Three water guardians inhabit in the earth. They are unique creatures, only one of each kind exist, that must remain submerged in water. They were each tethered to an object, bound for eternity to guard, that was split into three shards. This object was a weapon of devastating potential in the hands of a god, that upon the end of the godwars, was split into three pieces each referred to as a ‘shard’ and separated from one another by great distances around the world.
These shards were given to specific guardians, who either voluntarily or by coercion, were bound to the shard forever. The monsters are sensitive to male channelers, and when one channels in their presence, they will arise to defend the shard by viciously defending their domain.
The first such guardian was seen in In Due Course. It was found and killed by Sören and Declan at Roopkund Lake (aka: “Skeleton Lake”) located in the Himalayan mountains of northern India. Sören found a temple beneath the lake holding all manner of artifacts and treasures, everything bearing some kind of sea motif. But the shard called to him, and he immediately took it for himself. Unfortunately, Declan did not survive the booby traps of the temple, and died of poisonous gas, and Sören lost an eye, (again: poor Odin). The remainder of the temple has yet to be excavated.
“The creature canted its head like a charmed snake. Despite Declan’s assault, its attention was focused on Sören. No, he abruptly realised; on the runes he wove. ”
— Sören, In Due Course

Roopkund "Skeleton" Lake, in northern India is filled with hundreds of perfectly preserved skeletons.
“Something like an altar – empty of crowning glory – thrust from the ground. Stylised waves worshipped its base, tenderly carved sea creatures arching out from the waters. Sören’s hand groped the cool marble. Searching. Until the brush of his touch met something that made the rune sing.”
— Sören, In Due Course
The second guardian was hinted at in Elias’ biography. It killed a boat full of research scientists, including Elias’ uncle, investigating thermal vents in the sea south of New Zealand, close to Antarctica.
According to Elias’ investigation, and an insane scientist that has been locked in asylum at The Guardian for fifty years, the creature was released from its underwater chamber after an earthquake and has been feeding on giant squid ever since, the carcasses of which have been washing up on shore recently.
While in the area, a shipping vessel known as “The Rage” received a distress call from a ship being attacked by a monstrous creature, in The Voyage. The Rage, under the leadership of Captain SynJyn Quick and thanks to the valiant effort of the crew known as ‘The Vikings’ was able to escape by cloaking themselves from the Guardian, although unbeknownst to them, the real reason they escaped harm was because the original channeler that it sensed was now dead, and with the threat alleviated, it slunk back underwater. This story has since been released on the news of the Scroll.
“The Monster rose 100-150 feet out of the water, no idea what was below the ocean. It’s 2 arms ended in hands, to finger and then to claws, there was a hint of several tentacles splashing around the creature. The head seem to flatten near is top, slopping back into a point, it was made to swim under water. ”
— SynJyn, The Voyage

“For a good minute that drew out into infinity, the Monster nor the crew moved, SynJyn was sure no one breathed. ”
— SynJyn, The Voyage
“Time froze on “The Rage”, as the lump in the monsters throat, that once was living human beings, was swallowed whole, lower and lower until disappearing into the beast stomach.”— SynJyn, The Voyage
“The water turned black before something flashed before his eyes. Ice erupted in his face and pain lanced through his right hand. ”
— Tony, A New Life
The third guardian has been even more elusive. It sleeps in the Moscow River and only a shadow of it has been seen beneath the frozen ice, darting with incredible speed. Rumor says it is a shark that swam upstream from the Baltic or Caspian Sea. However, locals call the creature a Rusalka, the spirit of the river guardian with a bloodlust that must be satiated with sacrifice. It was chased by Elias, Tony and his crew in A New Life and has not been seen since.