Itzpapalotl was a deity in Aztec mythology, known as the “Obsidian Butterfly.” She was a fearsome and complex figure associated with warfare, darkness, and death. Itzpapalotl was often depicted as a skeletal goddess with butterfly wings made of sharp obsidian blades. She was believed to dwell in Tamoanchan, the paradise of the gods, and was associated with the stars, particularly the morning and evening stars.
Itzpapalotl was also connected to fertility and rebirth. She was believed to have the power to resurrect the souls of warriors who died in battle and transform them into butterflies. In this aspect, she represented the cyclical nature of life and death.
In Aztec rituals and ceremonies, Itzpapalotl was honored as a powerful and formidable deity. She was often associated with the earth, storms, and the sacrificial aspect of Aztec religious practices. Itzpapalotl was sometimes depicted as a companion of the sun god, Tonatiuh, and was considered one of the divine guardians of the underworld.
6th Age
Itzpapalotl was born in a brothel and subjected to unspeakable abuse, repeatedly being raped at the capricious whims of men. She was 15 when she first channeled. A group of customers had paid for the use of her one evening and in her fear and rage she channeled, ripping their hearts from their chest. From that time on, the only way she could wield her power was when a bloody heart had been ripped still beating from a living chest. She became the protector of poor and destitute windows and girls, but the price was always a bloody heart of a man.
In the First Age, Itzpapalotl was reborn as Ayden Hayes