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Nox poke him again. He really wasn't going to relent. He wanted Pyotr to join in, and that felt good, but he had nothing to show. He had very little training and could barely control it. He just didn't want to get in their way...or embarrass himself.
But they wanted him to. Despite his thoughts, he needed to get over it. He knew, and maybe playing with Bas, Nox, and Aurora would help. Nox and Aurora started this sibling rivalry thing and Pyotr smiled. It was kind of cool to see.
Pyotr had watched Nox show Bas the whip. That looked scary and Pyotr would probably hurt himself trying it. Bas made a staff instead. Then Nox made a sword. He watched Nox form some more weaves but decided to try a power weapon. He tried Nox's sword. He couldn't get it quite as big, so he had more of a dagger than a sword. Using only air, he didn't attempt to add fire to it.
"like that?"
he said quietly and nervously. He felt insecure about the power around these people who were really good with it.
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Bas watched Nox and Aurora. Whatever amnesia they had, it seemed like they were back to being normal brother and sister, what with the teasing and what not. And while Nox was like Bas in outlook and temperment, Aurora more than held her own with little effort. He got the impression that she was the more deliberate of the two. Prolly had pulled his chestnuts off the fire more than once.
What interested Bas, though, was the manner of sparring they got into. They threw fire and air about at each other as if it were nothing. Funny thing was, while neither he nor Bas could see Aurora's weaves, he had no problem countering them.
Nox wove slowly, as if to make sure that Bas got what he was doing- and he did. He was a quick study. When it came to fighting and whatnot, you came down to one of two groups: the quick and the dead. Bas didn't aim to join that last one any time soon. Death wasn't something he worried about.
He liked the feel of the bo-staff in his hand. He knew it wasn't practical and so made sure to learn what Nox was showing him- especially that sound clap thing. That was awesome. Already he could see great uses for that. His enemies were going to find that things had just gotten a lot harder for them. He almost laughed imagining the looks on their faces.
But the bo-staff would be fun anyway. He loved setting off explosions. But there was nothing like a face to face fight when it was you and the other guy and he was using all his skill and power to get at you and everything was going 1000 miles an hour and if you were to slow or missed that was it. Still...he watched Aurora and Nox. Their's was definitely face to face. And faster too. Or at least it could be if they wanted it to be.
It was a new challenge. He decided he wanted in. Course they were so focused on each other that he decided to get their attention. Carefully he wove the sound clap as best he could. He must not have gotten the air compression exactly right because when he let it go the sound blast flew toward them but some of it also hit him. It hurt, though not really very badly.
He grinned at them. "Hey! What's a guy gotta do to get in on the fun here?"
Hopefully they would remember he was a beginner and go slower. And if not, well....nothing taught you better than being knocked on your ass.
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Aurora watched as Nox easily stopped every weave she'd sent at him. He'd gotten better. She wondered how long he'd remembered he could do these things. She didn't remember a lot, but she did remember that he enjoyed learning the new weaves, experimenting, maybe he'd been doing that without her. It hurt a little, knowing he was going to surpass her, be better without her, but they really did want to learn different things.
A loud sound echoed through the warehouse again. Aurora turned to Sebastian and frowned, he was learning bad habits from Nox. She sighed but smiled, boys would be boys. Without warning she sent a gust of wind at Bas.
The gust made him take a step back and he turned to look at her with a smile, "Again."
Aurora laughed and sent a slightly stronger gust his way. She watched and was surprised when a bar of air pushed her back two steps. Aurora turned to Nox. "Hey no fair Nox."
She threw a fireball at her brother, which he deftly countered with a wall of air that it crashed into, the fire fizzling out and spraying like a pretty flower.
Aurora smiled, this could be fun. She looked over at Pyotr and his fine little dagger, he didn't seem overly confident in himself, maybe this would help. "Hey Pyotr you want to join? Come play with us. We can throw things at Nox. He won't mind, promise."
Edited by Aurora, Dec 10 2014, 11:44 AM.
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Aurora was kind enough to send only weaves he could see the physical manifestations of, which meant he could easily counter them. Fireballs, water spouts, small tornado like things, just things he could see.
Pyotr finally got the message and wove a dagger. Nox grinned. "Perfect, just takes practice."
Nox turned to Pyotr, "And confidence. We were all like you dude, no need to be shy. I've made plenty of mistakes learning all this. You can ask Aurora. I've lost a few eyebrows and some favorite clothes in the whole process."
Loud thunderous noises echoed in the warehouse, when Bas set one off, Nox grinned as it had backfired a little. "Nice try."
Nox saw Bas take a step back and he turned to his sister, she was playing unfair now, there was no way Bas could have countered what he couldn't see. Nox sent a bar of air at his sister with a grin as she threw another gust at Bas, Nox could see the wind stirring the dirt on the ground as it passed.
