin in her hand and grinned playfully at Nox. "So, who's this Aria?"
Edited by Aurora, Dec 2 2014, 12:27 PM.
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Everything happened too quickly. Aurora remembered him at first sight, why couldn't this have happened earlier, when they both got here, he had many questions, but then Aurora punched him in the chest. "And that's for blowing a whole in the plane."
Nox blinked at her, his world shattered as the memories flooded in. They had been fighting, he was so angry at her, over what he didn't know but he was angry he wanted to yell. He grabbed her arm and the power flowed through him, he wanted to amplify his voice. But the weave didn't work, the concept had been simple, but it grew exponentially with his anger, it punched a hole in the side of the plane. He wasn't buckled in. It sucked him out, he was free falling, he could see the ground rushing up, and the pain. Holy hell the pain.
Aurora watched him, as the memories had come back, she hugged him tightly and it was all that Nox could do to contain the emotions running through his head. The pain, the sadness, the anger, people dead because he was stupid. Nox didn't cry, not even when his mother had died, but since the plane crashed, and he had relived so many memories he wanted to. He held his sister tight, she was alive, she could have died, he should have. All those people dead because of him. He had to sit down. Nox found Aurora's chair and pulled her with him. She cooed after him, like a lost child, and right now he didn't care. She handed him her beer which he dutifully drank.
And being the good sister that she was she changed the topic. Not necessarily a great topic. But still a new one. Nox listened to the retelling of their meeting. He still wanted to know why she was with his friends. But that could wait.
Bas mentioned the monsters, and he knew he had to talk to Aurora about that, to make her official too, it was their reason for coming to Moscow. He also wanted to tell her about Aria. But she asked first in that oh my god my brother has a girlfriend voice she's used like twice.
He grinned back at his sister from across the table. "Aria was with the three of us when we took down the monsters Bas spoke of. She helped me remember things. She's been a big help, we go hunting together, we train together."
He leaned forward and waggled his index finger at her. "And no she's not my girlfriend. I don't think her boyfriend would care too much for the implication. Dangerous and gorgeous but off limits."
He also said that for the benefits of the other two here. He'd defend Aria's honor as easily as he would Aurora's. It was a surprise to him, that thought that way.
He leaned back in his chair lifting it off it's front legs again. "You said someplace we can practice."
He grinned at his sister, "I'd like to see that place. We've been meaning to."
He turned to his friends. "You game?"
Edited by Nox, Dec 2 2014, 01:12 PM.
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Bas sat and listened curiously to them talk. Nox seemed to relax after a bit and pretty soon they were teasing each other. That chick from the tunnels- Aria was it?- she was hot but not his type, really. Oh she'd do for tumble, no question, but she seemed too serious for his tastes.
He like his girls playful and adventurous, easy going. He thought of Alex again and couldn't help but grin. It had been a little while since they'd hooked up. And she liked it when he held the power when they were together. She seemed to let go even more than normal- and that was sayin' something!
He took out his wallet and after a moment of thinking, he started typing. He couldn't help but grin and chuckle to himself as he did so. Now he just needed to get some ice cream, a pitching wedge and some dragonfruit. When he was done, he pushed 'send' and put the wallet on the table.
Nox was talking about the monsters. At his invite, he answered "Hell yeah I'm game. But you gotta show me some of that stuff. The place I set Aurora up with is perfect for that kind of thing."
He looked at Aurora. "You don't mind us crashin your place for a bit, do ya 'sis'?"
It felt easy to call her that. She was just cool that way.
Before she answered, the wallet vibrated on the table. He picked it up and saw Alex had responded. He felt the breath slowly leave his lungs and noticed that his heart rate had sped up. It was kinda hot in here too. He didn't notice the slow smile spreading across his face. Damn that woman. "Can't stay out too late, though, guys. Gots plans."
Edited by Sebastian, Dec 3 2014, 05:32 PM.