Ignis Caleum Gaidin
Born in Arafel, Ignis faced the dangers all Borderlanders faced, and it was expected of him to at the very least learn how to fight. His father, a Captain of the Guard, taught him the sword starting at a young age. Like most Arafellins, he eventually switched to using two swords. He grew quickly, planning on joining the Guard himself as soon as he could. His father always told him to keep his honor and he did his best to live by that.
At 18, Ignis joined the guard and excelled. A believer in courage and honor, he fought always to protect his people. He specifically requested to not be assigned to his father’s unit, wanting to avoid all thoughts of nepotism. He would earn his way up the ranks on his own merits. By 24, he was approached to lead his own squad, a promotion he eagerly accepted.

The night of his promotion, Ignis would celebrate at a local tavern. He drank too much, got drunk, and didn’t wake up in time for his first shift as Squad Leader, his squad, leaderless, showed up late to their formation, but none of them were held responsible. A messenger was sent to awaken the still drunk Ignis and bring him for his judgment.

Brought before the military leaders of Arafel, he was tried and convicted for his neglect of duties and sent to the brig. He admitted to his crime and accepted punishment without question. Ashamed, he resigned as soon as he was released, pulled the Arafellin bells from his hair, bought a horse, and left Arafel. His honor stained, he went into the world to regain what he had lost.

Kira Valyrios
In his travels, Ignis would eventually meet Kira Valyrios, an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. Their meeting would lead Kira to believe that despite his past failings, he had learned from his mistake, and she would ask him to become her Warder. From that moment on he would stand by her side.
Other Lives
1st Age: Edwin Dean