Aurora called out to Pyotr issuing him an invitation and a challenge. Nox laughed and backed away from his friends and sister. "Bring it!"
He hoped this wasn't a mistake, at least it'd be a challenge, he'd never fought anyone but his sister who could wield the power of the gods, it would be fun. "All I ask is you go slow until we get into it more."
Aurora laughed at him, and threw a fireball at him pretty much indicating she wasn't going to go easy on him. Nox blocked the fireball again with the wall of air, it splayed across the front of his vision leaving that lovely halo affect of burnt retina in his vision.
[[ OOC: Send a few (three or four) weaves at Nox please don't mod his reactions. ]]
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Pyotr smiled at Nox's compliment. It was nice to hear that not only he understood that Pyotr was new at this sort of thing, but actually wanted him to participate despite that. Pyotr let go of his dagger - literally and with the power and it dissipated. He kept the power roaring through him.
Aurora wanted to throw things at Nox and that sounded like a lot of fun. Why not? Pyotr started with a bar of air towards Nox as he backed away from them. He followed it up with another ball of fire and finished by "sending" rain above Nox, attempting to drop water on his head.
For good measure he did the rain thing above Bas too. It was something different - an attack coming from above. He doubted that they would actually get hit, but it would keep them looking.
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Seemed like everyone was game. Bas wasted no time in mixing water, air and fire- a stream of hot steam- at Nox.
Suddenly, he felt droplets from above and saw rain coming down. He looked and saw the weaves were coming from Pyotr. "Dammit Pyotr! This is my suit!"
He wasn't really mad.
But he did make sure to redirect the stream at Pyotr until it billowed around him in large clouds. If he wanted to get people wet then he'd get what was coming from him. After a moment of that, Bas redirected the weave back at Nox. Hope both liked the sauna.
He laughed at how much fun this was.
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Aurora was not surprised that Nox took the challenge, she threw a fireball at his request for slow there was no point in being nice to him. She smiled, he was the one who wanted to fight with this power he was given instead of help.
The three of them against Nox, he was going to get hurt if he wasn't careful. But Aurora supposed it was all part of his attempt to learn, and be the best. He was always like that as a kid. So cocky, so sure of himself, even when he failed it played it off as some kind of success. Nox was funny.
Aurora did as he asked, she didn't go lightly on him. She sent a second fireball at him, after he dissipated the first with the wall of fire. Moments later she hurled a ball of air that didn't touch the ground, it would smack his left arm if he missed it. Aurora couldn't think of something suitable to send so she made the directional thunderclap to stun him, before sending another fireball his direction.
It was a lot to take in, in the time frame they had started. Aurora was ready for any attack he might send, but she didn't think he'd have time to do more than counter the three of them. They had not taken turns exactly, throwing their things at him as they pleased.
Aurora was thankful she could heal, just in case he got hurt too badly. Would be a shame for him be badly damaged for playing a game she started.
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Nox backed up from his friends, distance was a good thing to have, it allowed him to see things a little better, anticipate better, he didn't like up close and personal fighting if he could help it, this was his element.
Aurora and Pyotr wasted no time in sending things his direction. Nox watched as Pyotr formed a bar of air that was flying his way where none had been moments before. Nox grinned, he was a quick learner if he'd just believe it himself. It was almost instinct, Nox didn't slow his actions down as he wove a weave of earth and shoved it down into the earth, pulling up a spire, a pillar of rock from below. It would be hell to clean up later, he hoped there was no hole in the ground but there was now a pillar of dark brown rock standing in front of him as Pyotr's bar of air wrapped around it and dissipated.
It was only a matter of seconds before Aurora's second fireball came at him. Nox took a few steps backwards as he wove a net of air that the fireball crashed into, the steam and the heat from the fireball only feet away from him. Pyotr threw another fireball, Nox saw it forming out of the corner of his eye, he extended the net to block it's trajectory as well.
Without the early warning of a weave forming Nox was unaware of Aurora's next attack, the invisible weave of air slammed into his left arm, almost spinning him completely around. Rain fell from no where soaking Nox, his hair fell flat, his t-shirt stuck to his chest. Disoriented still as a stream of hot and wet air billowed from Bas' direction. Mother...
For whatever reason as Nox turned to face his opponents the steam moved away from him, he watched as Pyotr received the same hot bath. He grinned. Thunder wielded in his direction, Nox knew better than to cover his ears, but the momentary daze left him incapable of reacting too quickly. The stream of steam started back at him, the heat and the moist air making his skin slip with sweat. Nox could feel the ache in his muscles like he'd lifted too much, the power course through him.
