phoe·nix /ˈfēniks/
(in classical mythology) a unique bird that lived for five or six centuries in the Arabian desert, after this time burning itself on a funeral pyre and rising from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle.
According to Atharim lore, a Phoenix is a specialized channeler who typically masters the art of Illusion to project the fiery bird of legends. They are skilled with fire and healing — a rare combination.

Excerpt from an Old Atharim Journal
[translated from an ancient dialect of the Arabian desert to Hebrew then into English]
Today, I came across a unique being. Rumors of the fire bird drew me towards the lair where I only found a young girl, only thirteen. She was naked as the day she was born, covered in ash. The locals warned me of the cave, but I went anyway. They feared the creature in the cave, but yet there were offerings and I was told thanks left at its mouth. This girl was not a girl, they said. She was the big fire bird they saw every night. The thing that they worshiped. She took one look at me and the fire curled in her tiny hands. My arrow landed true, but I was scarred for life from the bolt she threw at me. Thankfully, my guide pushed me out of the way, taking the brunt of the sacred flames — though he did not rise from the ashes as I expect he expected. Dead was dead.