Evelyn Avalon
Reborn Goddess: Persephone
Age: 26
Birthday: November 1st, 2019
Hometown: Aberdeen, South Dakota
Occupation: Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from South Dakota’s 3rd District
Color Aura: pink and teal
Evelyn is young and idealistic. She was elected the youngest member of the 119th Congress, and ran her campaign mostly through online and crowd-sourced fundraising. She had a vlog-channel that explained socialist politics, and once she turned 25 she figured that she might as well try it out herself. She never expected to become an overnight viral sensation, and was extremely baffled by her success. Therefore, she’s somewhat humble and has a very ‘aww shucks, me?’ attitude at first. However, she’s very much a true believer, and reached political success without having to go through the drudgery of fundraising and kissing-up that most candidates do. Therefore, she’s passionate about using government to make a difference in the lives of ordinary Americans, and willing to step on toes to get her way. During her past year and half in Congress, her idealism has been dampened somewhat. The constant struggle of trying to get enough votes to pass legislation was eye opening to her. She’s learning to play the political game more, although she keeps an upbeat and hopeful attitude.

While Evelyn is has genuinely altruistic motives in politics, she had a bit of a spoiled upbringing. She was raised in upper-middle class household, and has never really had to struggle for success. She’s a bit entitled and deep down, she feels like the success she’s experienced is her due. While she would never openly claim ambitions of holding higher elective office like the Speakership or Presidency, it’s only natural for the media to speculate about the bright future of such a young star. And of course, in her heart of hearts she fully expects to someday ascend to those high positions.

Supernatural abilities

As a Catholic, Evelyn got through the Sickness by sequestering herself in prayer, and opening her heart to Jesus. She considers her gifts a blessing from God, and herself to be one of Jesus’ chosen prophets. She channels God’s gift through prayer. While she’s praying and saying Hail Maries, or clutching her crucifix, she can weave spells using God’s power.
The Wheel of Time
1st Age – Evelyn Avalon is a member of the US House of Representatives whose childhood crush on the Ascendancy leads her to falling in love with him upon meeting him in person. Sensing the soul that she loved so dearly in the 6th Age (Hades), she feels a strong pull toward the Ascendancy in this life. The arc of her life leads her to blindly follow love to dire consequences for the world.
2nd Age – She is a female Aes Sedai (name unknown) who eventually becomes Amyrlin during the time of the drilling of the bore and eventual War of Power. She tried to ally with the Tamyrlin, but she fundamentally disagrees with the choices of the male Aes Sedai. Due to the echo of her life from the 1st Age, she is extremely wary of all men and never married in all her long years.

3rd Age – She is a small town country girl who was never satisfied with the small, country life. She felt she was meant for so much more. She eventually goes to the White Tower and is raised to the Amyrlin Seat at a very young age. She is instrumental in helping the White Tower survive the Last Battle. She is inherently mistrustful of men and defies her heart when it pulls her toward love.
6th Age – She is born as Persephone, who fears the mundane life that basically relegates her to the status of an agricultural nymph. When she beheld Hades in all his glory for the first time, she was awe-struck. The attraction was immediately returned. They absconded Mt. Olympus and she became Queen of the underworld as the wife of Hades. It is this life that she is happiest, although her personal happiness is sacrificed for the better of society since she must leave the underworld six months out of the year.