Butryka is a prison located within Moscow. It was originally a central transit prison used during Tsarist Imperial Russia built during the 1600’s. During Soviet times, it held many political prisoners and was notorious for over-crowding. To be remanded to the prison was essentially equivalent to a death sentence. If one survived the brutal conditions, then rampant disease would likely condemn the rest.

The detention center is located near the center of Moscow, just north of the Kremlin. Access to the main entrance is available through unmarked passageways wide enough for only one vehicle at a time.

There is an inner fortress comprised of four corner towers. An outer, open- walk way surrounds the fortress proper. Offices, security, medical, and other logistics are housed in a perimeter, outer building that more face the public. A crematory building sits at the very center of the complex separated by green space. The square building is capped with a gold dome.
From outside, the building is rather attractive. The walls are made of bright red brick so common in the city’s architecture. Gleaming white marble surrounds the windows and octagonal towers. However, the building is mostly obscured by office buildings, restaurants, and apartments on the streets in front of it. If one peeks between allies or stands at just the correct angle, the design of what lurks hidden in plain site is visible. The towers are occasionally viewable from the correct angle.
The only way to access the prison are through narrow allies marked with red signs indicating not to enter or wrong-way. Otherwise, these narrow passageways seem to be more likely to carry trash trucks or similar infrastructure the public generally ignores.
A green space park occupies one corner of the block. Attractive iron fencing surrounds the park, blocking access. Locals understand the true purpose of the park, even if they appreciate the greenery in the middle of the city. It does perk up the street a lovely bit.

Inmates may be housed in one of three types of enclosures: blocks, cells, and solitary.
The typical cell is a 4×4 meter square. They are most commonly located in the four corner towers. They are designed to hold two individuals, but may hold up to 20 during times of overcrowding.
The typical block is a rectangular room meant to hold 10 people. It has steel-reinforced bunk beds and benches. Some blocks come with an old television. Overcrowding conditions may house up to 100 people in a room meant to occupy 10.
Solitary conditions are unimaginably brutal. These spaces are located in an undisclosed location within (or under) the complex.
Channeler detention will be maintained utilizing the Oculus band developed in this thread (Saving Jay).
“Tell me about the Oculus,” he said, lifting a biometal band from her desk and turning it in his hands. Made of copper, the fibermetal was flexible as cloth until an electric charge was placed through the meshwork. A small flick of a nano-lithium, biosourced battery and the metal flexed into shape harder than steel, fixed into the shape it held prior to the electric pulse. In that regard, it maintained any shape desired. For their purposes, it was formed into a circle.
Zacarías Amengual – Saving Jay
“We’ve successfully retrofitted the Oculus to infuse a constant transdermal pulse of serum. This will eliminate the need for regular injections so long as the Oculus is flush with the skin. Think about nicotine patches of old. Put it on the skin and the drug will be absorbed, but with an upgrade, of course. It won’t rip off like a shitty bandaid.” She smiled proudly. The technology was originally designed to replace mesh and balloon angioplasty for opening clogged arteries. The electrical potential was derived from the human bioelectricity conversion, so once placed, it was indefinitely sustainable.
Dr. Opal Von Stein, Saving Jay
Channeler detention
There are current plans in place to build out the complex from within for conversion to a Facility-like level of channeler detention. Given the facility’s precarious position, it will likely remain a research space and base of operations for the Rods of Dominion, among other military needs, but dangerous channeler criminals will be placed in Butryka in the future. This puts distance between them and the Kremlin while also providing appropriate access, monitoring, and security.
The future of the center will blend the state-of-the-art design of the Facility on the interior with the brutal, undesirable conditions of historical reputation.