
He was the oldest son of Ged and Nut, brother of Set and husband of Isis. Together, he and Isis were beloved rulers of Egypt, and they had a son, Horus. Under his rule, civilization flourished, agriculture prospered, and the Egyptians were taught the arts of law and culture. In Read more…

Elsae Aloise

Elsae hailed from Jarra, a small village in Ghealdan, nestled close to the Amadician border—an area often frequented by Whitecloak patrols. When her twin sister was struck by a dangerous fever, Elsae claimed she had healed her, boasting that she had done so like an Aes Sedai, saving her sister’s Read more…

The Keres

The lineage of the Keres traces back to Nyx, the primordial goddess of the night, a being feared even by Zeus, the king of gods. Born of Chaos, Nyx was a deity of such grandeur and dread that even the mighty Olympians shied away from her dark veil and treated Read more…

Emily Shale

Emily Shale was born to Martin and Victoria Shale on December 25th, 2020. Growing up in a wealthy family, she wanted for nothing, but still developed her parents love for hard work. She went to a private school and was very successful. As a child, she proved to be clever Read more…


Isis was perhaps the most important goddess of all Egyptian mythology. During the course of Egyptian history, Isis assumed the attributes and functions of virtually every other important goddess in the land. Her most important functions, however, were those of motherhood, marital devotion, healing the sick, and the working of Read more…

Giovanni Cavelli

Giovanni is quiet and reserved, but often enjoys creating chaos in situations – usually to assist with drawing attention away from himself while he is stealing. Due to his past, he is cautious (often paranoid), and slightly mentally unstable. Seeing an ouroboros often causes paranoia and triggers a twitch in Read more…


I am Yesterday, I am Today, I am Tomorrow which has not yet come. Set was the younger son of Ged and Nut, and brother of Osiris. His wife was Nephthys, but he kept Tawaret as his consort. Set was a powerful and often frightening deity, however he was also Read more…

Oleander Haart

Oleander is the sister of Ephraim Haart, though the two no longer speak. Like him she is of Irish descent, pale-skinned, with strawberry blonde hair. Her eyes are wide and heavily-lidded, a greyish hazel, one splashed with more green than the other. There is something haughty and aristocratic to her Read more…


Matalina wasn’t always her name. She had been born Kayla San, born to Mikal and Ileen San, a well off merchant family. Mikal traveled the Silk Path for years before the Aiel War and sold and collected many trinkets from the Sharan people. Illeen was a good seamstress and used Read more…

Cari Namere

This is the elaborate cover story for Matalina‘s new identity — Cari Namere. Cari was born to Flan and Rita Laenael in a small town in Cairhein. The Laenael family owned a small farm where they grew herbs and other plants for sell at market. There was little to no Read more…