The First Age

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Sure thing. I've made place holder pages for Andre and Odysseus. If you want a different picture for Andre let me know, I just used your avatar.

CK, you realise this means Marcus needs one now, right?
Updates (or, how the wiki stole Thal's soul). I'm going to list everything I can think of that's gone up fairly recently. In all probability I will have missed something. Not gonna include my own pages where I've just fiddled with layout and such.

New Pages:

Corele Taravin (3rd Age watch-this-space)
3rd Age (Alternate Timeline) 
Adrian Kane 
Alethea (2nd Age Thalia)
Arikan (3rd Age Adrian)
Auden Thayn (3rd Age Soren)
Daryen Daimon (3rd Age Seven)
Echidna (6th Age Visha)
Miraseia (3rd Age Thalia, WIP)
Talin Sedai (npc in the 3rd Age plot)
Trista Alquin (3rd Age character)
Sothis (5th Age Thalia, WIP)
Elly (3rd Age character)

Updated Pages:

Ascendancy - pretty new pics 
Hades - pretty new pics and some expanded info, including a new toy for Lethe
Jai Asad Kojima - includes a bunch of new pages for his family, too. The brothers have faces!
Lethe - expanded on 6th Age life, and added some other alias in the dream (linked pages), because the girl got around
Lythia Krean - general update plus pretty new pics
Menthe - expanded on 6th Age life. Sadness
Morpheus - updated generally
Nyx - expanded 6th age life, added pictures, and info on Nyx's research vacuoles
Paragon Group - expanded on HQ details
Ephraim - more detail generally
I really should do work on mine. What I do have are just bios lol.. Nothing more. But I also don't have long age histories either. I feel lacking lol.
I forgot I did a page for Elly too

I only really do the previous age stuff for my own entertainment. The only one it's remotely relevant for is Thalia/Nimeda since in the dream she remembers bits and pieces. And I guess slightly Nyx since that's relevant to the Baikal research setting.

Honestly, I just like somewhere to add pictures lol.

You know you're more than welcome to join the alternate 3rd age timeline stuff if you ever want to.
I know. But not really interested in retelling someone elses story if that makes sense. Nox says 'don't tempt her, she's supposed to be writing new storieson *MY* blog'.

Been a while since I've played in WoT proper. I like the modern settings.
But tempting is what I DO bwahahaha. Might be a nice way to resurrect Aurora one day Tongue

But I get you. I missed the WoT setting which is why I brought back Nythadri.

Now I have the wiki (mostly) out of my system I should probably get back actual posting lol
It's a thought.
The Moirai
Helena Asquith
Melinoe (update)
3rd Age NPCs
Colette Moreau
Leon Corlinson
Elias Donovan

No particular order. May have missed some...

Almaz (update)
Vena (update)
The Facility

Update - had to move some pictures and descriptions around in the Kremlin page. There were some items wrongly identified. 

Update - The entrance to the Facility is in an unmarked elevator system accessed in the Arsenal (military) building.
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