Alek Brandon
Founder and President, Brandon Oil

Founder of Brandon Oil, Alek built the company into one of the greatest energy corporations in North America. He committed suicide the day after he was forced out of the company when it was restructured after falling on hard times. He was Nikolai Brandon’s father.
His dark hair was peppered with gray, prematurely turned from the stress of intense work. Much of his bearing and mannerisms were passed on to his son, who idolized him.
He was 45 at the time of his death.
Then the decade’s supernatural boom ended poorly for his father’s energy company, which was, by then, a multi-billion dollar corporation. An offshore rig exploded; employees were never recovered and the spillage seeped into cold Alaskan waters. Then the first of several unseasonal hurricanes destroyed Gulf refineries. The cost of production skyrocketed. Contracts were revoked. The media demonized their profits and the public retaliated by abandoning their stock. When legislation for Alaskan expansion was withdrawn, laws which the company staked their future upon, majority shares were purchased by key members of the board. Restructure was announced, and Alek Brandon, founder and president of Brandon Oil, was locked out of his own building. The next day he put a gun to his head. A box of his personal effects from his office had been delivered that morning.
Biography | The Ascendancy, Nikolai Brandon