Aurora took the dazed moment and a fireball grew as it came at him. There was a moment of panic, but Nox built a wall of air around him, complete dome, he needed to make the assault stop, he quickly tied a weave off, it was something that he didn't think about, it kinda just happened, the shield stayed in place and in the seconds of freedom he wove a blast of air similar to Bas' outside the wall, it wouldn't get as much push from the distance, but it wouldn't hit his wall of air either. The steam smashed against the wall of air, it mingled with the remnants of the fireball Aurora had thrown as well, leaving a steamy visual outside of Nox's protection of air.
Nox sent a continuous blast of air at all three of them, hoping to stop the assault. Nox sat down on the cold concrete floor and focused on his blast of air, it was draining, he could feel the power leeching his strength.
Edited by Nox, Dec 11 2014, 10:51 AM.
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Chaos rained- figuratively and literally- as they threw their weaves around. Bas' heart galloped and he felt nothing but pure joy in the heat of things. Now this was what he was talking about. They were all being careful and making sure not to hurt each other. But he could easily see how what they were doing could be tweaked very easily to become deadly. Add more fire to his steam and he'd be melting the faces off people. Awesome!
It was different than physically fighting in that they weren't moving around as much. But it was just as tiring. And just as amazing. He felt as good as he did when he was with a woman, or on some really good uppers, just flyin by the seat of his pants, winging it. With the power flowing through him, every reaction and feeling and smell and touch and sound and site was amplified a thousand times. It was like nothing he'd ever felt in his life. He laughed out loud. He couldn't help it. He could get addicted to this.
Nox was good though. Suddenly a dome of air appeared and Bas saw it get...tied off? What was that? It was like he didn't have to maintain it and could focus on other things. Now THAT could be useful. He'd have to have Nox show that to him more slowly. Course, now his steam was simply flowing around the dome so he let it go. And then Nox actually sat down!
Was the guy going to take a nap? Nope! A blast of air flew at all three of them and just kept coming, like they were in front of this giant fan that wanted to push them back. He could feel the front of his clothes drying quickly though that just meant they were going to get itchy real soon. He hoped Pyotr hadn't ruined his pants. Probably not. But if he did, well, he'd have something to say about out. He saw Aurora and Pyotr respond the the air and Bas put up his own shield of air to block the the stream.
It reminded him of choking a guy out. You had your arms around his neck, front and back, and were squeezing. They usually got pretty desperate and clawed at your arms, at your face, at anything they could get to. All you could do was hold on and hope that they passed out quickly. Sometimes your arms got pretty gashed up though. Occasionally, a cheek or ear too. But you had to let yourself get hurt so you could be decisive and stop them.
He could try to deflect the stream of air, push back on it with his own. But that seemed to depend on brute strength. There had to be a way to stop the stream, to somehow cut it off. He let his shield go and was blasted once again, and once again he was just trying to stay up. He wove fire at the stream, somehow 'sharp' at one end, and it was blown back. He let it go before he got singed. Nope, that was dumb. He slashed at it with earth and got a face full for the effort. He decided not to try water and went for air. It lessened the blast but didn't stop it, like a hand passing through the air blocking it for a moment. Finally, he tried what Aurora had called spirit, a tiny small amount of it, since he had no clue what it did. He didn't want to get blasted in the face and....he didn't know what would happen. Maybe his face get melted off!
By now the blast was getting weaker- Nox must be tiring- but the slashing with spirit did....something. He felt it....cut a few threads of the air that Nox was weaving. He definitely felt a difference in the blast. Interesting. He wove a larger amount of 'sharpened' spirit and slashed at the weave again. He felt the cut as if it had been a knife cutting through taut fibers.
The stream of air died instantly.
Now that was interesting. He was laughing. "Did you see that?"
he yelled to everyone. He let go of the power. Even with the loss, he felt that after-battle rush that he loved so much. Through the pants for breath, he felt that rush in every part of him and he just felt good.
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There was a lot going on and it was hard to keep track of. It wasn't something he was used to, but he also became distracted by the wet shirt clinging to Nox. At least until he suddenly felt a jet of steamy air hit him from Bas's direction. Pyotr would have rowork on that not getting distracted thing.
He was tiring and he hadn't sone nearly the work that his friends had. At least now he didn't feel embarrassed by it. He was about to send another wave of air at Nox when suddenly a dome of air appeared and Nox did something to it...looked like a knot maybe?
Nox satdown and Pyotr saw a blast of air coming towards him. He tried to shield himself but was too late and he barely kept his balance. "Did you see that?"
Pyotr heard Bas ask.
"I was too busy not falling on my ass. What did you do?"
Bas had dropped the power, but Pyotr held onto it. He could see Nox sendimg something else their way just for the fun of it. Pyotr smiled though. It had been fun.