The First Age

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(09-24-2023, 08:08 PM)Ascendancy Wrote: [ -> ]I'll take this question. XD

My initial concept for the First Age as a site was based on asking myself a very similar question. The Dragon and the Dark One were the pivotal elements that drove the wheel of time on "their side" of the wheel. I thought to myself, what drives the wheel of time on the "other side" of the wheel? For instance, during the other Ages where the Dark One cannot touch the Pattern, what drives the Wheel of Time forward? What makes each Age distinct from the others? 

That led me to the idea of a figure who is the opposite of the Dragon. Where the Dragon saves the world and is a hero of the Light, how about on the opposite side of the Wheel, there is a figure of darkness whose actions condemn the world instead of save it. That led me to create the tale of Hades/Nikolai, who is the driving force on "our side" of the Wheel. A figure whose purpose and actions are a counter-balance to the power and the Pattern of the Dragon. Obviously it's not as high stakes since the Dark One is not involved, but his purpose is to herald the return of Channelers and "reset" the Wheel so that we can prepare for the upcoming Age of Legends, which then of course introduces the Dragon.

I based this off the quote that RJ said that the Dragon was reborn in other ages, but in them, he can be a complete nobody.

In addition, I wanted to specifically not include book characters in the mythos of our site out of respect for RJ's intellectual property. That's why I am all about the "NOT-Forsaken" souls and prefer de novo characters. Furthermore, I specifically excluded the idea of a Dragon in the Ages that we include in our world building for that very reason.

I've done the this PC is the Dragon.  Hell my character has been one of the three Ta'veren too.  I personally like when we take the concept and make it our own, focus on our story.  I am grateful that the First Age exists. I get to write in a world I understand well, and I get to write in a made up world where my character can fling fire at a thought.  This is our story.  We shape it. 

(OOPs... so not meaning to post as Ashton but I'm not retyping it -- change post author for the win!)
Thanks for doing the Vale, Rune, and Spectra pages! Heart  They're really cool.  Cool
Dammit I knew I forgot to list some of the new ones >_<


Rune Marx
Spectra Lin

I'm new, so I am not sure if I'm eligible or not, but I wondered if I could create a Wiki page for Alistair. The Wiki pages I see are fantastic.

If so, what process do I follow? If not, I understand. I'll keep plugging away until I am worthy. *bows*

Thank you!
You absolutely can.

Let me see how I to get you an account cause I totally forget. You can play all you want.

I need an email address and I can create an account for you.
I appreciate your help! 

Wiki posted:
(11-08-2023, 02:33 AM)Alistair Bishop Wrote: [ -> ]I appreciate your help! 

Wiki posted:

V e r Y  N i I c E
The Finn page is most excellent I love the picture chosen for Ashton I might have to steal it at one point for an Avatar lol.
Not as detailed as most pages (as per my usual) here is some basic pages for The Vegas and Jivana.
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