Orisen Kaelix

Orisen was an Aes Sedai when the bore was drilled and the Collapse of the 2nd Age began. He had been a cultural leader and crafter of services, a wise man to whom those seeking their path of service consulted for appointments that best fit their aptitude and personality. Orisen Read more…


A goddess of love, war, and fertility, Inanna was also associated with beauty, sex, divine law, and political power. The Sumerians were an enlightened and peaceful society known for their development of writing, advanced architecture, and innovations in agriculture, trade, and governance. Though channelers were allowed to hold power, it Read more…

Wilevron Sorioago

Wilevron “Wil” Sorioago is a High Lord of Tear and the living embodiment of depravity. Driven by a psychopathic nature, he finds perverse joy in his life as a Darkfriend. Wilevron isn’t just evil by circumstance; he’s evil by choice, relishing in pain he inflicts upon others. To him, superiority Read more…

Matías Ángel Amengual

Matías is the youngest son of the Nicaraguan cartel leader, André Amengual. As a young child, he had no awareness that his family was different from others. Yet during this time, visions of terrible things plagued his dreams, and while he yearned for his mother, it was his niñera who Read more…

Rākṣasa Hatyārā

In this part of the world they call us rākṣasa hatyārā, the light that keeps the darkness at bay […] The lamas are the vital intermediaries between the human and spirit words, and we are its protectors. We are mediators and guardians, our presence venerated, for though we are trained Read more…

Sajir Nareth

“Into the heart he thrusts his sword, into the heart, to hold their hearts. Who draws it out shall follow after. What hand can grasp that fearful blade?” Sajir was born and raised in Arafel. He had large, dark eyes and long, dark hair often worn with a braid or Read more…


He was the god of intelligence, rebirth, and self-reflection, and a patron of priests opposed to human sacrifice venerated by other gods of his pantheon. His aura color is a royal purple that’s so bright it looks like cobalt blue.  Quetzalcoatl was born in Aztlán, the ancestral home of the Read more…


He had a body of beryl, a face like lightning and his eyes like torches of fire, and his arms and feet shining like burnished bronze; and his voice of words was like the voice of a crowd. Gabriel was considered to be the most “human” of the Archangels, often Read more…

Heroes of the Horn

The horn itself has had many names over the Ages, including the Gjallarhorn and the Horn of Valere. Those who perform heroic deeds in their lifetime may be bound to the horn, and are summoned when it is blown. Only dead souls heed the call. Between lives they exist in Read more…

Cruz Vega

Heir apparent to Emilio Vega at Jivana Industries . He is currently VP of R&D while he finishes his degrees at Moscow University. Cruz is working on a project that meld Channeling with Technology to create a fully noninvasive scanning system with holographic interface for diagnosing medical issues of the Read more…