The First Age

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I wanted to share that I updated the Wiki on Manifesto

I hope the expanded description and pictures help explain the atmosphere better. Particularly the differences between Block 1 and Block 2 (the two lounges attached to Manifesto's dance club).
Wow! That looks amazing!!

On the other end of the spectrum, I just added a bit on the "hole" bar XD
(03-07-2023, 02:33 PM)Thalia Wrote: [ -> ]Wow! That looks amazing!!

On the other end of the spectrum, I just added a bit on the "hole" bar XD

You're welcome (for naming it the hole). *bows
You didn't, but okay *patpat*
Okay I'm doing the obligatory updates to things on the wiki. First up is Nox If I missed your character and you want to be included let me know I didn't always summarize my threads with names. I will add full names of acquaintances later That was a lot of work looking names up lol. I'll do more later I'm sure. Have a few ideas but that's enough for tonight.
Oh yay!

BEST friends? That makes Thalia so happy lol.

Did you do some updating too? I can see the font previews now which let me tell you is so much easier than randomly picking until I find one I like haha.
Yeah I updated the theme and a plugin that were not auto updating.

I also installed the ability to search for stock photos in the media center of you are looking for not people specific images
Updated Sage and Cyberpoint and fixed Dr Macil's links
Updated some random pages of old formatting to new formatting.

Sierra's page got redone too.
Sierra's page definitely needs pictures of her wolf companions!
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