aka Sky SKIE stands for Secure Knowledge Integration Engine. Sky is currently installed in Nox’s House and his personal wallet. A standalone version disconnected from the internet and the world at large is also housed in the secure Data Center in Aiden Finnegan’s home in Moscow as well as in Read more…

Edwin Roland Dean

Edwin Roland Dean was born on January 9, 2019, in London, United Kingdom, to a family with a military background. His father, a career military officer, inspired Edwin to pursue a similar path. Growing up, he dedicated himself to academic excellence and physical fitness, excelling in sports such as track Read more…

Cadence Mathis

Cadence Mathis was born in 2022 under tragic circumstances. Her mother passed away during childbirth, and her father, Desmond, blamed Cadence for her death. As a result, Cadence faced neglect and emotional abuse throughout her early childhood. Desmond, emotionally distant and filled with resentment, rarely cared for her, leaving Cadence Read more…

Elyse Andersen

Elyse was born into an Atharim family in Helsingør, Denmark. Raised with a combination of traditional education and training in the ways of the Atharim, her family played significant roles in her upbringing. Her mother, a researcher and planner, and her father, a hunter, initially believed Elyse would follow in Read more…

The Andersen Family

The Andersen family was hardly a family of note until Jonas Collin discovered Hans Christian in the year 1819. Hans was born to Hans Andersen, Sr. and Anne Marie Andersen in 1805. They were not wealthy, but were able to get Hans Jr. in a boarding school for the privileged, Read more…

Lalitha Vero

The travelling Vero family, known for their carnival attraction The Vero Sisters, have always deeply valued the birth of twins as a sign of prophecy and fortune. When twenty-odd years ago, Eirini Vero returned home pregnant but alone she was welcomed back amongst them, though only one of her expected Read more…


Emerald green in colour, she sits on a throne and rests her delicate feet on a lotus. Clad in red robes and a garland of flowers, she glows brilliantly, with drops of perspiration on her face that emanate from her own radiance and render her even more alluring. A crescent Read more…


Sura Belaria was born in Seandar. Her father, forming a relationship with a member of the High Blood, was raised to the Low Blood, so growing up, she lived a life of relative ease. As a child, she wanted for nothing, and focused on learning and scholarship. She dedicated herself Read more…


Hosts and hostesses are available for selection, including gender fluid or non-binary with most such individuals are simply referred to as ‘hosts’ in that case. Serving staff are not available for pleasure or purchase. Hosts and hostesses that can channel are the most expensive company. Security and cleaning are managed Read more…

Tatyana Gorodetsky

Tatyana Gorodetsky was born in 2026 to Makari and Nadia Gorodetsky. Her mother passed away when Tatyana was just two years old, leaving her father to raise her alone. Makari, a skilled and loyal man, worked as the head of security for the Vasiliev family, overseeing the safety of their Read more…