Orisha of the Hunt and Justice

Ọ̀ṣọ́ọ̀sì, or Ochosi, is the Yoruba spirit associated with the hunt, forests, animals, and wealth. He is spirit of meals, because it is he who provides food. He is associated with lightness, astuteness, wisdom, and craftiness in the hunt. He is the orisha of contemplation, loving the arts and beautiful things. He hunts with a bow and arrow (called an ofá), hunting for good influences and positive energies.
Ochosi shares symbiotic relationships with other Orishas, notably Shango, the Orisha of thunder and lightning, and Eshu, the trickster and messenger deity. Together, they form a trinity known as the “Ibèjì,” emphasising the interconnectedness of their energies and the balance required for cosmic harmony.